The Top INTP Traits You Should Know


What are the top INTP traits you should know? The INTP is one of the 16 personality types described by the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI). It stands for Introverted, Intuitive, Thinking and Perceiving.

Just like other introverts, INTPs enjoy spending time alone. Their alone time is spent thinking and problem solving. They are generally described to being quiet and analytical. That’s no surprise as they spend most of their time in their thoughts than in the present.

The INTP doesn’t have a large number of friends. They hardly even socialize. Their social circle is small with a selected group of people. People who make them happy are those who add a sense of value to their lives. Their introverted nature makes sure of that.

The INTP is someone who is overly blunt sometimes. However, this does not mean that they try to hurt other people’s feelings. They would rather just say the truth and get it over with.

Are you wondering if you are an INTP? Are you trying to get to know the INTP better? Here are a few things you should know.

What Are the Common INTP Traits?

Here are some of the common INTP traits that are hard to miss.

1. Reserved

The INTP is a very quiet and reserved personality type. This gives them the added advantage of being thoughtful. The INTP is very grounded and prefers to be in their own space.

As introverts, they’ll need to recharge after moments of spending time with people. They have a small circle that consists of carefully selected people.

These friends tend to share common interests and hobbies. They have an understanding that they need their alone time. It is just a necessity.

2. Logical

The INTP trait you should know is that they are very analytical and logical in all their endeavors. Love, life and family-they think about them all the time.

They don’t let their emotions take the driver’s seat. To them, emotions are passengers. Going to them for advice means completely accepting total honesty and nothing less.

3. Thinkers

Thinkers do not dwell on the situation at hand all the time. Instead, they look at things in the long run. Sure, something is happening at the moment. However, they look at where it’s headed.

They tend to look at the big picture, something a lot of people do not do. Why focus on every tiny present detail? Where is it headed? Since this is common for a lot of people, it tends to leave them feeling limited.

However, this is far from what they want. INTPs want to be free to express themselves properly. They want to think farther than the next person. They are logical people and base their conclusions and decisions on facts and data.

What INTP Traits Are Considered Strengths?

Every personality type has their strengths and weaknesses. However, there are always exceptions to the rule. This is no surprise as it is the basis of human dynamics. For the INTP, their strengths include that they:

  • Are independent and take great pride in that. INTPs make decisions without having to second guess. They do not look at what others think.
  • Are very logical and objective. INTPs tend to be very abstract in thinking. These personality type is imaginative. Thinking outside the box is their forte.
  • Are very loyal to people they love and let into their space. To outsiders, they look like people without feelings. However, the people closest to them know very well about the existence of these feelings.

What INTP Traits Are Considered Weaknesses?

Some of the INTP weaknesses are that they

  • Are difficult to know. They rarely ever let people into their space. Even when they do, they are careful. They find it difficult letting go of people who disrupt (or at least try to) their peace.
  • Tend to come off as insensitive since they don’t let their emotions take control. To Feelers, the INTP is highly insensitive and cold. They find it very difficult to express their feelings as well.
  • Have the problem of doubting their abilities even when they are good enough for the task. This can prevent them from seizing opportunities.

Read: The Top INTJ Traits You Should Know

The Top INTP Traits You Might Posses

Wondering if you’re an INTP? Here are a few INTP traits you might identify with.

1. You Find Relationships Pretty Difficult

In order to create relationships, one has to go out and actually meet new people. This includes being vulnerable to them and coming out of your comfort zone. It also involves being open to acceptance as well as rejection.

To the INTP, this is difficult. They’ll rather wait for someone else to initiate a conversation. You find it difficult getting into relationships but you are very loyal when you eventually do.

2. You Find A Lot of Things Boring

If you work for the FBI, you’d rather be in the field than sitting behind a desk. The INTP has a brain wired to solving problems and cracking down cases.

They have very little interest in a daily predictable routine. Instead of drawing up more routines or organizing things, you’ll rather be out there solving problems.

3. INTP Traits-You’re Not The Most Emotional

You’re not the first person your friend come to when it’s for emotional support. You’re not exactly the best at emotional intelligence. Instead,you prefer practicality.

This is something you share with the INTJ and that’s why you can be great friends with them. Why offer sympathy when you can offer a solution?.

4. You Can Smell B.S. From A Mile Away

You completely detest when people lie to you or try to take you for a fool. This is because you can see through them. You can always tell when a person is full of it.

When people lie to you, you’ve probably already figured it out. INTPs always know when things don’t add up. You can’t lie to them.

5. You Have Your Own Crowd

Although introverted, you have a few people you open up to. These are people you let into your space. When you don’t like people, you keep off.

When you’re around people you don’t know well enough, you are probably shy and quiet. Around your friends, you can be quite the opposite. You like your circle being small and controlled.

6. You Are Quite Mysterious  

Even people in your circle find it difficult to get to know you sometimes. You are private by nature and will rather be in your own world.

7. You Have a Sensitive Side

Spending time alone, doing things you find exciting and trying to make the meaning of things is what you love. This can make you forget everything else and make you quite the mysterious one.

Contrary to what people think, you have feelings but suck at expressing them. You have a sensitive side which confuses you sometimes because you don’t quite understand it. Love and the right person can help you understand these feelings better. Other than that, it’s a torn in your flesh or a course to be studied.

8. You Are a Non-Conformist

You don’t believe in rules and social norms. This makes you a non-conformist and it comes naturally. Being the original version is more of your thing than doing things because everyone else is doing it.

Given the option, you’ll rather have autonomy than follow rules from the society. The only rules you’re willing to follow are your own.

9. You Spend a Lot of Time Analyzing

When it comes to analyzing things, it can be a gift or a curse as you can be stuck in a loop. You fear missing out on the most important of things. If it means starting all over, then you’ll do just that.

INTPs don’t mind tearing down something that doesn’t meet their expectations and starting afresh. This can also be a hindrance in moving forward with their goals and plans. It is also important to note that the INTP isn’t always fixated on results. They also appreciate the process as well.

10. You Find the Universe Amazing

If there’s one thing you can’t deny is just how much the universe amazes you. INTPs love seeing how each part of the universe is somehow connected to another.

Your mind is an ever-running engine. INTPs tend to look more into sciences and technical occupations. They are curious people who ask questions about everything.

Do You Share These INTP Traits?

If you’re searching for INTP traits you identify with, then you’re at the right place. You should know that know that not all INTPs are the same. They share a lot of characteristics but there are always a few exceptions.

If the traits above describes you, chances are that you are an INTP. However, the best way to know for sure is by taking a personality test. That way you know what personality type you are.