What To Know About The INTJ 1w2


What makes the INTJ 1w2 different from other INTJs? In this article, I discuss their differences, strengths and weaknesses. So let’s dive right in.

The INTJ, which stands for introversion, intuition, thinking and judging, is one of my favorite personality types to write about because I am one. We are known as the top strategists in the mbti world. So let’s find out what makes them different.

What Makes The INTJ 1w2 Different From A Typical INTJ 

First off, top things you should know about this personality type. They are highly curious and considered very intelligent. They enjoy learning new things and that’s why an average INTJ has random facts waiting for you in every conversation. This personality type also has an Extroverted Thinking function (Te).

All these sound great but it can also be the reason for their shortcomings. Let me explain. The INTJs are extremely logical people. They believe everything has a logical explanation and this makes them shelf their emotions. No one likes a person who does this as they can come off as insensitive to other people. 

The INTJ is also a very independent personality type and coupled with their logical reasoning, they come off as detached to everyone else. Again, can be a problem. The INTJ is easily one of the most introverted personality types out there. 

Now for the enneagram table, INTJs tend to be more of a type 5 and we all know how the type 5s can be. But in this case, when they are a 1 or a 2 or a 1w2, the INTJ can exhibit alien behavior such as extroversion and attachment. Maybe not 100% but enough to care and want to constantly help others.

They also aren’t as independent because how do you help others when you are detached? Let me spell it out simply:

  • The INTJ is super introverted but the 1w2 makes them less introverted and even a little more extroverted.
  • The 1w2 makes the INTJ less independent.
  • They begin to care about what people think and want to be seen as good. A regular INTJ wouldn’t really care for these things.

Does the 1w2 make the INTJ more or less cool? Well they get new strengths and weaknesses which isn’t completely like that of an INTJ.

Strengths of The INTJ 1w2

1. They Become More Liberal 

Their new wing makes them more generous in nature and it could manifest in various forms. It could be helping others by teaching them, giving them money or helping them out in other ways. This can only be very noticeable by the strength of their wings.

2. They Have A Strong Sense of Justice 

As mentioned earlier, their wing just makes them care more and they want what’s right. They also always want to distinguish right from wrong. All INTJs regardless of their wings have an introverted feeling function. A reason why it can’t be easily accessed. But it helps them in creating their own values but this is primarily based on logic. It is different with thr 1w2 as it becomes more emotional.

3. They Become Ambiverts

As highlighted above, the INTJ 1w2 will not be as super introverted as the INTJ usually is. That means they would engage in more conversations and activities. But one thing for sure is that they would require a lot of recharging time after all that talking and engaging.

4. They Are Very Disciplined 

This also brings about a strong sense of justice but the INTJ 1w2 is incredibly disciplined. All INTJs are very organized and this means they try to meet up with all their deadlines, schedules and required routines. And when other people don’t do this, they tend to be frustrated. This applies greatly to the 1w2. They also try to differentiate between good and bad and this makes them very just. 

Weakness of The INTJ 1w2

1. Self-Critical 

The 1w2 makes the INTJ a lot more self critical than they usually are. They set up high standards and struggle to meet up. Coupled with their low self esteem, one bad experience makes them forget all past achievements.

2. Judgmental 

It’s almost impossible to be so critical without being judgmental and this applies here as well. They aren’t just critical to themselves but to others as well and find it difficult to conceal it. They may express this by taking charge completely or use of blunt speech. 

3. Hypocritical 

Yes they can be hypocritical because they are very judgmental as well. Their strong values makes it hard for anyone to meet up to their standards. They judge people for indulging in activities they secretly do too. 

4. Anger + Shame 

If you didn’t know, the INTJ 1w2 would go through a lot of anger due to their type 1 and shame due to their type 2. This combination can be interesting. This means they get angry when things don’t go how they want and this leads to impatience. And shame makes them embarrassed of their failure.

What Are Some Growth Tips For The INTJ 1w2?

Some important growth tips that can help the INTJ 1w2 navigate life better includes:

  • Understanding people are different and that means they’d have various values and beliefs. This doesn’t make them inferior to you.
  • Knowing when to take charge or just sit in the back seat and learn.
  • Being more open minded and learning from people before going all judgmental.
  • Not being too hard on yourself because nobody is perfect and as much as you think you know, there’s a lot more you don’t know (this is not a challenge).