Introvert Texting Habit-Here’s What You Should Know


What introvert texting habit have you come across? Introverts can be quite an interesting lot and this includes their way of texting. To the introvert, forms of communication can be exhausting.

Texting has made the world a better place for a lot of people. Why call when you can just send a text. It keeps you connected even when you’re on the go or in places you can’t possibly make phone calls in.

It is a well-known story that the introvert detests phone calls and sometimes even physical meet ups. But how exactly do they feel about texting? Here are eight (8) common introvert texting habit.

Eight (8) Common Introvert Texting Habit

Here are the most common introvert texting habits you’ve most likely come across.

1. Introverts Can Find Texting to Be Just as Overwhelming as Calling

You might not know this but texts can be overwhelming to the introvert as much as calls. Although nothing irks an introvert as much as the sound of their cell phone ringing, being in constant communication through texts can do just the same thing.

Texts require properly thought-out responses and the introvert doesn’t want to say the wrong thing. However, because there isn’t a pressing need to reply impulsively as with physical conversations, they might take their time.

2. Introverts Might Text Just as They Talk

A very interesting thing about introverts is that they can text just the way they talk, sometimes even better. The idea of putting their thoughts into words seems like perfect haven for them. When you text, it is easier to express your self at your own time and pace.

They do not mind texting longer paragraphs as long as it prevents you from calling them. But here’s the catch, sending just too many paragraphs yourself can trigger their anxiety and they’d get back to it at their own time. It’s hard to understand why, even for them. But one thing is certain, they aren’t afraid to express how they feel.

3. Texts Can Trigger an Introverts Anxiety

Not all introverts have an anxiety disorder but a lot of them actually suffer from anxiety every now and then. Texts can put them in this situation and that’s something they detest. When an introvert receives a notification for a text, they might not open the message out of worry.

One reason for this introvert texting habit is because they fear they’d have to reply. Another is because they don’t want to start a conversation, they would zone out half way in. Keeping the attention of an introvert through text can be difficult.

4. Distractions When Texting Can Take an Introverts Attention

As mentioned prior, it can be a Herculean task to keep the attention of an introvert through texts. They are multitaskers and are probably in the middle of an activity when texting you. So late replies or uninteresting ones can easily sway them to lean more into other tasks.

But the catch is, they are never angry about it. Matter of factly, they’d be happier as you’d be giving them a chance to not respond to your message and not feel bad about it. They might be unhappy if they’re texting about really important stuff.

5. Introverts Would Rather Text When They Are Alone

An introvert will rather text you when alone. Being around people means that they’ll be easily distracted or are already being overstimulated. This makes them uninterested to continue with the conversation.

Introverts text just as they’d talk or communicate in any other form. They need their attention focused and when their social battery is being drained, that can be a challenge. They either get uninterested or just zone out. They might stop replying altogether no matter how interesting the conversation is.

6. Introverts Suppress the Pressure of Replying on Impulse

As mentioned earlier, introverted people take their time when responding even in real life. So they’ll most likely take their time before responding to your text. It can be frustrating sometimes looking out for their response.

But here’s a little secret. If you need an introvert to respond to your text all together, it is important to signify the importance of a respond. Instead of texting “hello” and leaving it hanging, you might wanna go straight to the point.

7. Introverts Might Ignore You

If you’ve texted your introverted friend before, you’ll notice that sometimes they do not just respond to your text. They can outrightly ignore you but be online. This is because they aren’t in the mood to text and maybe because they have a lot on their mind.

Again, signifying how important your text is can go a long way. The good thing is, introverts do this too. They let you know immediately why they are texting to avoid the dreaded small talk.

8. Introverts Find Texting Very Draining

It is a no brainer. You’ve noticed how draining the introvert finds texting. It can disrupt their alone time, trigger their anxiety, be an avenue for small talk which they detest. Many times, these feelings aren’t something they can control.


Excluding all of this, an introvert can turn out to be one of the best conversationalist you’ll find. When they’re knowledgeable about a subject, they can be very interesting as they know quite a lot of things from spending a lot of time alone.

The introvert texting habit might irritate others. However, sometimes they feel bad about it and try to work on it. It’s usually best to meet half way with them.