The Highly Strung Personality [A Complete Guide]


Have you ever wondered what the highly strung personality was? Who are they and how can you handle being around them? This article gives a comprehensive insight on the highly strung personality, what to know, and what to do.

There are chances of having a highly strong personality and being completely unaware of this. This article also highlights the signs that this could be you. Before we go any further, what is the highly strung personality?

What Is the Highly Strung Personality?

The highly strung personality is one that is competitive in nature, with an avid sense of perfectionism, controlling behaviors, and a high sense of urgency than most. People who have all these bottled up in one can be classified as having this Type A personality.

Although all these seem confusing on their positive and negative influence. Highly sprung persons always have a clear goal. Not just that, but go after them as well. They tend to have a goal-oriented mindset.

The highly strung person would know what they want and expect nothing less. They set their expectations a lot higher than the average person. Everything needs to be perfect by their own definition. They don’t just influence themselves to be better, but others around them as well. But these also come at a cost.

Having a high-strung personality could make a person overly critical of themselves and those around them. This is usually done in an unhealthy way due to their desire for unachievable standards. They never stop improving themselves which can lead to overthinking.

Eventually all these can lead to anxiety, stress and even depression as they are always overly stimulated.  If you’ve ever wondered if you had a highly strung personality, below are signs this could be you.

Signs of Someone with A Highly Strung Personality

Here are some signs to help you identify if you have a highly strong personality or not.

1. They Can Be Overly Emotional

This is no surprise as they get heavily invested in anything they do. This makes them prone to being involved emotionally. They do this because they care deeply about themselves. They want it to be perfect, no matter how big or little the project is.

2. They Can Be Quite Anxious

The Type A personality will exhibit anxiety tendencies such as teeth grinding, counting, and nail biting. They are overly aware of their surroundings. As such, it could be a pressure on them subconsciously, making them overly anxious for fear of not meeting up.

3. They Are Very Much Goal Oriented

The highly strung personality brings their game when they commit to something. They do this because they care deeply. When you issue a project to a type A personality, you should expect them to bring their A-game, even to the point you want them to relax a little.

4. This Makes Them Stressed Out

All these makes them more vulnerable to stress which is terrible for their health. From overthinking to anxiety, it is important for them to take a breather every once in a while.

5. They Are Quite Competitive

Type A Personalities tend to have an overly competitive nature. This can be their bane as well as their salvation. They never want to finish last or even settle for second. This leads them to put a lot of pressure on themselves even when they shouldn’t.

6. They Can Be Pretty Intense

Intense is the perfect word to encapsulate all the characteristics of a highly strung personality. They are always unable to relax and hypersensitive to time and details. They also think a lot about their mistakes which doesn’t help either.

If you identify with more than one of these mentioned above, chances are you have a highly strong personality yourself. If you don’t or are wondering how to handle people who are highly strung, that would be mentioned below.

Dealing With People with Highly Strung Personality

It isn’t always easy dealing with people like this and that’s why they are usually categorized as villains in movies. But knowing how to approach and communicate with them is very important. It just requires a little patience and time. Here are 3 important ways to deal with people with high strung personalities.

1. Study Their Moods

To the highly strung person, their moods is enough to tell you all about them at that point. They can be very moody and when you want to communicate with them, understanding what mood they are in, helps.

For example, meeting them when they are engrossed in an activity or a thought process will not be doing both of you any good. It is usually best to wait till they are done. The last thing you want to do is disturb them right in the middle of something.

Let them overcome their personal crisis and they’d be more than happy to help you with yours. See? Very easy.

2. Understand Them

It is one thing to understand the mood of Type A personalities and it is another to understand them in total. Knowing when to keep your distance and be around them is crucial. It is very important to know when to take some time off especially if they are affecting your mental health.

Type A personalities tend to be codependent so be careful how much of yourself you leave available for them. You might just be giving them a safe net to fall back on at the expense of your mental health.

3. Be Kind and Compassionate to Them

As much as it’s important to know your limits of availability, remember to go easy on them. Don’t be harsh and mean to them. Never insult them because that’s just plain disrespectful. Empathy on the other hand should come into play.

Also never forget they are prone to codependency and you want to avoid this at all cost. This is for you and their good too. But you want to show them you love and care for them without triggering this response.

People with this kind of personality needs to be reassured frequently on how good they are and what they mean to you. But remember not to go overboard with this. Never forget to support them and be there for them just as they’d be there for you.


It is important to understand different personalities as it helps us navigate our worlds. Highly strung people might appear intense but they have emotions too. So, it is important to remember this in any decision you make and action you take.