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How can you make a stress ball without the use of balloons? Stress balls are very important for people who suffer from stress and anxiety. Stress is quite a serious problem. Many people use other forms of relievers for their...
Who is the INTJ 8w9 and what makes them so cool? The INTJ is already a pretty impressive personality type in the mbti world. They are known for their wits, sarcasm and analytical skills. You can’t help but find...
If you’ve been through heartbreak as an introvert, then this article is for you. Introverts understand love differently. It is assumed that most introverts are demisexual or asexual. I mean, if you’re going to let someone have access to your...
What is a multifaceted personality and is that even a good thing? When people tell you you have a multifaceted personality, should you take it as a compliment? What are the advantages and disadvantages of this? Let’s find out. What...
What are the signs to look out for when you’re getting attached to someone? As introverts, we spend most of our time alone. Emotional attachment isn’t something we intentionally stay weary of. However, it is something we have no...
This article helps you understand everything about pushing people away, why you do it and how to stop. If you’ve ever been in a situation where you suddenly feel too vulnerable around people and want some distance, this is...
When it balls down to romance, the INTJ and ENFP might be the perfect pairing. This might not look so at first due to their differences. However, they have a few traits that attract them to each other. In relationships...
A person with a calm personality is always pleasing to have around. You can be yourself, let your guards down and not fear judgment. That’s literally their superpower. Having a calm personality means people can forget about their problems when...
What antisocial traits do you possess? What can you make from this and what does the future hold? Antisocial personality disorder (ASPD) is a mental health condition. People with this condition show a dislike in people around them. They are...
What to know about dating an anxious introvert? Introverts come in different types. It’s safe to say not all introverts have anxiety and some do. Anxiety is a mental health condition meanwhile introversion is a personality trait. One doesn’t always...