Can An Introvert Become an Extrovert?


Can an introvert become an extrovert? A lot of introverts who struggle with shyness and social anxiety always wonder. They might feel that becoming more extroverted can help their professional and social life.

However, before we continue, you need to understand that you can’t change from being an introvert to an extrovert. Truth is, there’s nothing wrong with that. There are other things to look at.

First of all, both introversion and extroversion are two opposite ends of a spectrum. That being said, a lot of things fall right in the middle of this spectrum, which is the Ambivert.

Introverts derive their strength from solitude. They do not act or process things the same way as extroverts. As such, even extroverts can’t suddenly become introverts.

It’s all psychology and it’s more than the physical. However, introversion is not a plague that needs to be eradicated. If you find out your introversion is causing a few challenges in your life, step back and reevaluate things.

People vary in introversion and extroversion in different ways. There are introverts who are more introverted than others. Being an introvert does not mean that you can’t achieve things an extrovert can.

The problem with introversion, however, is that it is usually confused with being shy. Not all introverts are shy and some are outspoken when they need to be. Being an introvert has nothing to do with being shy.

if that’s why you want to become an extrovert, the good news is that it can be fixed. You just need to develop your social skills. This, however, can be challenging for introverts.

If you find yourself in situations that require you demonstrating more extroverted behaviors to achieve a goal, then that’s possible. But completely changing yourself to an extrovert is impossible.

Those extroverted behaviors you exhibit will come at a price. You will find yourself being more exhausted from the use of extra energy. It’s possible that you’ll begin to feel out of place and will have to battle imposter syndrome.

Introverts do not have to become extroverts to work on their shyness and improve certain skills. No matter how much you try, you’ll still be an introvert.

Reasons You Need to Analyze Your Weaknesses

One of the greatest weaknesses of an introvert is their shyness. Not all introverts are shy. However, a good number of them are. If you spend most of your time isolating yourself, interactions can seem more challenging than they actually are.

Being introverted is avoiding social gatherings because they do not appeal to you. You might also avoid them because they can be overwhelming with very little reward.

Shyness on the other hand is a discomfort gotten from fear of unfamiliar situations. The constant thought that you’re being judged, and in a negative way, by others.

A regular introvert may not care about being judged. However, as an introvert who is shy, you might try to avoid situations where you’ll be judged and overwhelmed at the same time.

It’s one thing to avoid social interactions because you do not like them (preference). It’s another thing to do so because of a consuming fear of being judged.

Many introverts have created ground breaking innovations. So, being an introvert is isn’t the reason you’re lacking in certain fields. It could be because you’re shy.

1. Introverts Thinking Process

Introverts process information differently. They tend to analyze an idea and need it to be perfect before showing it to anyone. Extrovert, on the other hand, find it easier showing it out at the earlier stages.

Of course, not all introverts are deep thinkers and not all extroverts are social butterflies. There are a few exceptions.

Another reason why you find it difficult to voice out your opinions may be because you’re shy. It can stop you from talking, proffering up solutions and solving problems. This can be like you’re holding yourself back.

Introverts will rather let people say what’s on their mind even when they know it’s wrong. Sometimes you’re curious to hear what they have to say, compare it to your thoughts and reflect on it.

2. Introverts And Risk Taking

Introverts aren’t the best at risk taking. They avoid taking risks as much as they can. Although they can be great at problem solving, they just keep to themselves most of the time.

A reason why introverts need social skills is to build the idea of competency. Extroverts do this quite easily and that’s why they often seen as the right man for the job.

This doesn’t mean the introvert isn’t competent. Most are. However, they don’t look competent due to their introverted nature and of course, shyness.

They also could be too shy and isolated to want to take risks. But this is something that can be worked on. Working on your self esteem is one way to overcome this obstacle.

Read: Introvert vs Extrovert (Two Opposites of a Spectrum)

Can An Introvert Become an Extrovert for A Shorter Term?

An introvert cannot become extrovert. However, they can seem extroverted for a while. They can’t be social for a long time. An introvert leaving their comfort zone will only do so because they need to achieve a goal.

It is advisable to do this often in order to gain the trust and dominance you need in the professional field. Although introverts suffer from exhaustion after this, they can retreat once that goal is completed.

Introverts tend to make great writers. They tend to express themselves better with written words. However, this leaves them lacking in the speaking department.

In the professional field, it’s possible that what you have to offer may not be enough. This can make you to push yourself into learning new things. Introverts should never shy away from leaving their comfort zones.

Can An Introvert Become an Extrovert for A Longer Term?

It’s no surprise that the answer to this is no. But again, a lot of introverts pretend to be extroverts for the most of their careers. This doesn’t change the core of who they are.

After work, they take off their mask and relax in the solitude of their own space after a long day of pretending. This comes with the price of feeling like imposters and being exhausted all the time.

So as you can see, it makes it pretty difficult to an introvert to become more extroverted for a longer period. It’s difficult keeping up with the energy of more extroverted people.

This is why it is usually best to focus on your strengths and understand your weaknesses. Introverts can pursue careers that do not demand a lot of talking.

Areas To Work on As an Introvert

Instead of trying to change who you are as an introvert, you can strengthen your skills. Just because you’re an introvert does not mean you can’t be good at certain things.

Here are a few areas to work on as an introvert.

1. Give Socializing/Networking A Chance

Networking and socializing is very important if you want to thrive in your career. Although it can be difficult to keep up with as an extrovert, it’s not impossible.

You can do this by attending more networking events and interacting more with people. Networking requires small talk. However, try not to avoid it totally.

Building your network is a very essential part of your business and it can go a long way. You do not always have you leave your comfort zone for this.

2. Explore Partnerships/Collaborations

Collaborations can be difficult for introverts who prefer working alone but they are essential. Introverts may struggle with partnerships in their places of work. However, it can be a way to brainstorm.

When you’re with people you’re more comfortable with, introverts tend to be less shy. Collaborations also lets more people hear about how good you are.

Attempting to do everything on your own can draw you thin and leave you exhausted. Collaborations can also help you identify and work on your strengths and weaknesses.

3. Be More Daring

It is advisable to be more of a risk taker. Introverts are very analytical and that’s not a problem. Just ensure to carry out your activities instead of shying away from them.

Risk taking can be just what your career needs and is usually a recipe for success. Everyone can be a risk taker. It doesn’t matter what your personality type is.

Although introverts find it uncomfortable, it is important to achieve what you want in your career or love life.

Can An Introvert Become an Extrovert?

Trying to change your nature can be completely difficult and sometimes impossible. Majority of the world’s population are extroverted and as such, you’ll need to adapt to achieve success.

But just as the world needs extroverts, it also needs introverts too. Introverts are insightful in their workplaces. They can perform tasks extroverts often find challenging.

Finding your weakness and working on them helps more than trying to be someone you’re not. Although you can try being extroverted short term, trying to be extroverted for long time can affect you greatly. It can leave you exhausted.

Never forget your core. However, work on things that seem to be drawing you back as an introvert.