Who Is The INFP female – What To Know


Who is the INFP female and that makes them so great? The INFPs are generally known to be interesting people in their own right. They are known for their kind and gentle nature. They are also known to be intelligent. 

Just like every other introverted type, they treasure their alone time and want to be in the solitude of their own self. They also crave emotional fulfillment and this applies to the INFP female as well. In this article we will have a look at what the INFP female is made of, how rare they are, their strengths and weaknesses as well as how they perceive love and relationships. Shall we? 

Read: INFP Girlfriend: The Complete Guide to Understanding Her

How Rare Is The INFP Female?

INFP females are pretty rare. There aren’t many INFPs in the world making up just 4-5% of the world’s population. This makes the INFP female even smaller. There are generally more male INFPs than female INFPs.

What Is The INFP Female Enneagram Type

The INFP female can be just about any enneagram type on the chart but they are mostly a type 4. They can also be more of type 5 and type 9. Their enneagram type affects how they view the world and gives way to individual differences. 

When they are a type 4, they become more emotional but logical when they are a type 5. When they are an enneagram 9 for example, they become less independent and a lot less introverted. They develop a more social side.

Although the INFP can share similar characteristics, their enneagram can cause some differences. 

Strengths of The INFP Female

1. They Are Independent

The INFP female is a very independent woman who thinks they can achieve anything they put their mind to. Both the good and bad, they try to navigate it on their own or with little to no help.

They do not like when their individuality or independence is under attack so they act accordingly.

2. They Are Creative And Curious

One of the most fascinating thing about the INFP is how creative they are. This can be attributed to the fact that they are in touch with their feelings, quite intuitive and have a curious side to them. They tend to excel in field like designing, writing etc .

Considering they are usually a type 5 which aids in their curiosity, they seek out ways to be better at what they do. Finding their limits and what they can achieve. 

3. They Are Caring

The INFP female is very caring. It is important to know they are feelers and this draws people to them. They are a safe haven for so many people in their lives. They are also very empathetic. 

This is why they also excel in careers that require that such as doctor, nurses and physicians. You can’t help but love them. 

4. They Are Non-Traditional

The INFP females tend to go against the norm and are not traditional in nature. In fact, they have very little respect for it and want to run things their own way and how they deem fit

Sure everyone else is doing it but this doesn’t mean they have to. They prefer calling the shots and forging their own paths.

Weaknesses of The INFP Female 

1. They Are Very Sensitive 

INFP females can come off as too sensitive. This is because they are feelers who come with a sensitive nature. This makes it difficult for them to accept criticism or spiral when they know someone doesn’t like their ideas. 

When eating thinkers, they can be faced with blunt conversations which they do not handle well and they end up withdrawing into their shell. But understanding this doesn’t come from a place of hate can be one way to overcome this weakness. 

2. They Can Be Detached 

The INFP females are very introverted and can come off as detached to those around them because they need a lot of alone time. Their alone time is what helps them with their creative process and to recharge. If they don’t get this, it could be a problem. 

They can result in self isolation in order to recharge as much as possible and this can lead them to be distant in their relationships. 

3. They Have Unrealistic Standards

This can be a good thing to have high standards but it can also have its flaws when it is unrealistic. For one they hold everyone around them to unrealistic standards and get sad/mad when they don’t meet their expectations. This never ends well as humans have their own uniqueness and are bound to make mistakes. 

If their romantic partners can’t meet up with their expectations, they start withdrawing and feeling disappointed which can lead to the end of the relationship. 

The INFP Females In Romantic Relationships

If you’re dating an INFP female or planning on dating one, here are important things you do not want to miss.

  1. They appreciate a whole lot of romance. You can’t claim to love them if you aren’t romantic. Romance for them means kind and meaningful gestures. So finding her love language and speaking it abundantly goes a great deal in helping.
  2. They love and appreciate having deep conversations and quality time. They love when someone cares for them so much they want to talk about everything. The INFP female wants you to bare  yourself to her.
  3. They encourage proper communication and love an honest partner. If you are someone who doesn’t go straight to the point, this can be a deal breaker for them. They love a straightforward, calm and collected partner.
  4. When they love you and care about you, this personality type is in for the long run. They prefer commitment and long term relationships than fleeting romances that mean nothing. So if that’s not what you want, it is important to let them know. 
  5. If you are dating an INFP female, you have found yourself a good partner who is extremely supportive and very loyal. They do not mind being there for you and you have to be there for them too. 

The INFP Female and Romantic Compatibility 

The INFP female natural partners are the ESFJ and the ENFJ. It is important to remember that two consenting adults who want to be together can make it work regardless. The INFP females are an amazing bunch you do not want to miss out on.

Compatibility has its pros but it shouldn’t be limited to and true love can always find a way.