What Is the Enigma Personality?


The enigma personality is known to be mysterious. Excluding family members and close friends, people see those who are enigmatic as mysterious, and it makes them curious. Many people who have the enigmatic persona are usually more introverted.

People with an enigma personality often know more about others than they know about themselves. Having an enigma personality draws people to you because subconsciously, people love the idea of not knowing and the satisfaction of finding out.

If you’re familiar with the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, this will not be a surprise to you. But how do you identify an enigma personality? Here are 10 ways to identify if you or anyone around you has one.

Signs You Have an Enigma Personality

1. You Are Great at Observing

Having an enigmatic personality means that you are great at observing everything around you. Even the little details that people often miss hardly escape you. Not only do you see these things, but you do not forget them as well.

Because of your observation skills, you listen more. When you say something, you mean it and people are eager to hear you talk.

2. You Think Before You Speak

It’s very easy to blurt out the first words that come to your mind. However, that’s not what an enigma person does. You can end up saying something you’ll regret and that’s why people with this kind of personality think first before they speak.

You select your words and your method of approach when speaking. This way, it’s easier to stand by your words in the long run. You need the words you say to be meaningful and authentic, no matter what.

3. You Control Your Emotions

People with an enigmatic personality have emotions just like everyone else. The only difference however is their complete control of these emotions. They usually keep their emotions at the backseat while they let logic drive the car.

When others get emotional around you, you’re more logical and strategic in the things you say or do no matter how you feel. You believe emotions will pass but whatever happens could have longer lasting effect.

4. You Are Considered a Creative Genius

Not to toot your own horn but you’re a creative genius and people around you know that as well. Whatever your craft is, you always strive to perfect it without having to settle for less.

People call you smart and that’s because you put in the work to know what works and what doesn’t. It also helps that you are very logical and strategic.

5. You Usually Have Great Opinions

Of course, this does not imply that you are always right. However, your ability to have great opinions and suggestions in conversations is because you think before you speak. People with an enigma personality tend to be very analytical and this helps them see things differently.

This is one reason why others go to them for advice. They know you won’t just say the first thing that comes to you. You like to analyze before giving a response.

6. You Are Independent

A huge part of having an enigma personality is the independence. Since you don’t depend on anyone for anything, it’s only normal for people to wonder what you’re up to. Your independent nature also makes you resilient in getting what you want.

You find it difficult to ask people for help and you keep to yourself a lot of the time. This could be due to past experience as most times we are a product of our childhood and environments.

7. You Receive Attention and Respect Easily

Unlike people who go out of their way for attention, people with this personality do not. Ironically, they get attention and respect without having to do too much for it. This is simply because they give respect themselves and it’s easier for others to follow.

And since people are trying to know more, they always keep themselves in check as they don’t know what might offend you.

8. You See the World Differently

The best thing about having an enigmatic personality is that you do not subscribe to herd mentality. You see a lot of things differently. You are not influenced by others for fear of not getting accepted.

This is one reason people respect you because you can’t be easily swayed. You have the reasons why you do things the way you do. You see things in your own unique way.

9. You Avoid the Dramas of The World

When it comes to drama and manipulation, you avoid it like a plague. More times than not, you’re nowhere close to dramas even amongst your group of friends. People know this about you and even when they try to throw it at you, you settle it there and then.

Being enigmatic doesn’t mean everyone would like you. There are people who hate you because on that. Enigmatic people either address it and move on to other things.

10. You Are Dynamic

Ultimately, what makes an enigmatic person is their flexibility. They try not to remain the same and are forever revolving. This is another reason why people remain curious because they do not know what comes next.

All of these are enigmatic personalities you need to know. So let us know in the comments just how enigmatic you are. And also, what else I missed.