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Are you the enneagram social 5? If you are or you aren’t sure, this article lets you know of traits that this might possibly be you. This subtype looks for the absolute meaning of life and is quite analytical. They can be labeled as overthinkers who want to make sense of it all. But first, let’s take a look...
Who is the Enneagram social 4? Here are important things you do not want to miss on this subtype. What makes them so unique and how do you know this is your subtype? Keep reading for more. Let’s start with the most important question. Read: A Guide To The Enneagram Social 3 Who Is The Enneagram Social 4? The social four is...
If you’re an enneagram social 3, this article is for you. The social three is known for so many things and they crave being acknowledged and seen by people. They love to have a certain level of influence. They are known as “Prestige”. This enneagram subtype tends to enjoy being the center of attraction and do not mind the attention...
Who is the Enneagram Social Two? They are known to be leaders which isn’t common for a typical type 2. They are also very powerful and intellectual beings. In the spectrum, it is safe to say they are the most proud and ambitious subtype. This is why they go after superior positions like leadership roles and aim to accomplish...
We have the enneagram and we have the MBTIs. These give you a look into a person’s personality. How they think, function and act in lots of scenarios. We also have the enneagram subtypes which give an insight into what they prioritize. There are a total of 3 subtypes (social, sexual and self preservation) with 6 stacking. Each subtype...
Who is the enneagram sexual one? In the Self-Preservation One article, I talk about how SP1s are perfectionists who do not want to be seen as inadequate. The sexual ones are different in this case as they don’t obsess over being perfect but instead perfecting others. As much as they don’t mind working on perfection on themselves, they care...
Who is the enneagram Self-Preservation Three? What makes up their instincts and what are their vices? If you’re an SP3, then this article is for you. The Self-Preservation Three is known for their strong sense of security. They spend their time trying to attain as much security as possible which can be both financial and material. So as you can...
Are you the Self-Preservation two? Then this article explains the characteristics of one and all you need to know. The Self-Preservation Two is known for their childlike nature and a need to be protected due to their cute nature. This is one way they get things they need and even better, they aren’t aware of this.  The SP2 possesses the...
The Self-Preservation One has the primary instinct of worry and anger. If you are a SP1, then this article is for you. The Self-Preservation instinctual subtype explains the enneagram a little deeper. The self-preservation instinct focuses more on their essentials and those around them. They aren’t the most social nor sexual except stacked but this function lets an individual focus...
What is the SX/SP instinctual subtype? What do you know about  subtypes? As mentioned in a previous article, there’s a lot more to the enneagram and this subtypes helps you understand them a lot better.  Subtypes influence our priorities and reactions to certain events. Knowing your subtype is never a bad idea. If you are an SX/SP, then this article...