What To Know About The Enneagram Social 9


The enneagram social 9 is known for their extroverted nature. They can also be quite expressive and aren’t exactly like the typical nines in more ways than one. For example they tend to possess a psychological laziness which is contrary to the type 9. 

However they are very involved in communities and even put the interest of others over theirs. They are friendly in nature and sometimes fear not fitting in nor belonging to a group. They care deeply about community and want to be part of something. And it isn’t hard either. They have the right charisma to make them fit right in.

Read: Understanding The Enneagram Social 7

Who Is The Enneagram Social 9? 

The social 9s are very simple, peace loving and interesting characters. They prefer it this way as anything else can be a stressor to them. They detest conflict and would avoid being part of it at all cost. This makes them overly generous and friendly to win people over to them and solidify their places in groups. 

One of their greatest fears is being excluded or forgotten. It can take a toll on them even when they suspect they are being abandoned. This eventually leads to insecurity and lack of self confidence. With their quest to fit in, they can sometimes struggle with their identity. They can also end up being pushovers to make things work with others.

This enneagram subtype gives all they can in wherever they are and this has its benefits as well as demerits. It can put them at the top of their game but also leave them feeling lost and confused.

Let’s take a look at the important traits of the enneagram social nine.

Traits of The Enneagram Social 9

They Make Good Leaders 

This enneagram subtype makes absolutely good leaders. They care about the general welfare of the group and are selfless in nature making it easy to fulfill their responsibilities. They are also driven and energetic, making them not just bosses but good leaders. 

Need For Community 

The enneagram social 9 craves common and desires to belong. They like working in groups and tend to adapt in anyone or circumstance they find themselves in. It is important to note how much they put into whatever they work on. They are a friendly and lovable bunch and although they put in a lot of work, they don’t exactly show or tell people. Meaning they can be quite selfless like that.

They Are Energetic 

The enneagram social 9 is very driven and outgoing. Making them different from other 9s. They are often always categorized as extroverted but they can be quite introverted too. Seeing themselves as a savior in a group, they can be outspoken when necessary. But this doesn’t take away from their laziness regarding their own wants and needs. 

People Pleasing 

As mentioned earlier, this enneagram subtype can go through a lot to make themselves accepted by others which can eventually lead to people-pleasing. They want to be there for everyone while shelving their own needs and wants. This means people can take advantage of this. And when they continually do things they do not wish to do, it can take a mental and physically toll on them

Work For The Enneagram Social 9

It is important for the social 9 to attend to their own wants and needs every so often as it can make them better leaders as they are more relaxed and in tune with themselves and their surroundings.