Here’s What To Know About Your ISFP Girlfriend


What are the most important things to know about your ISFP girlfriend?

ISFPs are introverted and can be quite emotional. However, they are more than that.

ISFPs can be very loving and amazing partners. They care deeply about their friends. They’ll want to connect with people they love on a much deeper level.

Knowing your partner’s personality type helps in building and solidifying a relationship. There are so many factors that make the ISFP girlfriend special.

Read: The Top ISFP Traits You Should Know

Here’s What Makes Your ISFP Girlfriend Special

She Has Strong Morals

The presence of their internal morals and values keeps ISFPs in check. It makes them strive to achieve good in the world.

They are one of the few people who want to make the world a better place. ISFPs believe that their values and morals can help achieve that.

This isn’t a trait that would be shown to you every time. You should be aware of the great care your girlfriend has for the world.

ISFPs also want their actions to show how they feel on the inside and are not pretentious.

The ISFP girlfriend is very true and sincere with her words and action. So, if she says something to you, she means it. As such, they detest insincerity and pretentious people.

They Cherish Love

No one appreciates and acknowledges love as much as the ISFP female. Every loving thing you do for her is engraved in her heart and will never be forgotten.

ISFPs appreciate love in various forms and languages. To them, love should be shown freely as it is necessary to make the world a better place. This is why they take people around them seriously.

The ISFP girlfriend isn’t one for a shallow and meaningless relationship. She wants to build a relationship with someone she sees a future with. Creating a bond not the slightest of challenges can break.

ISFPs would rather do nothing with their time than force a relationship or be with someone who doesn’t understand the concept and beauty love possesses.

If you’re looking for a girl who wants to bare her entire soul and body to you, then the ISFP girlfriend is the right one to date.

ISFPs do not appreciate being with someone who holds them back and doesn’t let them express themselves as much as they want. They have a lot of love to give.

They will express themselves with no restrains and if you attempt putting that on them, they would walk out the door. The partner of the ISFP should be ready for a passionate and affectionate companion in them.

When they love you, they are open to showing this to the world. Without shame nor regrets. They only ask for a partner who appreciates this and doesn’t take them for a fool.

They Are Non-Conformists

Again, the ISFP female is a free spirit and doesn’t conform to just anything. They don’t appreciate people trying to control the way they think and see the world.

They believe you have a path in life and so do they. As long as no one interrupts each other, the world is a better place. They wouldn’t try controlling you and would not appreciate you controlling them either.

They have a sense of independence and don’t rely on people to help make decisions for them. This makes them reliable partners and who doesn’t want that. They do not conform to the idea of being in one place all their lives. No, they believe there is more to life than that.

As you guessed, the presence of their free-spirited personalities makes them one of the best to be around. They are fun and quite jovial. So, do not expect the most outgoing personality experience with them except you are close friends or family.

Only then can you truly see the fun and goofy side of the ISFP. When they trust you, they can let their guards down even if this takes a while. It’s never a dull moment with them because they have a very beautiful and playful personality.

They Need Their Space

It is safe to say that this is pretty obvious with the ISFP. They are introverted and would need their space eventually. An introvert’s space acts as an energy booster for them. It’s a way to recharge their batteries that have been drained one way or another.

What do you do as a partner?

You let this happen without questioning it. Just because your ISFP girlfriend needs some alone time doesn’t mean she doesn’t love you any more or doesn’t want to be with you.

There are other ways you can come to this realization. This isn’t one of them. And just because they need their alone time doesn’t mean they shut you out completely. Except of course they want nothing to do with you.

When an ISFP woman loves you, she would reach out to you often and let you into her space a few times. Treasure this because it doesn’t happen very often.

When dating an introvert, it is very important to note that they come with social batteries. The thing about batteries is that they die and need to be replaced or recharged. The way that happens for introverts is by being in their space. In their own worlds.

What happens if they don’t get this? They get frustrated easily and you see them becoming a shadow of their old self. This isn’t something you want for someone you love.

They Will Be Your Biggest Cheerleader

The ISFP girlfriend is someone who believes in you and would cheer you on. They are the kind to be supportive of people who love them and want the utmost best for them. With the ISFP girlfriend, you’ll feel seen and respected.

They are great listeners who just have a welcoming air to them. They are characterized by their large hearts and loving nature. Willing to help their partners be the best version of themselves is a trait you will love in your ISFP girlfriend.

If you’re someone who needs the extra push to get things done, then you’re in luck. Unlike people who only see the negative side of things, they tend to see the beautiful sides to things too.

They aren’t ones to throw you to the dogs nor judge you because of your past. You feel most comfortable and loved with them. When they love you, they aren’t just your buggiest supporters but also your biggest defenders.

As you well know, they can be quite the defenders. You’re right by their books as long as you are loyal to them and give them your attention. Do not play with the ISFPs intelligence or feelings because you can never get back from that. They would walk out that door and you would never get them back.

Who Is the Best Partner for The ISFP Girlfriend?

The best partner for any personality type is someone who is willing to understand them and grow with them in the process. Introverts and extroverts tend to be the conventional couple but this isn’t a necessity in making a relationship work.

Understanding how your ISFP girlfriend functions is a way of getting closer to her. This guide helps you understand she’s a non-conformist and probably the sweetest and most caring person out there.

She can also be very loyal to her beliefs and the people she loves. When you understand and accept all this, it makes it a lot easier.

They possess large hearts and a beautiful soul. They can also be very stubborn and defensive about their internal values.

You should know all personality types come with pros and cons and this is no exception. She’s willing to be your biggest fan, it’s only logical you do the same for her.