What To Know About The Unhealthy ISTJ


Who is the unhealthy ISTJ and what do you need to know about them? This article talks about that and more. ISTJs are known for their ability to set and follow strict rules. In the mbti world, the ISTJ is categorized as the custodian of tradition and culture. 

But there’s more to the ISTJ that meets the eye. What happens when they are unhealthy and what traits should you look out for? Who exactly is the unhealthy ISTJ and how are they different from the healthy ones? 

This article talks about all that and more. So let’s begin.

Who Is The Unhealthy ISTJ?

The unhealthy ISTJ is someone who shows the unhealthy sides of the personality type for various reasons. It can be an exaggeration of their existing character or one that’s developed to shield themselves from something else.

They become a lot more extreme when they undergo things like stress or anxiety. It can affect the way they think and interact with others. Unhealthy environments can create an unhealthy ISTJ.

 It can definitely have its positive sides when it yields productivity but it can also go completely sour when it starts hurting people, including themselves.

Signs of An Unhealthy ISTJ You Can’t Miss

Here are so very important signs you can miss of the unhealthy ISTJ 

1. They Become More Sensitive

The ISTJ isn’t necessarily known for their sensitivity. They aren’t feelers so that usually doesn’t come to your mind when you think about them. However the unhealthy ISTJ is going to highly sensitive, easily annoyed, sad and irritated as the case may be. 

This is more common when they don’t get what they want. They want people to agree to whatever they say and do so when they don’t get that, it can be a problem for them. It is safe to say they don’t handle criticism very well.

2. They Are Overachievers

Now there’s nothing wrong with this but the unhealthy ISTJ will spend more time with their work than their family. It can become an obsession over time and for the wrong reasons too. For one they become a lot more competitive and won’t mind hurting people to get what they want. 

Healthier ISTJs will know where to draw the line but not the unhealthy one. They want all the praise and accolades. 

3. They Become Overly Judgmental & Insensitive 

The unhealthy ISTJ will care so much about the rules that they begin judging others for not doing the same. They begin to see the world as black or white. Many religious fanatics fall under this category.

They are also very insensitive to other people’s feelings and can come off as rude and unkind. Disregarding people’s emotions is a sure way to chase them from you.

4. They Aren’t In Touch With Their Emotions 

Emotions can be an odd concept for this unhealthy personality as they lean more towards logic. They figure their rationality is their superpower. And even when they have emotions, they stay out of touch with it.

This means they do not express it through vulnerability as they consider that a weak trait. However when you shut out your feelings, it doesn’t make it go away. It just lets it manifest into other things such as anger and resentment.

As they never open up to people, they have a lot bottled up which eventually leads to disaster. 

5. They Complain A Lot

Have you ever been around someone who complains a lot and spends so much time nagging? They find it difficult to see the good parts of things and are very negative? This is one telling sign of an ISFJ as they are very pessimistic and incredibly negative. 

It can be difficult for them to see the good side of anything and that can definitely lead to a problem. When you tell them about your problems, they can throw it in your face. If you come with optimism, they will try to pop it like a balloon. 

Sadly this can be traced to how they were raised and how they saw their primary caregiver handle various situations. 

6. They Are Very Rigid 

The ISTJ is generally known as the custodian of culture and tradition. But the unhealthy ones take it up a notch. They become all types of rigid. They become inflexible to rules and will never go against it. It is no surprise if they try to make sure everyone keeps to it too.

This can even be more challenging when they are the enforcers of this rules or the higher authority who sets them. They absolutely won’t have anyone breaking them. 

Terrible Habits of The Unhealthy ISTJ To Themselves 

The above mentioned are things that you are bound to notice as an outsider when you come across an unhealthy ISTJ but there’s more to the rabbit hole. There are certain ways the ISTJ does not take care of themselves when they are unhealthy. These include:

  • Not coming to terms with their emotions and feelings as this can leave them sad, depressed and defensive.
  • They would run away from anything that makes them feel vulnerable and can affect them psychologically.
  • They can take up a lot of work to please other people and difficulty saying no can leave them stressed and burnt out. People-pleasing can eventually drive them crazy.
  • In some cases they associate their self worth to what others think of them. This can lead to low self esteem if they don’t get the validation they constantly seek.
  • They lack self care and that is an undeniable sign you can’t miss. They don’t take rest and wellness seriously and do not pay attention to their diet and lifestyle.

Read: The Top ISTJ Traits You Should Know

Work For The Unhealthy ISFJ 

Here is necessary work for the unhealthy ISFJ to get better and healthier again.

Do Not Shut Out Your Emotions

Building your emotional intelligence is one important way you help you become better. This means not dismissing it, talking to people when you need them and understanding your emotions as they come. They are there for a reason.

It doesn’t necessarily mean letting it dictate what you do but identifying each one as they come. This includes understanding other people’s emotions and not shitting them out either. 

When you build your emotional intelligence, it helps you with a lot of problems you might be facing.

All Round Self Awareness 

It is important to be self aware as a person. It can’t help you stop many toxic habits and build your self respect. One of the major problems you have is not holding yourself in high regard and not having any self respect. Life’s a journey so do not be too hard on yourself. 

Everyday gives us a chance to self-discovery and all round improvement. Setting unrealistic goals, being overly rigid, insensitive and highly competitive can be you seeking validation. Judging others when they don’t live up to your standard when you fall short yourself.

Consider Seeing A Therapist

At the end of the day, you should consider seeing a professional to help you with your self esteem and other issues. They would know best on how to go about your toxic traits and how to make it better with the right tools and exercises. 

These are important unhealthy ISFJ traits that you definitely do not want to miss and work on. Let me know what I missed.