What To Know About The INTP-T


The INTP-T is one of the most logical individuals you’re ever going to meet. They make you ponder on so many topics you might’ve ignored in your life. This is definitely a personality type you want to be around every now and again.

In the MBTI world, we have both the turbulent and the assertive INTP. In this article, we will further talk about what it feels like to be the Turbulent INTP also known as the INTP-T.

Who Is The INTP-T? 

The INTP-T is the Turbulent INTP and as the name suggests, reacts differently to the assertive version. They adopt a more laid back way of life and are a lot more diplomatic. Knowing things from all sides to come to conclusions. 

This personality type will share a lot with the enneagram 5 and 6 which makes it the most common enneagram pairing for them.

People usually wonder how rare the INTP T is and considering they make up just 3% of the world’s population, they can be pretty hard to find. This can make them feel out of place in most cases. 

The INTP T cares about their security a great deal especially in finance. So they become prudent spenders and great at savings. This is just a glimpse of who they are.

Let’s take a look at the strengths and weaknesses of the INTP T and how they can be better.

Strengths of The INTP-T


Here are some interesting strengths of the turbulent INTP. 

1. They Are More Analytical

Unlike the assertive version of this personality, the turbulent INTP will be s lot more analytical and it will be s lot more obvious as they lead with logic. Coupled with the enneagram type assigned to them, they can spend a great deal of time on analysis. 

This doesn’t just come in handy when you want to win an argument but more to make themselves feel secure in their knowledge.

2. They Are Less Spontaneous 

Spontaneity isn’t exactly their calling. In fact, they like to go through every plan before they embark on it. They are less impulsive than the assertive INTP and because they care about security, they avoid making mistakes.

This might come as a surprise as INTPs are known for their spontaneous nature but here, things are a little different. More thought is given into every action.

3. They Remain Undisturbed 

One of the most amazing things about this personality type is how calm they remain even in dire situations. They are known to stay calm instead of panicking which is great when it comes to emergencies.

They don’t allow mass hysteria to get to them but instead remain focused to find a solution. You definitely want a turbulent INTP in your life.

4. They Are More Sensitive 

INTPs aren’t exactly known for their sensitivity or feelings. They are logical individuals and prefer to keep it that way. But things are a little different here. The INTP-T is s little more in touch with their sensitivity due to their developed extroverted feeling function.

This makes them more empathetic toward others and knowing their side of the story. Which brings us to our next point. 

5. They Are More Caring 

This personality subtype tends to care about others and what they have to say. In essence, they care about their opinions and contributions to matters instead of making all decisions on their own.

This is good as it lets them see other perspectives and see a much bigger picture than they would have if they shut the world out. This also makes them avoid making certain mistakes and taking better initiatives. 

Weaknesses of The INTP-T

What are the weaknesses of the turbulent INTP?

1. Difficulty Making Decisions 

The downside to caring about other people’s options is simply the fact it can delay your decision making. It can make you slow to see all angles of an issue before making a decision. 

The INTP T will go over every single detail and analyze every single situation in order to make a decision which can make them burned out, irritated and even more to our next point.

2. They Are OverThinkers

Overthinking can weigh you down mentally and physically. The turbulent INTP is prone to overthink every situation as they fear for their security and make mistakes. This leads to other problems. 

They might spend so much time overthinking and have absolutely no strength to take any required actions. They can also suffer from analysis paralysis. This just ends up being an unending loop. 

3. They Have Their Share of Insecurities 

This personality type would struggle with insecurity for different reasons and it varies for different individuals. Their self confidence can be very weak and easily diminished. 

This is something they need to work on or it could get worse and affect their lives.

Work For The INTP-T

The INTP T needs to understand that just because they are making slow decisions doesn’t mean it’s bound to be right. It is important to analyze information but there are situations that require you to make decisions faster. 

Overthinking can weigh you down so sometimes it’s okay to let your hair down. Insecurity is a part of life but also overcoming it. Don’t let what others think about you weigh you down.

The INTP-T in Love & Relationships 

If you’re looking to date an INTP or already dating one. Here are some things you need to know.

  1. The INTP-T are very introverted in nature and it is important to note they appreciate their alone time. However if they love you, they wouldn’t mind you being in their space. It is important to know what to do and when ti do it. 
  2. INTP-T are great pairs with more extroverted partners such as the ESTJ-A and ENTJ-A. But as long as both parties are willing to work for the relationship, it doesn’t matter what personality type you are.
  3. The turbulent INTP isn’t the best at small talk but they can allow that usher in more serious and stimulating conversations. They want to know what your mind is like and basically find the layers to it. 
  4. The love language of this personality type is easily quality time and words of affirmations. They love spending time with people they love, engaging in conversations and hearing how much they are loved. 
  5. Considering they worry a lot, words of affirmation are a great way to put their minds at ease. Just remember to match those words with actions. 

Here are some interesting things about the INTP-T. Let me know if there’s anything I missed.