What To Know About The Enneagram Social One 


We have the enneagram and we have the MBTIs. These give you a look into a person’s personality. How they think, function and act in lots of scenarios. We also have the enneagram subtypes which give an insight into what they prioritize. There are a total of 3 subtypes (social, sexual and self preservation) with 6 stacking. Each subtype runs from 1-9 and in this article we will be focused on the enneagram social 1.

These individuals are probably the most idealistic people you would meet. Although they have their individual differences, they share collective similarities. This article throws more light on these similarities.

Who Is The Enneagram Social 1

People with the enneagram social subtype tend to value community building. They are usually thought to be extroverts considering how much they go out of their way for this. This subtype fears being an outcast and being rejected. They are always aware of their surroundings at all times.

The typical enneagram social 1 isn’t very different as they too are idealistic. They look out for community and try to change things they feel can be better due to their idealistic belief. This definitely has its pros and cons as we will find out shortly.

The enneagram social one is someone who enjoys giving a lot more than receiving. They care about teaching others to become the best version of themselves. So you can find them pursuing coaching careers and teaching  so many times.

The ES1s struggle with their anger and try to get away from it as much as they can. This leads them into suppressing it in the bid to come off perfect.

Every enneagram subtype comes with its strengths and weaknesses. Let’s take a look.

Strengths of The Enneagram Social One 

Their Idealism 

The ES1 is an idealist which means they envision an ideal world more than the one they are currently living in. And then they feel it can be better, they intervene. They don’t mind going all the way till it’s done. They believe they can change the world and go for it. 

To a typical social one, they care about norms and traditions which means they do not go out of their way to break the rules. To them, rules are intended to seek perfection. The ES1s believe things to either be black ot white with nothing in the middle.

Their Independence 

From a young age, social ones learn how to ‘behave’ and are often told they act older than their ages. This is because of their strong sense of independence. It can be easy to forget they are children by how they think. They are also strong willed. 

This subtype thinks they can do a better job than anyone else. They put in a lot of energy into getting things done right. Their attention to detail is also immaculate and outsourcing tasks can be difficult for them. 

Their independence is what makes them very admirable and they have their moments where they enjoy solitude and prepare for their next task as they analyze. This makes them great at problem solving too.

Their Care For Others 

Although they unknowingly take on leadership roles to appear superior, they truly enjoy helping others. Correcting people can be very satisfying for them too because they don’t think they can ever be wrong but this doesn’t take away their empathy.

The Social Ones believe they can make important and lasting change to the communities around them if they take the shot. This is why they also pursue political activism. 

Their Integrity 

Enneagram social ones do not shy away from responsibility and would take full accountability wherever they are wrong. They tend to live by example instead of living a double life. This is because they care greatly for their reputation and helping people.

People with this subtype tend to put in a lot of quality work so you can be sure they are present in whatever they want to achieve.

Weaknesses of The Enneagram Social Ones 


Although this can have its pros as it means they are hard to influence and work with a mind of their own, it can make them not see the bigger picture sometimes. They can be one dimensional which isn’t good for those around them. 

It also stems from the fact they think they know better than everyone and act like it. 

Not Open To Change 

The ES1 will not be open to changing times and customs as this can cause them to spiral. They enjoy when things are done a certain way and aren’t usually open to change and spontaneity. They want to be in control and tell how exactly things should be.

This isn’t all. They would also go to the ends of the earth to prove they are right and you are wrong. Proving themselves in being superior to others can chase people away and also make them miss out on opportunities.

Need For Perfection 

This enneagram subtype strives for perfection and thinks they are the symbol of it. This means they can put too much pressure and unrealistic goals on themselves and spiral when they do not achieve it. Their need to do the best makes them miss out on the fun.

This can also make them have unrealistic standards for others to meet and are shocked and disappointed when they fall short. It can be overwhelming for everyone involved. 

Work For The Enneagram Social One 

There’s nothing wrong with wanting the world to be a better place but expecting perfectionism can be almost impossible. Suppressing your anger also leaves it building up and exploding into something worse. Here are a few tips to help. 

  • Understanding no one is perfect, including you can go a long way to seeing how the world truly is.
  • Reminding yourself that there is more to life than perfection and the fact you want to make a positive change and strive for that is beautiful in itself. 
  • Learning to adapt to an ever changing world doesn’t mean you’ve let go of your values. 
  • Your worth is a lot more than you being superior to others and it is important to remember not to limit yourself.
  • Humility can be a great tool and shouldn’t be taken away from your approach to things. It makes you even more relaxed and focused.