The Sweet Life of The ISFP 9w1: Are They Different?


Who is the ISFP 9w1 and what makes them different from other ISFP? This article distinguishes between the typical ISFP and what happens when they are a 9w1. It also highlights their strengths, weaknesses and work to be done. Let’s get right into it, shall we? 

What Makes The ISFP 9w1 Different From A Typical ISFP?

For one, they are more accommodating and will avoid conflict as much as possible but this isn’t always the case with the typical ISFP. The typical ISFP has strong values and maintains it no matter what. This means they can’t be easily swayed and their introverted feeling function means they don’t really care what people think of them. They are independent in nature and aren’t prone to people pleasing.

The typical ISFP are also heavily introverted and consider their alone time very important. When they don’t recharge, they can end up irritated and angry. So what about the 9w1 makes them different? 

The ISFP 9w1 are sweethearts alright but they can be a little too sweet. They avoid conflict and would do anything to avoid it. Even if it’s something they really don’t want. This makes them people pleasers. Although they are introverted too, they enjoy some socializing and can be mildly extroverted if it calls for it. 

Do they also have strong values? Yes, they are ISFPs after all. But they are also a type 9 which means complacency comes into play and their values aren’t as strong. Unlike the typical ISFP, they are more accepting of people and more diplomatic. 

Let’s take a look at their strengths and weaknesses 

Read: 12 Simple Ways To Make An Introvert Happy

Interesting Strengths of The ISFP 9w1

1. They Adapt More To Situations 

The typical ISFP might come off as rigid and hold their values tight but this isn’t the same for the ISFP 9w1. They are highly adaptable. They might be less disciplined with their values but this doesn’t mean they throw them out the window. It is safe to say they know what to do and when to do it.

2. They Are More Friendly 

Who doesn’t like a friendly and peaceful person? Type 9s detest conflict and this makes they super nice and accepting of others. Their easy going and peaceful nature draws more people to them. Conflict is generally unappealing to them. But this can be tricky as when done too much with no boundaries, they can be taken advantage of. 

3. They Are More Extroverted 

The ISFP 9w1 is still very introverted but compared to the typical ISFP, they are more outgoing. They can be classified as extroverted introverts. They love their alone time but wouldn’t mind being with others sometimes. The best of both worlds can be a great way to put it. Another reason a lot of people like them is also something they want. 

4. They Prioritize Their Internal Values 

The ISFP 9w1 are nice and sweet people who always want to do what’s right. They are very ethical with strong morals. They also try to strive for perfection which they don’t always get but never stop trying. What can I say, they have high standards too. Just another thing to love about them.

Weaknesses of The ISFP 9w1 

1. They Can Be Very Critical

This applies to themselves and those others but because of their high standards, it also comes as no surprise. They set such high standards that can be difficult for even them to attain and when they don’t, they can feel bad about it.

2. Complacency Comes In 

Because they are type 9 and always want to avoid conflict, this personality type can end up being complacent. They always want to be at peace with themselves and this in turn affects their work ethics.

3. They Can Be Indecisive Procrastinators

This personality type can procrastinate a lot. And due to their indecisiveness, this is a circle that almost never ends. They find it difficult to make decisions and run away from it. But you can’t run away forever so this makes them struggle internally.

4. The Anger Triad 

This doesn’t come as a shocker as they are a type 9 and part of the anger triad. They have anger issues which can make them passive aggressive because they hate confrontation. Their passive aggressiveness manifests because of all the suppressed anger they harbor.

There’s also the option of blowing up fully which can be a shocker because of how nice and sweet everyone thinks them to be. 

Read: The Top ISFP Traits You Should Know

Work For The ISFP 9w1 

Here are important growth tips to help the ISFP 9w1 navigate life better.

  • Understand that suppressing your anger only leads to further resentment. The healthy thing to do is address it. Running away from confrontation never ends well.
  • Do not be too bothered about what people think of you because you end up living life for them instead of for yourself. 
  • Being overly critical almost never accomplished perfection. You aren’t perfect and others aren’t too. 
  • You can’t run away from making decisions forever. Learning how to do this without overwhelming yourself is a great way to grow.
  • Create some boundaries so people don’t push you over and take advantage of your sweetness.