Knowing Your Mechanically-Inclined ISTP Boyfriend Better


You’ve probably wondered if you are dating an ISTP boyfriend or at least wondered what it feels like. Maybe he had hinted that he was an ISTP but what does that mean exactly?

The truth is, ISTP is considered the most mechanically inclined of all personality types.

Now when you come across the term, “mechanically inclined”, you might think of fixing cars or even building an AI machine. Although some of them can possibly have the ability to do these, it’s not always the case.

You might have noticed that your ISTP boyfriend is a great go-to for his problem-solving abilities and other traits. These are undeniably cool traits. You might have also noticed he’s an introvert but he’s more than that.

Read: Who Is It Like To Be An ISTP Female

Here are a few things you should know about your ISTP boyfriend.

He Is Not A Robot

People classify introverts like ISTPs as robots but you shouldn’t.

He has feelings too and they are present, even though he doesn’t show much of it. He might not be clamoring for deep conversations but he tries to be there in action. Sometimes he wants to express himself but finds it difficult to.

He’s Unpredictable

How many times have you wondered what your boyfriend was up to?

ISTPs are very unpredictable, both in their personal and business life. They have consistent and stable moments. These stable moments are just a build-up for the next unpredictable action to spring up.

He’s Great at Problem Solving

ISTPs are natural problem solvers, so your boyfriend is a superhero in disguise. You’ve probably been in awe looking at your boyfriend come up with solutions, especially when you thought it couldn’t be done.

You should know soon enough that your ISTP boyfriend can solve just about anything.

He’s Friendly…But Not Too Friendly

Your ISTP boyfriend might be friendly but he’s the private one. You might see him talk to people but trust me, not everyone knows things about him. He likes to keep his life private. So, you probably should think twice before telling someone anything about him.

He May Seem Uncertain with His Emotions

Expressing emotions or giving emotional support to anyone seems like quite a lot of work. Your ISTP boyfriend finds it quite difficult to do this. This doesn’t mean they don’t feel these emotions. Expressing them is a bit difficult.

Not only does it frustrate people around them but it frustrates them sometimes as well.

He’s Highly Intelligent

Your ISTP boyfriend possesses a sure intelligence you just can’t deny. He sees things a lot differently than a lot of people you know. Sometimes it makes you want to know more of what goes through his mind.

He might possess athletic skills or excel in academia. Remember intelligence comes in more ways than one.

He Tends to Leap Before He Looks

Your boyfriend tends to act a little hastily and you might not understand it. He’s more of an act-now-think-later kind of guy. You’ve probably wondered a few times why he does that but he’s an ISTP.

These actions may lead him to regret when faced with consequences but he most likely would do it again.

He Values Artistry and Craftsmanship

This is a great tip that would make your boyfriend happy. He appreciates the arts and although he may seem a little more into functionality, he admires things that can hardly be explained.

He’s Always Thinking

Your ISTP boyfriend always wonders what’s next. He’s always thinking of the next best thing. He wants to develop himself as much as possible, trying to outdo his previous thoughts. This is a great attribute for someone to have.

Your boyfriend wants to be better than yesterday, and that’s a fact.

He Has a Sharp Mind

He may be very skilled with his hands but his mind makes him the perfect combo. He can fit just about anywhere you place him. This is something to be proud of.

As you can see, your ISTP boyfriend is a pretty cool person. You should know there’s more to him, even though he comes off as quite cold and a robot to other people.

You may only have known that your boyfriend is an introvert, but now you have identified a few things that make him unique.

If you didn’t know whether or not your boyfriend is an ISTP and you can identify with some of the signs mentioned above, now you know.

How Do You Make Your ISTP Boyfriend Happy?

Your ISTP boyfriend may be hard to know initially but it gets better. You might have also noticed he is a man of very few words. Only saying what needs to be said. Instead, he’s more of a thinker and analyzer.

ISTPs need their space and that’s something you need to understand when a long-term relationship is considered. They do not appreciate drama, neither do they want anyone controlling any of their behaviors.

If you do this, he would leave without batting an eyelid. This is because they try not to get too attached to a relationship.

ISTP boyfriends are probably one of the simplest people you can come across. When it comes to dealing with more practical stuff in the house, he’s right there. They might not be the best with words but they make up for it with actions.

Why constantly tell you I love you when I could just show you?”

You can also get great general tips on how to deal with an introverted boyfriend here.

How Do You Strengthen a Relationship with an ISTP?

If your boyfriend has all these attributes surely it must be hard to be in the relationship, right? Wrong. With the right approach and strategy, you could have the best relationship you’ve ever had. Your ISTP boyfriend also needs to come on board if you’re going to make it work. First of all, you have to understand this.

Communication Is Key

Always remember that communication is the backbone of any relationship and it isn’t an exception in this case. ISTPs need to communicate if they want their relationships to thrive and you can encourage them to do that.

They are people of very few words but that shouldn’t always be so. As an ISTP, you need to communicate more with your partner. Let them know when you’re sad, happy, angry. It may seem hard but it’s a way to show you care about your partner.

Eventually, it won’t seem like a chore.

Respect Space and Boundaries

ISTPs need space and if they don’t get it, it becomes evident. Talk to your partner about these things and also learn to compromise. You need to be more understanding as a partner.

Your boyfriend would need time to recharge and it doesn’t mean he does not love you. He just needs to get enough energy. Do not try invading this space to avoid chaos.

Do Some Recreational Activities Together

Your boyfriend would appreciate doing fun activities as you chatter away the day. They aren’t people of many words but they are willing to be more active, so thrive on that. Do not be boring when planning dates. See a great movie if you’re out of ideas.

Avoid Being Too Deep

ISTPs are not the best people to talk about the meaning of life or finding purpose. You might want to reconsider before forcing them into conversations like this.

To an ISTP, life is pretty straightforward and doesn’t have to be complicated. They’d rather you tell them stuff as it is than any other way. So, you should avoid getting too deep and emotional with them.

Don’t Try to Change Them

Trying to change your boyfriend could be the worst thing you can attempt. They would run as fast as their legs can take them. Accept your boyfriend and let him know that too.

If he didn’t care about you or at least like you, he wouldn’t be in that relationship. Something attracted you to him in the first place. You shouldn’t attempt to change that.

Encourage Him To Share His Thoughts

You might get slightly irritated by his straightforward replies. Now there is a way to get more from him and that’s by asking a follow-up question.

Encourage him to talk about what you want to hear. Don’t push it too hard because it might take a while. But once they eventually start doing so, you’ll be glad you waited.

ISTP Partners

Who are the most compatible partners of the ISTP? Well, anyone.

Personality types don’t always determine if someone would be a good partner or not. However, it gives you an idea of what direction it can go.

The ESTJ and ESFJ have been disclosed as being the best partners for the ISTP, but a lot of things can render this subjective. As long as you love your partner and want a better relationship, you’re just right for them.