Understanding What a Multifaceted Personality Implies


What is a multifaceted personality and is that even a good thing? When people tell you you have a multifaceted personality, should you take it as a compliment? What are the advantages and disadvantages of this? Let’s find out.

What Is a Multifaceted Personality?

Before we continue, what is a Multifaceted personality? A facet means one side. So multifaceted means many sides. According to the dictionary, when something is multifaceted, it composes of many facets.

This can be a combination of different features and aspects that tend to make up a whole. However, a much complex one.

Now referring back to a person’s personality, this would mean they have so many qualities, talents, skills, traits, etc.

Someone with this personality can fit in just about anywhere. They are usually known as “A Jack of All Trades”

Many people do not like associating themselves with this adage because of what comes after. “Master of None”. But what they don’t know is “but sometimes better than a master of one” is usually left out.

I’ve been in situations where being called a jack of all trades can be used in a very demeaning way. But there’s absolutely nothing wrong with having a multifaceted personality.

In today’s world where there is a need to fit into certain jobs in order to make enough money, multifaceted people win.

Not people who restrict themselves to one thing.

Importance Of a Multifaceted Personality

Multifaceted personalities come with their advantages. Here are some reasons why they win.

Competitive World

Due to the high level of competition in today’s world, the need for a multifaceted personality is important. In the jungle, we all know only the strongest survive.

This strength doesn’t have to be brute; it can be cunning out the predator. Being faster, smarter but not necessarily stronger.

In the human world, this still applies. Survival of the fittest, just without the open savannah planes. There is always a competition to stand out amongst others. Consciously or subconsciously.

That’s why we practice, we learn, we adapt. Because if you don’t, the world will leave you behind.

A person who has diverse skills and talents has an added advantage over others.

This does not mean they will win 100% of the time It just means they have a slightly higher chance than not.

Helps You Stand Out

Just as mentioned above, having a multifaceted personality helps you stand out. This is why children are encouraged to try out different things. Going to school, learning a skill, etc are all good ways to go about it.

However, the most important lesson of all is learning how to adapt.

People able to adapt to new situations and changes always keep them ahead of their competitors. Life is full of tests and every day.

Passing these tests is crucial.

Investing time, effort, and energy in getting the things you need to survive is very important. You do not have to be a master of ALL trades, but a master of many would suffice just fine.

Multifaceted Personality in Children

When children are born, they are like a clean slate where things you place stick. But considering the existence of personality differences, this isn’t a 100% accurate theory.

Some children may find it easy to adapt to different things quickly. Some children could find it impossible or be a bit slower in learning. But generally, childhood is what molds the incoming adulthood.

Some psychologists believe you can train any infant into becoming what you want them to be. But it is important to note the very importance of helping children develop a multifaceted personality first.

It helps boost their confidence in any environment. This also helps them improve their cognitive function and communication skills. It can help them stand out in a good way. Being multifaceted does not make you perfect. So, expecting perfection can backfire.

It is acknowledging one’s weaknesses and working on them. Everyone has weaknesses, even superheroes. But acknowledging that weakness is what changes everything. Instead of running from it, improve it. It builds a person up generally.

In the quest to help your children develop a multifaceted personality, it is important to not get carried away.

Do Not Force Them To Be Someone Different

Parenting styles differ but one thing is to never impose your wish on your kids. There’s a thin line between encouraging your kids and forcing them into things they aren’t interested in. No matter how true your intentions might be, it just won’t end well

So many parents push their kids into what they think is best for them. Sometimes for the sake of their child. Other times for their own ego and impression of society.

It is safe to note that people do not give attention to things they aren’t interested in. They are reluctant to put in energy and effort and wouldn’t do so well.

Every child has strengths and weaknesses. Study your child’s strengths and interests. Then, nurture that. You can help them become more multifaceted by including similar activities. And eventually, it will help them adapt

Children need love and support from their environment. It can help them uncover some of their hidden potential you didn’t know they had. Do not force them or you’ll push them away.

Remember Their Weaknesses

Just as you are aware of your child’s strengths, ignoring their weaknesses could be their downfall.

It is always in the best interest of a child to identify their weaknesses. Something adults are encouraged to do as well.

Everyone wants to believe their child is great and flawless. But even great people have flaws.

So take your time and thoroughly analyze your child. Once you both identify it, you can work on it.

It also gives the child an avenue to grow as a person. Remember that childhood places a huge role in shaping personalities. No one should ever be ashamed of having flaws. That’s what makes us human.

Understanding Multifaceted Personalities

It is crucial to realize developing a multifaceted personality isn’t something that simply happens overnight. It takes time, practice and we never stop learning. For children and even for adults.

That being said, it requires a lot of patience, failure, pep talks, and even confusion. However, with perseverance and a bit of luck, things will turn out fine.

Adults trying to develop a multifaceted personality might find it harder than children. However, it’s not mission impossible.

Children who are being encouraged to develop one also need to understand it’s a lifelong process.

Having multiple skills, talents, etc isn’t just something you learn at school. It’s something you learn everywhere you are and everywhere you go. It’s traits you pick up from people. People around you, your environment, etc.

It is important for everyone to learn how to obtain knowledge from multiple sources. It makes the learning process a lot easier.

Is It Too Late to Develop a Multifaceted Personality as An Adult?

Having a multifaceted personality as an adult isn’t completely impossible. It just requires more time, dedication, and patience. Learning new skills and talents does not have a time stamp.

As mentioned earlier, we learn from things around us. So maybe it’s time to stop and perceive the world a lot better than you used to.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with being called multifaceted. So you can own it and hold your head up high.