How INTJs Flirt-5 Important Signs


How INTJs flirt? This is a very important question because it can be difficult associating the INTJ with flirting if you’re thinking vulnerability. However, it is quite the complete opposite of that.

If your idea of a good partner or flirting is a nice soft-spoken voice who laughs at everything you say and gives you doey eyes, then this is the absolute wrong personality type for you to date. You have to back up.

However, if you don’t mind honesty, intense fazes, intellectual discussion, sarcasm, and sometimes unending questions, then this personality type is the one to sweep you off your feet. They might eventually progress to sweet talking every once in a while, but don’t put your hopes in that.

If you know any INTJ characters, you’ll know they come off as serious but they can be intensely romantic. Let’s look at INTJ characters like Kat Stratford from the movie “10 Things I Hate About You”. Or Mr. Darcy From Pride & Prejudice. Hopefully you get where I’m going with this.

How does the INTJ show affection? How do you know they like you and are indeed flirting? What’s their deal anyway? Recently I came across this flirting TED Talk on YouTube which teaches you how to H.O.T A.P.E a person (you have to watch it for context). It’s basically your body language and how you can be a proper flirt.

As useful as it might seem to a lot of people, most INTJs would find some steps quite difficult because that’s not what they are built for. Their flirting style is considerably more long term. This article is going to show you a few ways to know how INTJs flirt.

How INTJs Flirt/Express Themselves When They Like You

1. They Keep Asking You Questions

INTJs might come off as dismissive especially when they have no feelings for a person. Here’s the thing, why ask when I’m not interested? Of course, there are moments where they ask because they are curious but when it comes to flirting, an INTJ asking you questions is a good thing.

Now they will ask you more meaningful questions, not if you’ve eaten or drank water today. This is because they need to analyze if you would fit right into their life or not. If you are worth whatever rollercoaster they might be embarking on.

They want to know your goals, ambitions and mostly how you think. You need to know an INTJ would ask you questions because they want to know your thinking capacity. The sooner they know, the faster they can get out of it doesn’t sit well with them. INTJs hate wasting their time and everything you say is never forgotten.

2. They Will Indeed Touch You

This might come off as strange, even to us but when we are interested in a person, we will touch you. We will find a way because physical touch is one of our prominent love languages. Why this is weird is because we detest being touched. We are very protective of our personal space.

When an INTJ begins brushing your hand or offering theirs if you’re cold, then you know at that moment, they are interested in you. This is also because they are comfortable around you. As your relationship progresses, you’ll begin to see how handsy they can get. I’ll tell you for free, when an INTJ loves you, they don’t mind your touch.

As mentioned above, they don’t like wasting their time with anyone so if they are going down that road with you, you can be assured it’s just you. They’ll be loyal, honest and probably very intense.

3. They’ll Be Honest with You

INTJs are naturally honest people because they find dishonesty a chore. But they can also be private people and might not give out the real reason behind a lot of things if they don’t have to. So when an INTJ is interested in you, they would share and answer any questions you throw at them and honestly too.

There’s a reason INTJs can come off as cold and mean even without intending too. But with someone they are flirting with, they would outrightly give you a disclaimer. The last thing an they want to do is waste their emotional energy. It’s very hard for them to connect to people in such manner.

This is why they usually want it to work when they finally do but will always understand when it isn’t. When you back off and let you go. The honesty of an INTJ can leave you uncomfortable sometimes, so heads up.

4. They Would Let You Exercise Your Freedom

INTJs are a great definition of independence. They understand the importance and how it aids decision making. This is why they would gladly gift autonomy to their partners. If they can’t trust you to make the right decision then they wouldn’t be with you.

They aren’t overly clingy, neither do they want to text and call you every given minute. They respect your time and expect you to respect theirs as well. But you should also know they appreciate every moment you reach out to them. It shows you’re thinking of them and we like that.

The INTJ takes respect rather seriously and wouldn’t want to disrespect anyone they are flirting with or in a relationship with. They also expect their bare minimum or they are out.

5. They Would Love Spending Time with You

INTJs enjoy quality time even when you have nothing to talk about. They just want to be around you, doing their thing. It makes them feel warm on the inside. This is serious because they usually are very protective of their personal space.

INTJs are considered more introverted than other introverts. They run solo and are usually always on their own. So, if an INTJ wants to spend an extra minute with you, there might be a bit of interest in there.

Something else you should know about how INTJs flirt, they are quite blunt so if you aren’t sure if an INTJ is flirting with you or showing you love, all you have to do is ask and they will answer. They wouldn’t hesitate to ask if they were confused as well.