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What is a twin flame separation and how can you fix it when it eventually happens? You should know that twin flame relationships are the most intense kinds of relationships people experience in their lives. It can seem like the...
Who is the INFJ 2w3 and what makes them so amazing? What are their strengths, weaknesses and differences from the typical INFJ? This article will shine more light on that. Let’s begin. How The INFJ 2w3 Differs From The Other...
Who is the INFJ 1w2 and what makes them so special? If you know much about the mbti-verse, you’d already understand that the INFJ is one of the rarest mbti types there is. They are known for their empathetic...
Who is the INFP 6w5 and what makes them unique? The INFPs are very interesting characters in the mbti verse. They have their own way of things that are sometimes known to be misunderstood but they don’t let that...
Can an introvert become an extrovert? A lot of introverts who struggle with shyness and social anxiety always wonder. They might feel that becoming more extroverted can help their professional and social life. However, before we continue, you need to...
Who is the INFP 9w1 and what makes them so special? The INFP 9w1 is one of the most supportive persons you will ever meet. This article gives you an insight on their strengths, weaknesses and differences between them...
Who is the INFP 5w4 and how do they differ from the typical INFP? If you’re an INFP wanting to know if this is you, read on.  INFPs are part of the 16 mbti personality types. It stands for introversion,...
Who is the ISTJ 5w6 and what makes them so special? This personality type variant is known for their analytical nature. They can also be very creative, responsible and seek out to do good. This makes them very acceptable...
The enneagram social 9 is known for their extroverted nature. They can also be quite expressive and aren’t exactly like the typical nines in more ways than one. For example they tend to possess a psychological laziness which is...
Who is the enneagram social 8 and what makes them so special? The enneagram social 8 is categorized as the counter type of other Eights. This means they do not exactly follow the norms and go against different forms...