Who Is An Introvert?: A Complete Guide


Who is an introvert? Introversion is a lot more common than you think. Introverts are everywhere and most times they are regarded as shy and/or stuck up. Are you an introvert? Is it a learned behavior or is it something you are born with? This article brings more light on being introverted. 

Who Is An Introvert?

An introvert is someone who prefers calmness, alone time and less stimulating environments and activities. People with an introverted personality can be seen as withdrawn sometimes as they enjoy their own company and only agree to socializing every once in a while. Most times after socializing, they require a period of time to recharge their social battery before they are ready to face the world again.

Most introverts are born that way and are influenced mostly by their environment as children which makes up their general personality. It is important to note that introverts aren’t bland or boring. They have unique complexities just like extroverts. They have interests, fun times and burnouts just like everyone else. These may just be different and what more outgoing people consider boring. 

Am I An Introvert? 

If you’ve ever wondered if you are an introvert or not, this is for you. If you find yourself preferring spending more alone time than with people even if you love and care for them, you might be an introvert. You don’t feel the constant need to talk or be in people’s faces. You might have been told you’re different. These are other signs that’d be mentioned later in this article are good indicators you might have an introverted personality. 

Introversion isn’t an uncommon phenomenon. Even if you aren’t an introvert, you will definitely have one around you. A friend, lover, parent or even your children. Some introverts pick up introversion from how they are raised by a parent in their formative years.

What Are The Signs Of Being An Introvert?

There are numerous signs one could be an introvert but there are very basic ones that are hard to miss. Here are some signs to know you are an introvert.

1. You Enjoy Your Alone Time 

Introverts tend to enjoy their alone time a lot more than everyone else. They crave and look for it. Without it in sight, they might become restless and drained. Introverts socialize from time to time but nothing beats their solitude. 

It is a great way to engage in personal activities or nothing at all. It helps them recharge their social battery which gets weak from frequent socializing. If this is you, then you are definitely an introvert.

2. Socializing Can Be Draining 

As mentioned earlier, socializing constantly can be draining for an introvert. If you find yourself getting weak, tired and eventually irritated after a prolonged period socializing with people, you are definitely an extrovert. 

And when this is done, you just want to go to your own space and bask in solitude. It’s a great way to recharge and although introverts socialize often, they understand how draining it can be.

3. You Have Few Friends and Prefer Small Groups 

Here’s the thing: introverts have few friends. Sometimes just a handful. They might know a lot of people or people can know them for a reason but this doesn’t mean they are friends. If you’re someone who prefers a smaller friend group, preferring very limited quality over quantity, you are definitely introverted.

Introverts also tend to prefer hanging out with smaller groups. Large events can leave them lost, confused and seemingly withdrawn.

4. You Have A Great Imagination 

Introverts live in their heads. A lot. Due to their constant need to be alone, they can be lost in imagination, reading, listening to music or watching movies for a prolonged period. Although some more than others, introverts have a vivid imagination.

So many introverts end up in creative fields because of this and do relatively well. Sometimes the world around you isn’t enough, the one in your head makes a lot more sense.

5. It Can Be Difficult To Get To Know You 

The average person would describe an introvert as withdrawn, reserved and painfully quiet. This is because introverts only know what they want you to know. They do not open up to just about anybody. 

Some people categorize introverts as being shy but this is not always the case. Some introverts are while others aren’t but it’s a common misconception because of their quietness. Introverts can be a lot more talkative to certain people but you can still tell they are the reserved type.

6. An Introvert Avoids The Spotlight 

Introverts will avoid being the center of attraction except they actually have no choice. They don’t mind sitting in their own little corner and letting someone else do all the talking and leading. But when called open, an introvert can be a great leader.

They do not fancy talking to large groups of people, being made group leaders etc. it makes them feel seen considering they are very self conscious. 

7. They Express Themselves Better Through Writing 

Many introverts express themselves a lot better through writing than talking. Doesn’t necessarily mean they can’t express themselves with spoken words but it’s not always the most effective. Reason is because introverts are thinkers in most cases. Yes we have the feelers but thinkers tend to reflect on the situation before they build a reaction to it.

They need time to think about what they want to say to ensure they express it rightly and accurately.

8. They Are Observers 

Introverts like to observe other people. Before they carry out a task, they want to know everything about it. It’s one reason why they feel they can do almost anything. With enough observation, they believe they can replicate said actions and get even better results. 

They love to learn, no matter how slowly, and do so best by observation. If this is you, chances are you are an introvert.

9. They Feel Out of Place 

One thing about an introvert is that they are going to feel out of place. They believe they are being fake when they try to network. They believe others can see right through their facade. This can be a problem for introverts who require networking to progress in their fields. If you find out this is you, and the world is a little too extroverted, then you’re definitely an introvert.

10. They Prefer Working Alone and Require Independence 

Introverts prefer their independence and that includes working alone. While working as a group, they might not exhibit their full potential and it can be quite limiting for them. This makes working alone a much better option. 

On the topic of independence, introverts love calling the shots and doing things how and when they want. Anything else disrupts their natural order. 

Do Introverts Come In Different Forms?

The truth is personality is a spectrum and that includes introverts. There are different types of introverts. According to the MBTI, introverts come in 8 types which highlights our uniqueness. People tend to categorize all introverts as shy or even antisocial. It’s easy to think all introverts do is stay home and avoid people but it’s a lot more than that.

We have the thinkers, feelers, anxious and even social introverts. There are various myths and misconceptions about introverts. They may seem stuck up, shy and aloof most times but introverts are really smart. They observe before acting and that usually makes them more calculating. It can be hard to understand a person who finds comfort in themselves and enjoys their own company most times. 

Can An Introvert Become An Extrovert?

It’s not uncommon for introverts to decide being extroverted might help their career or help them fit in more but that usually never works out. It tends to lead to severe burnouts, anxiety and restlessness. Introverts tend to feel like they don’t belong because extroverts do not understand them.

As introverts, why would we want to change to fit into society when society can get to understand us a lot more? 

Common Myths About Introverts 

A common fact is many people do not understand what an introvert means. They tend to associate introversion with mental health challenges like depression and social anxiety. Lots of people think introverts are just shy.

Another misconception is that introverts are stuck up due to their quietness and need for alone time. Introverts can be regarded as antisocial even but this is far from the truth. 

Again there are various types of introverts and it’s not a one size fits all. 

Introverts Aren’t Necessarily Shy 

Although some introverts are shy, it isn’t exclusive. Some introverts aren’t shy at all and can handle talking to people but they prefer not to. So many people in various fields that require charm and charisma are introverts and they hold up their own just fine. 

Introverts Aren’t Stuck Up And Rude 

If a person is rude to you, it’s mostly because they are rude and not because they are an introvert. But in some cases, introverts can seem that way when they have their social battery drained out and require recharge. It’s easier for them to get snappy and irritated.

Introverts Need To Change 

Just like extroversion, introversion is part of us. It makes us who we are and there should be no requirements to change. Introverts have their strengths that make them unstoppable and we don’t need extroversion to conquer the world.


Introversion is fun. Letting go of myths and misconceptions is one way to grow and letting your strengths shine.