Who Is The Enneagram Sexual One


Who is the enneagram sexual one? In the Self-Preservation One article, I talk about how SP1s are perfectionists who do not want to be seen as inadequate. The sexual ones are different in this case as they don’t obsess over being perfect but instead perfecting others. As much as they don’t mind working on perfection on themselves, they care more about perfecting those around them. 

The SX1, by Ichazo, is someone who is also threatened by someone more perfect. Constantly thinking their relationships can be jeopardized by this more perfect person. Their assertive anger overlaps with their desire which makes them extremely possessive. This can end up jeopardizing their relationships.

The Sexual One Subtype 

One key thing to note about this subtype is their anger. They do not shy away from their anger like many other types. They are also known to be impatient with a terrible sense of entitlement. Perhaps it is this anger that fuels them that makes them want to perfect things and people around them. 

As mentioned in previous articles, the sexual one is very passionate unlike other subtypes. This is one factor that draws people to them but it also fuels their entitlement mentality. In simpler terms, they believe they live life better and want to bestow this gift to others, trying to perfect them and taking credit. 

This One’s anger is all moved with their desire and the urgency to carry out tasks because it’s for a good cause or because they have the right to do it and therefore have to.

The Sexual One is also known for their anger which can make them a jealous person. Although they feel they are perfect, they live with the constant fear someone more perfect will come into the picture and take away their friends and/or partner. They place perfectionism on others, forcing them to be who they think is more ideal. But they do not shy away from this anger but instead express it quite freely and sometimes even resort to practicing tough love.

Undeniable Signs of An Enneagram Sexual One 

Here are some undeniable signs of the SX1.

They Are Very Passionate and Intense 

One thing about the SX1s is their passion and intensity in all they do. Although this has its moments, they can also be overbearing as they constantly can come off as forceful. They enjoy being parts of their partner’s lives and friends too. They can even try to take charge so they can bestow perfection upon them. 

With constantly pointing out mistakes by others and ways to improve that, it can be beneficial to their partners and friends if it isn’t being insistent and forceful. But the catch is, they make very little effort to work on themselves. Even when they could be the problem.

They Are Two Extreme Sides of A Coin

With the SX1s, moderation can be rare. They have two sides which can be very playful and pleasure oriented and then their angry side. You might wonder what emotions they repress since they don’t mind showing their anger and joy. The answer to that is pain. They hide their pain and act like they are in control of everything. 

They incorporate ways to mask or release their pain such as expressing more of their anger. This makes them engage in activities they either judge, campaign against or look down on other people for. But this almost doesn’t stop them from imposing their morals and visions to other people.

Their Need For Order Can Make Them Inconsiderate

The Sexual One needs order in all their relationships and when they don’t get it, it can leave them spiraling. It can bring out their demanding and insensitive side. They strongly believe in bringing order in relationships and this is one reason they are admired. 

However their jealousy can be seen when they think their friends and partners have a closer connection to someone than to them. This eventually seeps into their actions and gives room for more intensity and anger. 

Ways The Sexual One Can Work On Themselves

Although every subtype has their redeemable value, it is important to work on shortcomings. The Sexual one for example can find better ways to manage their anger. Here are some important ways to manage and work on themselves. 

  • Finding self worth outside of helping others can help you value yourself as a person. 
  • Understanding misplaced anger and choosing effective communication with your partner if you suspect they are closer to someone and it makes you uncomfortable. 
  • Understanding you can place perfection on someone and instead of obsessing over that, channel your energy into things that make you better too.
  • Embrace humility and connect with people more than just as a project. Understand your emotions and gain control over them. 

If you’re an Enneagram Sexual One, I hope this article was helpful in finding more about this subtype.