Interesting INTP facts You Will Relate To


Ever wondered what cool INTP facts you relate to and what are practically essential knowledge? Then you don’t want to miss this article. The INTP are know for their clumsy but productive ways. They are considered stubborn and even super introverts. This article talks more about that.

In the mbti world, no matter how predictable a personality is, they are always going to leave you surprised one way or another. Let’s take a look at the INTP facts you definitely want to know.

10 Relatable INTP Facts You Should Know

Here are some essential facts you want to know about the INTP 

1. They Are Super Introverted

Some introverts are more introverted than other introverts and this applies to INTP. They are super introverts and would prefer their own company to anyone else’s. And when they do socialize, it can lead to weeks or even months of recharging. 

The INTP recharge time is not negotiable and they can spend this time doing a myriad of things.

2. They Aren’t One To Panic 

The INTP remains calm under pressure and that is one of their best traits. Something they also share with the INTJ. This is one of the coolest INTP facts too because not a lot of people can do that. They are natural problem solvers so they try to stay focused.

They might not be the best at implementing like the INTJ but this doesn’t take away from it. The INTP will whip out logic and worry later.

They are the logicians after all.

3. INTP Females Don’t Succumb To Stereotypes 

When it comes to the INTP woman, they would most likely be found in male dominated fields and do not shy away from a challenge. Unlike many other personality types that consider women the feelers of the bunch, this doesn’t apply here. 

They go against societal norms and care more about logic than using their emotions. The INTP female is cool in their own way too.

4. They Are Considered Stubborn

The INTPs can be sweethearts but this doesn’t change the fact that they are stubborn. Not the best trait to have but you can’t talk about the INTP without highlighting this. This mostly comes alive when they have a theory to go on. 

They also want to have their way and might take a lot for them to back down. They express themselves through Ne. This means they would only let something go if all boxes check out.

5. They Are Scattered

The INTP is considered a more scatter-like INTJ. The way the plan, think or organize isn’t as great and can be all over the place, however it works for them. The reason for this is because they lead with an introverted thinking (Ti) and spend a lot of time in their heads. 

They can end up analyzing a lot of things in their heads before actually carrying out an action. This can eventually leave them scattered and all over the place. 

6. The INTP & Education 

When it comes to learning and education, the INTP is one to jump aboard. They love to learn and be in their own space, education can give the room for that. They can also be involved in projects and things they consider interesting. 

But the good thing about knowledge and education is that it isn’t just gotten from formal institutions and the INTP knows that. So they spend time learning anyway they can and it doesn’t have to be formal.

7. INTP and Career Choices 

When it comes to choosing a career path, they like to go where they call the shots except they have no choice. The INTP doesn’t want someone breathing down their neck at every given time. They prefer more flexible roles.

When a job has too much structure and rules, it can put them off. They need their freedom and want to do something they are passionate about. When otherwise, they can be a lot less productive. This makes them lower on the spectrum when it comes to income

8. INTP & Enneagram Type 

The most common enneagram type for the INTP would be a type 5. This fits well into their traits and introverted function and this is why many introverts tend to have this 5 as a primary or as a wing. 

This is not all as they can also be a type 6, type 9 and a type 8. Anything else is very rare and almost impossible.

9. The INTP and Religion 

Is the INTP inclined to be religious? Absolutely not. They are least likely to even be amongst other mbti types. They are more likely to be atheist or agnostic. But this isn’t set in stone. There can be a few outliers. 

The INTP can be spiritual in their own way. Depending on how they grew up and their environment. But this isn’t a common trait and they do not exactly mix well with religious beliefs.

10. The INTP & Love Languages 

What is the preferred love language of the INTP? Well quality time is up there as they love spending time with whoever they are interested in. They love engaging in conversations and digging into the other person’s brains.

They are also one for physical touch as they love intimacy considering it says everything the mouth can’t. It is important to note they appreciate every other love language as well but these are their top two.

These are some interesting facts you definitely needed to know. Which do you relate to the most and what do you think I missed?