The Top ISFP Traits You Should Know


What are the top ISFP traits you should know? The ISFP is one of the 16 personality types described by the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI). It stands for Introverted, Sensing, Feeling, and Perceiving.

The ISFP is usually classified as quiet, reserved, and easy-going people. They enjoy spending time alone just like every other introverted personality type.

The ISFP is more concerned with subjective and personal concerns and sometimes lets their emotions take the driver’s seat. They aren’t bothered entirely by logic and let their experiences dictate how they see things.

They possess an internal value system that controls their core values. It affects their judgments and ideas. They aren’t always predisposed to making use of facts. Instead, their Sensing, Feeling, and Judging come into a place like a trilogy.

A very important ISFP trait to acknowledge is how in tune they are with the world. Little or big changes, it doesn’t matter as they are aware of it all. They place a high value on aesthetics and arts because of this. Picking up details a lot of people tend to miss.

When it comes to the moment and their surroundings, they have a strong sense of it. They are also very good memories considering how they absorb their environment. So, you should probably rethink lying to an ISFP. They know how to spot liars.

Are you wondering if you are an ISTFP? Or trying to get to know the ISFP better? Here are a few things you should know.

What Are the Common ISFP Traits?

Here are some of the common ISFP traits that are hard to miss.

1. They Are Introverted

The ISFP is pretty sensitive and can take things a little more personally. Although friendly and accommodating, they prefer their space to maintain their sanity. As introverts, they like to keep to themselves in order to recharge from social interactions. This is a crucial necessity for every introverted personality type.

2. They Aren’t Hasty in Decision Making

When it comes to making decisions, the ISFP tries to delay enough to check for changes. They aren’t spontaneous in both decisions and actions. With a thought process which gives chance to new developments, this is no surprise.

3. They Pay Close Attention to Detail

The ISFP is heavily attuned with their environment so much that they pay close attention to details. They also focus on the present instead of bothering themselves a lot about the future. What could be more important than now?

4. They Are Peaceful

A lot of people have described the ISFP as being peaceful and reserved. They are also known for being quiet and one of the best shoulders to cry on. This is due to their caring and considerate nature to life.

5. They Are Go Getters

The ISFP isn’t one to just sit and dream, instead they go out there and do. Unlike the INTJ they aren’t attracted to abstract theories except they can come to terms with the practicality. They aren’t afraid to get their hands involved in things.

What ISFP Traits Are Considered Strengths?

Every personality type has its strengths and weaknesses. However, they are always some exceptions to the rule. This is no surprise as it is the basis of human dynamics. For the ISFP, their strengths include that they

  • Are heavily untuned with their environment and pay close attention to detail. This can be of great help to people around them and in their jobs. Nothing gets past them and this also helps their memory better.
  • Are completely dedicated to whatever it is they value and believe in. Their internal value system means a lot to them and would rarely go against it. Trying to get them to change their views can cause a strain so be careful.
  • Are go getters and doers. They love getting their hands on things they find interesting. It also helps them in learning and teaching. They are very practical and would almost always want to be involved the best way they know how.

What ISFP Traits Are Considered Weaknesses?

Some of the ISFP weaknesses are that they

  • Are known to be quiet and reserved. This makes it difficult to get to know them. It also makes it difficult to know what they are thinking or what they would be interested in.
  • Aren’t fans of theoretical and abstract approaches. They prefer having more practical approach to things than not. When it involves this alone, they can appear uninterested or even bored.
  • Avoid arguments, conflicts and confrontations as much as they can. Just to avoid this, they may put themselves in situations they shouldn’t. Coupled with their quietness, it can be a whole disaster.
  • Are very introverted and would spend as much time as they can alone. Getting them to leave their personal space can be tough and almost impossible. That is unless they want to.

The Top ISFP Traits You Might Posses

Wondering if you’re an ISFP? Here are a few ISFP traits you might identify with.

1. You Need Your Alone Time

As much as you love connecting with others and they love you too, you still need your personal space.

Introverts have their own world where they need to return to sooner or later. If they don’t, it can cause a glitch in the matrix or something. They need this time to recharge from previous socializing and focusing on their needs. You’re not antisocial or shy.

They need to analyze themselves often and look for ways to be better.

2. You’re An Empath

You’re highly emotionally intelligent and you can attune to people’s emotions. Even without trying, empathy comes to you naturally. You are sensitive to other people’s feelings and emotions.

When in a situation, you know just the right thing to say to someone to make them feel better. This is why you’re easy to talk to because you’re a good shoulder to cry on.

3. You Don’t Take Criticism Too Well

Criticism gets you really emotional and you can’t handle it. When boxed in a situation like this, you can react impulsively which isn’t something you usually do. You can end up saying or doing things you regret.

Situations like that get you all riled up because you get a lot calmer after it’s past. And then you regret your actions. The good thing is, you aren’t one to hold grudges and therefore makeup and move on as soon as you can.

4. You Hate Stress

Anything they would be potential stress to you, you try to avoid it as much as possible. It makes you a complete shadow of yourself. Void of your usual charm and charisma.

You get stressed a lot easier and you don’t like how it makes you behave or react. So you avoid it.

5. You’re A Gentle Soul

A lot of people have described you as being gentle and loving. Your nonjudgmental attitude makes it easier for people to talk to you. You’re easygoing and therefore harbor little to no sentiments in your heart.

Yes, you’re quieter and reserved but you always find a way to be a caretaker to those you care about.

6. You Can Be Pretty Daring

Although introverted, you aren’t one to shy away from chasing your passion. Even when it involves risks which you seem drawn to sometimes. It’s no surprise as you can be quick in thinking and attuned to your environment.

You appreciate the idea of extreme sports and things that keep you thinking and observing. Your impulses can get the best of you too and that’s something you’re learning to control.

7. You Like Living in The Moment

Although that is really admirable, planning for the future poses a challenge to you. You care more about here and now. Looking out for what each day holds. You’d rather do this than think far ahead into the future.

There is this ideology you have where why bother with the future since you can’t predict it? But this can be limiting as planning the future is crucial, no matter how little.

8. You Aren’t Boring

People can assume all your characteristics could lead to a boring person. But in love and life, you are nowhere close to boring. People in your life are always surprised by what you have up your sleeves.

9. You Are Emotional

It is no doubt you have a feeling function that can leave you emotional. You have emotions that run deep but you may not be able to express them properly. You have your way of showing your emotions after discovering rational ways to.

10. You Love Your Freedom

Freedom means a lot to you, especially freedom of expression. You don’t fit into the conventional and traditional way of teaching and learning. This makes it difficult for you to fit in sometimes.

Are You An ISFP?

If you’re searching for ISFP traits you identify with then you’re are the right place. You should know that not all ISFPs are the same. They share a lot of characteristics but there are always a few exceptions.

If the traits above sound like you, chances are that you are an ISFP. The best way to know for sure is by taking a personality test. That way you know what personality type you are.