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Ever wondered what it’s like to be an introverted girl? What characteristics do they possess and how does it affect their lives? As an introverted girl, I can tell you that just like other introverts, we enjoy our alone...
Introvert vs Shy? Have you ever wondered if they are one and the same thing? Introverts are usually categorized as shy but the truth is, they are not one and the same. Although some introverts can possess shyness, many...
Who is the INFJ 6w5 and what do you need to know about this personality type? This is one of the rarest personality types which makes them even more intriguing. The INFJ stands for introversion, intuition, feeling and judging....
Who is the INTP 9w1 and how do they differ from the typical INTP? This article throws more insight on this thinking personality and how the blend with enneagrams 9w1 changes their behavior. Let’s take a look at what...
How to start a conversation as an introvert can be challenging. Introverts generally like staying in the comfort of their own silence most times. Unfortunately, the world does not exactly work around that. In order to get what you need,...
A textbook definition of an ambivert is someone who exhibits both introversion and extroversion qualities. So generally, it’s difficult labeling them as any of these. Introversion and extroversion are two opposites of a spectrum. With ambiversion falling right in...
Here’s the secret about people, especially introverts: you’ll have an idea of what to expect, but you'll never know what you’re going to get. With your INTP boyfriend, chances are, every day with him will be a surprise. Should you...
Who is the INTP 8w9 and what makes them so incredible? What are their strengths and weaknesses? This article gives you an insight on how they function and what makes them different from a typical INTP.  How Does The INTP...
Who is the INFP 3w4? What are their strengths and weaknesses? How do they differ from the typical INFP? Let’s find out. Who is The INFP 3w4? The INFP 3w4 are known for their ambitious and goal oriented nature. And they...
Who is the INFP 8w7 and what makes this variant of the INFP so incredible? What are the key differences between them and the typical INFP? What are their strengths and weaknesses? This personality type is a lot more...