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What’s does a Bubbly personality entail? Having a bubbly personality is like a light at the end of the tunnel for a lot of people. If you’re someone who enjoys having a good laugh, a good time, and generally...
This article lets you in on how the ISFJ with ADHD navigates life and how they go about their daily activities. I personally enjoy the conversations surrounding adhd especially with how it influences your personality type and Vice versa. With...
Have you ever wondered what personality type thinks they are always right? You might have an idea but aren’t certain? Well, you’re in luck as I’m about to show you the personality type that thinks they are always right....
Who is the enneagram Self-Preservation Three? What makes up their instincts and what are their vices? If you’re an SP3, then this article is for you. The Self-Preservation Three is known for their strong sense of security. They spend their...
You’re probably wondering: “Am I an INFJ”? The INFJ is one of the 16 Myers-Briggs personality types (MBTI). Over the years, it has been featured in movies and pop culture. Of course, it’s normal for a lot of people...
Are you the Self-Preservation two? Then this article explains the characteristics of one and all you need to know. The Self-Preservation Two is known for their childlike nature and a need to be protected due to their cute nature. This...
The Self-Preservation One has the primary instinct of worry and anger. If you are a SP1, then this article is for you. The Self-Preservation instinctual subtype explains the enneagram a little deeper. The self-preservation instinct focuses more on their essentials...
The INTJs are one of the most misunderstood personality types due to their uniqueness. If you have an INTJ boyfriend or you’re considering dating one, then you’re probably aware of this. If you aren’t, buckle up! There's a lot...
Everyone has their differences in personalities and even two people with the same personality will have mild but visible differences. The same can be said for the INFP personality type. While they all share some common traits, your INFP...
Having an INTP girlfriend requires a lot of patience if you’re used to romance. This is because she might not be as expressive as you would want her to be when it involves romance. This can also make her...