Everything To Know About The INTJ 1w9


What makes the INTJ 1w9 different from a typical INTJ? In this article, I highlight their differences, strengths and weaknesses. So let’s get right into it. 

The INTJ as I always mention, is one of my favorite type to write about because I am one. And navigating life as an INTJ isn’t exactly the easiest of things. INTJs are known for their analytical and logical nature. They are usually referred to as mean and introverted. Although INTJs share very similar traits, it is important to note that they aren’t all a hundred percent the same. In this article for example, we talk about the INTJ 1w2. Here’s everything you need to know.

What Makes The INTJ 1w9 Different From A Typical INTJ

What makes an INTJ is simple. Logic and strategy. They are considered very logical and sometimes even to a fault. As an INTJ myself, I can tell you we shelf out emotions and let logic do the thinking for us. If it makes logical sense, the hurt can’t be real, right? But this doesn’t apply to the 1w2. 

A typical INTJ is a planner who knows what to go and when to fo it. They are governed by their extroverted thinking function (Te) and their introverted thinking function. A typical INTJ would rather be quiet that talk except it’s a topic they enjoy and are extremely passionate about. They do not necessarily care about a lot but the 1w9 does.

The INTJ 1w9 craves harmony and doing the right thing is what matters to them. They want those around them to get along or it could be a stressor. While a typical intj is super introverted, they are fairly extroverted. The intj tends to care about self preservation and self sufficiency but not this INTJ. They care more about doing the right thing.

Let’s take a look at their strengths and weaknesses 

Strengths of The INTJ 1w9

1. More Balanced In Terms of Tactful And Blunt 

INTJs are known to be very blunt but that isn’t the case with the Iw9. Yes they are blunt but not always. They find a perfect balance between that and being tactful. It is important to remember they are considered more caring than a typical INTJ. 

2. More Disciplined With Higher Standards 

The INTJ 1w9 is incredibly disciplined. They are already organized and  coupled with self discipline, it is no surprise they have high standards. They are incredible planners who do things at the right time and the presence of 1 makes them have higher standards.

3. They Are Disciplined And Ethical 

This comes as no surprise as the above stated traits makes it easier to see how disciplined they can be. They take pride in their self discipline and being a type 1 helps that a great deal. This makes them really reliable. They also strive to do the right thing based on their internal value. But sometimes the right thing isn’t always what is socially acceptable.

4. They Have A Good Work-Life Balance

One thing about this INTJ is that they are going to know when to work hard and when to play hard. If their wing is strong, they would not let anyone get in the way of that. This way they have various interests and hobbies which matter so much to them.

Weaknesses of The INTJ 1w9

1. They Suffer From Indecisiveness 

The INTJ can be pretty decisive but if their wing is strong in this case, they become a little more indecisive than normal. Because they want to do the right thing, they can hesitate before making decisions or taking actions. They put everyone and everything into consideration so this is no surprise. 

2. The Anger Triad

Both type 1 and type 9 are in the anger triad and this doesn’t make it easy for an INTJ so it is no surprise they will have anger issues. When they suppress this anger, it can manifest into irritation. They can’t stand incompetence, tardiness etc and that can lead to extreme impatience. 

3. Overly Self-Critical 

The INTJ 1s9 are overly self critical because of the standards they set for themselves. When they fail to meet up with their own expectations, it can make them speak and they begin doubting their abilities. Doesn’t matter how challenging anything is, they always feel like they should be able to do it easily or they aren’t as smart as they thought. 

4. They Are Judgmental 

This doesn’t come as a surprise either. They can be quite the judgmental type and when people don’t meet up to their values, they can look down on them. It is no surprise they can look down on others based on their actions. They even spend a lot of time judging their flaws.

Helpful Growth Tips For The INTJ 1w9 

Some helpful ways to grow as an intj 1w9 includes:

  • Understanding that no one is perfect and everyone is bound to be flawed.
  • Not being too hard on yourself when you make a mistake but instead learning from it and pushing forward.
  • Keeping an open mind because as much as you think you know everything, you don’t. 
  • The right thing in your books might be different from others so think about that often.