INTP Dark Side-Every Thing To Know About It


What does the INTP dark side mean? This article would highlight some negative and dark traits the INTP posses.

INTP stands for Introversion, Intuition, Thinking and Perceiving. It is one of the personality types in the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator. This personality type is one of the rarest and only 3% of the general population.

The INTP has a lot of redeeming attitudes. They have the nicknames “The Logician” “The Thinker” or “The Analyst”. They are one of the smartest and resourceful MBTI personality types.

Amongst this redeeming quality, they are great problem solvers who make good use of their logical mindset. Known to be a common personality type amongst innovators, it is not doubting the INTP can be amazing.

But amongst all of this comes equal shortcomings on the part of the INTP. They have a dark side which has negative traits they aren’t aware of.

Below are some of these dark traits of the INTP you might have noticed or should look out for.

INTP Dark Side Traits

Some of the dark traits of an INTP includes:

1. They Aren’t Much of Empaths

One thing about the INTP that can be categorized as a shortcoming is that they aren’t as emotional as other types thanks to their thinking function. This means they can be oblivious to the emotional areas of their life and those around them.

This could lead to them ruining the relationship they have with others. When you tell an INTP something important and person about yourself, you might not get the response you would with others. They come off as detached and oblivious.

Does this mean the INTP does not have feelings? Not at all. In fact, they do have an emotional side, however it’s something they are still coming to terms with. They deal more with logic so this leaves their emotions underdeveloped.

When you tell an INTP your problem, instead of being empathetic or sympathizing with you, they begin looking for solutions. That is how they express their care.

2. Struggling With Relationships is Another INTP Dark Side

It is no surprise that the INTP may struggle with relationships because of their shortcomings in the empathy department. They are introverts and introverts love spending a lot of their time alone.

This can make it hard to navigate friendships, romantic relationships and sometimes work. But the INTP has a few persons they can trust and they have a few close relationships as well.

Another important thing to know about the INTP dark side is their fear of rejection. Due to this, they wouldn’t make the first move in most cases. They aren’t fans of fleeting relationships and want more stable, long-lasting ones.

They appreciate it when people around them can help with their minds and creativity. The INTP would most likely put themselves first before anyone else. They lack empathy so they don’t really understand how you feel.

This is where communication comes in. If you’re being affected by something done by an INTP, let them know. Never assume they would figure it out because most times they won’t.

3. Super Introversion as an INTP Dark Side

The INTP is super introverted. The most introverted personality type would be the INTJ but the INTP comes close. Now this might not be seen as a dark side till you realize they avoid things a lot.

They are socially withdrawn and often refuse to talk about things they want to for fear of attention. Just like some other introverted types, they live in their heads and would rather remain there.

They also aren’t fans of small talk. However, when it comes to more meaningful conversations, you’d be surprised by how much knowledge the INTP posses.

When talking about things they don’t care about, the INTP would not indulge. If they are forced to, they can come off as dismissive and rude. Another INTP dark side trait-INTPs absolutely detest small talk.

4. They May Seem Lacking In Their Own Knowledge

The INTP would appreciate talking about things they find interesting but they aren’t the best at speaking. When it comes to writing however, they would do a phenomenal job.

When it comes to debating or lecturing, the INTP may seem lacking but they always appreciate their opponent. To them it’s a venture to learn and they take it as that sometimes. However, being wrong can be triggering.

In a case of debating, especially on something they have no inept knowledge about, they could call back on their analytical brain. Picking apart their opponent through grammar correcting and other details that might not be too relevant.

But what makes this a dark side for them is that they get triggered when their logic is proven wrong with evidence. That’s the frustrating part of it for the INTP.

5. They Come Off As Lazy Procrastinators

If you’ve ever thought your INTP friend was lazy, you’re not the only one. You might wonder why they are quite smart and usually get the job done when they want to. But they are probably overthinking ever move.

The INTP usually struggles with self doubt and the fear of failure. They are thinkers and usually can’t help it. This can make them reluctant to start a project and eventually making them seem lazy.

They may not be the best at school work because of difficulty focusing but they do well in other parts of their lives. This can come off as a negative trait of an INTP, especially considering they are quite smart and analytical.


The INTP dark side is something that must be dealt with by considering an INTP as a partner. They may not be the best at empathy but they genuinely care about people in their lives.

They can be heavily misunderstood which usually gets to them. Some posses most of these dark side traits while others posses a few. It is important to study your INTP friends and ask them more about themselves to be truly certain.