Who Is The INFP 3w4? Driven & Competitive


Who is the INFP 3w4? What are their strengths and weaknesses? How do they differ from the typical INFP? Let’s find out.

Who is The INFP 3w4?

The INFP 3w4 are known for their ambitious and goal oriented nature. And they are also known to be quite sophisticated. This personality type strives to be different and they don’t fall short. The INFP is more on the creative side and this means endless dreaming and imaginations. 

The INFP is more like it to be a type 4 than any other enneagram type but here they are primarily a type 3 which isn’t so common. But due to this presence, they differ significantly from the type INFP. Their mostly turbulent demeanor would be a lot more assertive. 

The INFP 3w4 just wants to be successful and that is what they strive for. They know all the potentials and benefits of being a successful person and they want that too. This personality type tends to fear failing themselves and those around them. They aim to be the best in what they do and when this isn’t acknowledged, it can be a stressor.

But how do they differ from the typical INFPs? 

Read: The Goal-Oriented INFP 8w7: What To Know

How Does The INFP 3w4 Differ From The Typical INFP?

The INFPs are usually the sweet  and lovable personality type. They can be nurturers and very particular about things they want and need. This personality type isn’t always bothered about the fast pacing world. They are introverts who love to follow their passion. 

Just like every other introvert, they love their alone time and would prefer the comfort of their space to anything else. But the 3w4 changes that a bit. But how?

The INFP 3w4 is very ambitious so they don’t mind being where they need to be and when they need to be there. Yes they share the passions of the INFP but are more after success. The typical INFP would choose their passion over financial gain but not this INFP variant. They want to be seen as successful. The fact they need to interact and network would also make them slightly extroverted.

Unlike the typical INFP, the 3w4 has changed in their discipline. They are less complacent and do not procrastinate. All this helps to achieve their goals faster. They are also more realistic and have higher energy levels.

Strengths And Weaknesses of The INFP 3w4  

Strength: More Driven 

This personality is a type 3 and that makes them more driven and goal oriented. They are also hardworking and reliable people who are committed to their goals. One thing that is very admirable about them is their consistency. And when they set their minds out to do something and have the opportunity to, they excel.

Weakness: In A Competitive Loop

The flaw with this personality type can be that they are competitive and this would be because they are good 3s. Their mode of competitiveness isn’t exactly in your face but it’s one of the things that drive them even more. They know what they want and are not about to allow someone else to take it from them.

Strength: They Are More Outgoing 

The charismatic and charming nature of the INFP 3w4 can be very inviting. They come with an aura that is hard to go unnoticed. Because of their aim to be successful or at least look successful, people want to be around them. Unlike the typical INFP who is more introverted, they have a more outgoing and extroverted attitude.

Weakness: They Crave External Validation

As mentioned earlier, they want to be viewed as successful and this is because of the perks that come with it. Respect, admiration and praise. When they work hard and that isn’t noticed, it can greatly affect their self confidence.

Strength: They Are Elegant 

They care a lot about making a good first impression and you can tell by their elegance. Caring greatly about how they look, talk, walk, eat etc. they don’t want to just be successful but also want to exude class and elegance. 

Weakness: They Are Overly Self Conscious

They care too much about their appearance. Caring is good but they take it a little too far. When they constantly worry about minute things and how they are perceived, it could make them irritable to be around. They almost come off as fake.  

Strength: They Are Creative 

INFPs are generally created people but what makes this variant a lot more interesting is that they are also a type 4. That means they are more likely to be unique in their approach to any medium. As a type 3, they are also more dedicated to the craft and bettering themselves. 

Weakness: An Internal Struggle of Who They Are 

Are they independent or are they adaptable? Are they this or are they that? A contact toggle between the type 4 who wants to be independent and a type 3 who couldn’t care less.

Work For The INFP 3w4

Here are useful tips that can help the growth of the INFP 3w4

  • There’s nothing wrong with being driven and competitive, especially if it’s done in a healthy manner. Anything else can lead to creating more enemies for yourself and you do not want that.
  • You also do not want to constantly seek external validation at the detriment of losing your self worth and identity. What people think matters but what you think matters most.
  • Sometimes your achievements might go unnoticed but that should deter you. Find a way to be happy regardless.