The ISTJ With ADHD: What To Know


This article fills you in on important things to note about the ISTJ with ADHD. How to identify signs of ADHD and how to manage it. 

Every personality type can battle with ADHD. And the most common sign being difficulty focusing. Paying attention can seem little to some but it can be a great deal for others. Let me show you. 

What Is ADHD?

ADHD stands for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and can be found in both children and adults. However it is commonly diagnosed in children and it affects interaction with the environment and with themselves. It can begin in childhood but progress into adulthood. Although treatment can help, it cannot be cured.

Children with adhd can find it difficult to get along with others. They might daydream a lot, talk too much or too little and forget little and big details. 

Understanding An ISTJ With ADHD 

The ISTJ are introverted logicians. This means they priotice order and composure. They are thinkers who try not to leave any stone unturned. The love for structure and orderliness in every aspect of their lives. From work, to relationships to homes and their communities.

Whatever the case may be, you would notice the ISTJ is quite reserved and keeps to themselves except they have to socialize. Just like every other introvert, they keep a small circle and only a selected few has seen them in their element. They are also blunt and considered brutally honest. 

The ISTJ has numerous amazing qualities such as their loyalty. They have passions which they take much pride in and want to continuously engage in. So when they have to battle with their attention, it can be really frustrating. The ISTJ wants everything to be done orderly and in time. But when they can’t meet up with their own rules, it can be daunting. 

Not keeping to time, failing to meet up with deadlines, forgetting tasks and/or dragging it on for too long can be ways to annoy the ISTJ. But when they have ADD/ADHD, they find themselves in these shoes. 

Signs To Note For An ISTJ With ADHD 

Here are telling signs to note as an ISTJ with ADHD

  • Difficulty paying attention for an extended period of time.
  • Despising disorderliness and tardiness but exhibiting similar traits against your liking.
  • Difficulty keeping up with a routine no matter how hard you try. 
  • Being distracted by the littlest of things.
  • Finding it difficult to carry out a single task, therefore subconsciously looking out for more to do. 
  • Constantly daydreaming and/or talking too much.

How To Cope As An ISTJ With ADHD

Coping with ADHD can be pretty difficult for anyone. But with some lifestyle changes, a lot can be managed. And in severe conditions where it seems you can’t handle it on your own, seeking professional help will always be the way to go. Other tips that can help you includes:

1. Having A Planner 

It might be difficult having a planner if you already struggle with keeping up a routine. But planning your day the night before can be a great way to be better prepared for the day ahead.

Having a planner, journaling and talking about it with people can also keep you on your feet. It can help you achieve a lot more. Having an accountability partner is also an efficient way to carry out tasks from time to time. 

2. Do Not Be Too Hard On Yourself 

The last thing you want to do is beat yourself up about what you can’t control. Instead, channel that energy into the things you can. No matter how minute you think it is.

It is no surprise that disorderliness can be a stressor and irritant for the ISTJ and having to see yourself doing things you hate can weigh you down. But be kinder to yourself and understand more about the condition as you do everything else.

3. Finding An Outlet

Finding creative ways to help your mind and body health can never go wrong. Working out, finding a new hobby etc can be very beneficial to you in ways you can’t imagine. Take breaks often so your mind has free time to wander.

Practice meditation and any other tools that can help you stay as organized as possible. Deep breathing and exercising are key ways. 

Seek Professional Help 

Seeking professional help can never be done too late. When you notice things are spiraling, please seek the help you need.