Who is The Unhealthy INFP?


Who is the unhealthy INFP? And why should you be weary of them? The unhealthy INFP is definitely a force to record with. Generally INFPs love to spend time alone due to their introverted nature. They are also intuitive feelers who perceive the world around them. 

This personality type prefers spending time on their own and having a feeling function. They aren’t the best at following facts and tend to lean more into ideals. Due to their feeling function too, it is no surprise they can be emotion based when making decisions.

This personality type is less organized and a lot more spontaneous in nature. They have amazing qualities such as caring and non judgmental but they can be sensitive and can have problems expressing themselves.

The INFP has weaknesses that could lead to them being unhealthy. Let’s take a look.

Traits  of The Unhealthy INFP 

Here are important traits you can’t miss if you’re trying to identify an unhealthy INFP. 

1. Overly Sensitive

The unhealthy INFP will have their introverted feeling even more pronounced than before. They become overly sensitive to issues and withdraw into their shells. This means they can be easily offended, behave immature and even judgmental which is odd for them.

When they are called out, they run into their shells and stay away from others. They begin to think they are better than other members of society.

2. Cannot Handle Criticism 

One of the weaknesses of the unhealthy INFP is that they struggle with taking in criticism, no matter how constructive it might be or the intent. This is because they become overly self-conscious of what others think about them. This can be a problem for their growth along the way. 

They also struggle with accepting failures and disappointing people due to their sensitive side. This can make them feel less than enough instead of learning from their mistakes. 

3. Difficulty Expressing Themselves 

One of the major problems faced by the unhealthy INFP is that they struggle with expressing themselves. Even when necessary. Remember that the INFP is an introvert and will tend to be reserved but this goes up a notch when they are unhealthy. 

They can find it difficult to express themselves, talk about and share information about themselves. All this can be terrible when this information is needed. They constantly run away from people knowing them. 

4. They Forget The Finer Details 

The unhealthy INFP will have problems with their perception and it can mean they miss out the details that bring the picture together. It can be attributed to any part of their lives and this needs to be worked on as this flaw can cause more damage in the future. 

Their perception eventually gets warped and affects their interactions with people. One way to work on that is writing down in a journal or planner.

5. They Shelf Their Needs 

Always thinking about others at the detriment of your needs is an unhealthy sign this personality type has. They constantly want to care for people and be on their good side so much that they get burnt out or exhausted. 

This can affect their growth and can leave them vulnerable to people they place above themselves.

6. They Become More Introverted 

The unhealthy INFP will become more introverted as stated earlier. They begin to hide away from people when they feel any form of vulnerability. So when they are going through a hard time, it can be difficult to see them outside their space. 

And when they do talk to people, it can give them a long recharge time. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing but it becomes that when they start being a shadow of themselves, locking up their emotions or hiding from it. Sometimes all you need is a good rant.

Read: What To Know About The Unhealthy ISTJ

Work For The Unhealthy INFP 

Just because the INFP is unhealthy doesn’t mean they can’t get back on their feet. There are various ways that can help them achieve this. Here are 3 most important ways.

Being Around Those You Love

When you’re around people, it becomes a lot easier and lighter to carry the burgers that plague your heart. One way the unhealthy INFP can turn their life around is by being around people. And not just anybody but those that they love and those who love them too. 

When you’re around your loved ones, you get reminded that you are more than so much and there is a place where you can get happy.

Be Intentional About Your Life

One way to help yourself as an unhealthy INFP is by being a lot more intentional with your life and making necessary lifestyle changes. This could be working out, eating healthier, journaling, practicing some yoga, etc. when you make these changes, you’re bound to see a difference. 

Another unhealthy INFP trait is procrastination.  Working on that can make all the difference. I know it’s said a lot that all these can help your mental health and for good reason too. 

Consider Therapy 

Sometimes what you need is simply professional help to get you back on your feet. Most times the problems that plague an INFP could be traced back to their childhood. Unresolved childhood trauma can manifest into other things especially in adulthood. 

Visiting a licensed therapist can do a lot of good as they can help trace the source of your habits, emotions and actions. They can help you incorporate better lifestyle changes that can help you become healthy again.