INTJ vs ENTJ: What Are The Key Differences?


What are the INTJ vs ENTJ differences? Both these personality types are known to be rare. They are intuitive and great thinkers. They share quite a number of similarities. So what else? First let’s break down the INTJ personality type and the ENTJ as well. 

What is an INTJ personality type?

The INTJ is one of the 16 personality types from the Myers-Briggs type indicator. The INTJ stands for introverted, intuitive, thinking and judging. Usually, people with this personality type are known to be very logical in nature. They are also great planners, analytical and introverted. The INTJ  treasures their alone time and keeps almost everyone at arm’s length. Not a lot of people tend to know much about the INTJ except they are told. 

Read: The Unhealthy ENTJ- Understanding ENTJ dark side

They also think a lot which means most times they are stuck in their own head. Living in their own world. They think before the speak and this makes it hard for them to be wrong in arguments. Ah INTJ wouldn’t say what they aren’t sure of. 

They tend to gravitate towards solitary careers that limit their interactions with people. However some venture into more elaborate ones like acting and singing. INTJs are usually very talented and dedicated when they put their mind to it.

What is an ENTJ personality type?

The ENTJ is also one of the 16 personality types from the Myers-Briggs type indicator. The INTJ stands for Extroverted, Intuitive, Thinking, and Judging. Usually, people with this personality type are also thinkers and intuitive. However they are usually more outgoing than their INTJ counterparts because of their extroverted nature. Unlike the almost always tired INTJ, the ENTJ has more energy and enjoys performing actions instead of just thinking about it. 

This makes them great leadership material and will also pursue careers that would let them interact with people and fuel their adrenaline rush. 

What Are The Similarities of The INTJ vs ENTJ Personality Types?

Before we go over their differences, let’s talk about the similarities of the INTJ and the ENTJ. Although one is introverted and the other, extroverted, they share a lot of other functions together. For one their sense of intuition is their primary mode of processing information as well as them being logical in decision making. 

They are both thinkers and their judging function means that they like things done in a structural and orderly manner. All of these together makes them very intelligent and somewhat wise. They also don’t let you forget it.

Ten (10) Major Differences Between INTJ vs The ENTJ 

Now for the differences. Here are 10 differences between the INTJ vs the ENTJ you will find interesting.

1. Introverted Vs Extroverted 

The very first major difference between these personality types is simple. INTJs are very introverted while the ENTJ is more outgoing. INTJs prefer their own company on most days and are introverted to a fault. They almost never seek people out and at most interact on social media. 

The ENTJ on the other hand can be the life of the party. They enjoy being in groups and do not like spending a lot of time alone except when they actually have to. They have a longer social battery life as opposed to the INTJ who needs a lot of time to recharge.

The INTJ doesn’t exactly hate interactions if it’s in smaller groups or one on one. But the ENTJ is ready to spread their wings no matter what. They are a much better option as a party guest than the INTJ.

2. Intuition Vs Sensing

This brings us to the second on the list. Although both have intuitive functions, the INTJ uses it a lot more than the ENTJ. What is intuition? It’s basically connecting and understanding the world around us. It helps you feel and see things a lot of people generally don’t. This is what makes personality types with this better at problem solving, seeing the bigger picture and understanding the various types of people.

That’s right. INTJs usually understand the world around them compared to a lot of other personality types. They understand that the world is not always black and white and there are a great number of gray areas. This is a little less pronounced with the ENTJ who needs concrete facts before taking actions. They are different from the INTJ who understands that results do not come immediately and sometimes dwell in theory.

The ENTJ likes actions and they take off from where the INTJ stops. An INTJ and ENTJ partnership would be a classic example of brains and brawns.

3. Decision Making 

When it comes to making decisions, they both do that logically. They like to use facts and metrics to justify their biases. And they both hate being wrong so they ensure that they aren’t. Unlike the ENTJ, The INTJ would require a little more time before making a decision. Even when they are sure of what it is, they need to take their time for last minute evaluations.

ENTJs on the other hand make decisions a lot faster. They share a similar decision making framework with the INTJ but the difference is that they are a lot quicker and would rather take the actions immediately. ENTJs can be impulsive and INTJs are almost never.

4. Communication Styles 

These two personality types have very direct modes of communication. When it comes to opinions, they are steadfast and have strong ones. They usually stand up for what they think is right and this isn’t just because of their feelings. They are very analytical.

INTJs aren’t ones to throw their opinions on people they just met except they feel they have to. Sometimes they come off as more reserved than their ENTJ counterparts. They tend to ask a lot of questions and like to know how others think. 

ENTJ on the other hand are more loud and enthusiastic. They are more open to making eye contacts and opening up about their opinion. Again they are generally more outgoing and like to talk things through.

Read: ENTJ 4w3 (The Complete Guide)

5. Trying New Things 

Between these personality types, the ENTJ is more likely to try new activities than the INTJ. ENTJs like fun and new adventures. They want to know a lot but mostly using actions and not imagining them.

INTJ on the other hand are more reserved and would rather stick with what they know. They are more imaginative and although they love to learn new things, they usually only want to try them every now and then.

6. Making Friends 

Making friends is another key difference between these personality types. Although they both enjoy deep connections, INTJs prefer a smaller group of people to the ENTJ who doesn’t mind large groups. They thrive better when engaging intimately or with a small group of people. 

The ENTJ on the other hand are extroverts and prefer interacting with a larger network. In some cases they can be categorized as the life of the party. The INTJ is more introverted and more people would do nothing but drain their social battery. Requiring them to withdraw and recharge for a long time.

7. Work Style 

INTJs absolutely prefer working alone. They detest working in offices as that requires frequent communication which eventually burns them out. Busy offices and other places of work aren’t for them. They prefer the solitude of working remotely and in their own space. Only talking to people when they want to and not necessarily because they need to.

This is so different from the ENTJ who would find this work set up to be completely boring. They feel the most comfortable working and communicating with other people.

8. Need For Alone Time 

INTjs require a lot more alone time than the ENTJs. They get overwhelmed easily by people which can make them irritable. They are also more affected and sensitive to external stimuli. INTJs hate loud and reoccurring sounds, bright lights and unnecessary chatter.

ENTJs spend more time with people and are more immune to this sensitivity. Although they aren’t the most extroverted extroverts, they are much more social than their introverted counterparts and require less alone time.

9. Learning Style 

Both the INTJ and the ENTJ are usually really smart and calculated. They enjoy gaining knowledge as a hobby and this makes them the ones to blurt out random facts at a party/gathering. However they learn a little differently as well.

The INTJ learns most by researching and studying how other people take certain actions. Their observation skills are second to none and they proceed to collect data and work with it. Considering their thinking function, they like to analyze this in their own way.

ENTJs prefer learning by doing. They like to carry out their own actions and prefer projects with other people. It’s a great way to learn about the project and those around them. However the INTJ is the one to call if you need to find out more in different subjects. They thrive off researching. 

10. Coping With Stress 

The INTJ personality type detests pressure and it can affect them in more ways than one. It makes it hard for them to think or be analytical which can jeopardize their projects. They try not to get themselves in a stressful environment due to this. It can also trigger their anxiety.

The ENTJ however doesn’t mind a high stress environment. In fact they prefer it as it keeps them busy and they know how to handle it. They are usually more confident in this case.

Conclusion on INTJ vs ENTJ

These are the 10 key differences between the INTJ and the ENTJ. Although they share a lot of similarities, little things like this is what makes one personality type different from the other. They are both logical thinkers and require alone time, just in different intensities. They are analytical but one is more action oriented than the other.

Although they have different learning styles, coping skills and work style, the INTJ and ENTJ are still two of the rarest personality types for a reason.

 What other differences do you know?