Antisocial Traits – An Overview (Everything You Need To Know)


What antisocial traits do you possess? What can you make from this and what does the future hold?

Antisocial personality disorder (ASPD) is a mental health condition. People with this condition show a dislike in people around them. They are not up for socializing and do not agree with the rules of society.

Antisocial personality disorder is a condition that makes people physically or emotionally hurt the people around them. Again, this is a term often used by psychologists to describe this personality disorder.

A looser term “antisocial” is usually not considered to be a personality disorder although there could be certain similarities. Oftentimes, being antisocial can be categorized as being an introvert. But it is also important to note that introverts are not antisocial. They are just selectively social.

An introvert would prefer spending time alone, in their own space, and in their own world. However, they have people with who they interact with. They do not consider social interactions completely unpleasant.

They may avoid superficial conversations but can be great conversationalists. With knowledge in quite a lot of things, introverts can engage in outstanding conversations and do not outrightly hate people.

They will seclude themselves sometimes to recharge their social batteries. But people who exhibit antisocial traits would competently dread this.

Understanding Antisocial Personality Disorder

An antisocial personality disorder is a more intense and clinical diagnosis of antisocial traits. Antisocial as a term is loosely used as someone who does not like interacting with people. Sometimes, it involves outrightly hating them or not seeing the importance.

Antisocial Personality Disorder is often misunderstood for sociopathy but they also aren’t the same. Although they share certain characteristics, they are diagnosed differently.

ASPD is characterized by a lack of regard for people and an exhibition of violent and aggressive behaviors to back this up. People who have this disorder do not have empathy for other people. They do not also see anything wrong with hurting people around them.

The more common “antisocial” term could be not replying to messages, picking calls, and avoiding people. Often times this means the presence of an underlying issue and making a trip to the therapist is usually advisable.

People who are just introverted do not possess these traits. They would socialize and even tend to enjoy it. They just do not want to do it as often. Another term often used interchangeably would be “shyness”. Introverts aren’t necessarily shy. We have shy introverts and even shy extroverts.

What Are the Symptoms of Antisocial Personality Disorder (ASPD)?

Some symptoms of ASPD include:

  • Cruelty to people and animals at a tender age. This is usually accompanied with lack of remote for carrying out certain activities. These activities could be harmful and damaging to other people and animals.
  • Complete lack of empathy for people in different situations. Another reason they act impulsively without the thought of others.
  • Could often have problems with the law due to their detest for social norms and need to go against it. Considering they do not care about other people; they infringe on their right as well.
  • Tend to display aggressiveness through physical assaults and confrontations. Again, hurting people and not caring about the consequences. Their relationship with others is usually unhealthy.
  • Often lie to people around them, lack respect for them and deceive others for their own personal and selfish reasons.

Am I Antisocial?

In common conversations, more people tend to assume they possess antisocial traits because of various reasons.

But most times you find out that they are describing introversion because they lack the aggressive hatred that comes with ASPD.

In fact, more people would claim to be antisocial because they think it’s “cool”. But in reality, they don’t understand the gravity of what it entails. This has led to the use of being antisocial being loosely used to describe extreme introversion.

Again, it could also be a sign of an underlying mental health condition. Which could eventually be an antisocial personality disorder. So, are you antisocial or are you just heavily introverted?

Antisocial Traits Comparison with Introverted Traits

Identifying with the symptoms mentioned above is one way to know if you Posses’ antisocial traits or you are just introverted. Here are some comparisons to help you better.

1. An Antisocial Person Can Be Extroverted

You might want to know that some antisocial people are very famous serial killers. People like Ted Bundy was described to being outdoing and charming but was connected to a good number of serial killings.

He wasn’t introverted and even participated socially as he could and people called him charming. So, it is safe to say that introverts can be antisocial and extroverts as well.

There is absolutely no guarantee that one personality type is responsible for possessing an antisocial trait. As it could be one of either.

People who are introverted do not have an impulse in hurting people. They are just drained from having constant social interactions. This explains how they aren’t the same thing with being antisocial.

2. Introverts Enjoy Deep Connections

Unlike antisocial people, introverts tend to possess a feeling of empathy and show it. They crave and enjoy deep connections. Introverts tend to be difficult opening up at first but eventually they do to a number of people.

Antisocial people have absolutely no empathy for people and feel no remorse for hurting them. They have a very unhealthy relationship with a number of people. This could include their children, family, or friends.

Antisocial people act in a very immense hatred for people and tend to act on it. Introverts just want to be on their own so they can have the energy to interact when necessary.

Introverts would build up walls to protect themselves and without the presence of an antisocial trait, that’s all there is to it. But antisocial people would go out of their way to hurt someone. With total disregard for the law.

3. One is a Clinical Disorder and The Other A Personality Trait

Antisocial Personality Disorder is a clinical disorder as the name implies. However, Introversion is a personality trait. Any introvert is completely capable of interacting with their society in a healthy manner.

Introversion isn’t a clinical condition and does not leave people conflicted with the presence of society. All introverts just share introversion as a common trait. They possess quite interesting differences.

Introverts are selectively social beings who don’t just go all out in their social life. They are very picky in who they let in their space. And even the mildest form of social activities can be draining for them. Leaving them drained with the need to recharge. All this is ahead of another social interaction.

Is There Anything Wrong with Being Introverted?

The short answer. Absolutely not.

Not only is there absolutely anything wrong with an introvert but they complete society. So many introverts have offered a great deal of art and science to the world. They have a lot to offer due to their uniqueness and abilities.

If you’re introverted, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with you and you don’t need to change to fit into society. There’s no need to try being extroverted nor trying to get fixed. Introverts aren’t broken and don’t need to be more “outgoing” or “social”.

It’s completely okay to want to engage as much as you can take and recharging when drained. Introverts complete the world so hold on to them. Understanding their personality traits is a good way to have a better insight.

Why Am I Antisocial?

Although there is no single cause of being Antisocial or having an antisocial disorder, there are contributing factors. These facts could increase the chances of a person developing this disorder.


There could be some genetic factors that can leave a person with higher chances of ASPD. It is common in people with biological relatives who have this same disorder.

Therefore, having a close link to inheritance. However, there’s no one genetic trait that could be attributed to this.  

Lifestyle And Environment

Trauma and abuse in the early stage of childhood can increase the chances of a person developing an antisocial disorder later in life. Lifestyle such as drug abuse, alcoholism, etc can be contributing factors to ASPD.

Children who are brought up in abusive and dysfunctional homes tend to pick up this behaviorism pattern. Eventually reliving it later in life. Neglectful homes can lead to a lack of self-discipline and lack of empathy for others.

Biology And Brain Differences

Factors that can increase the risk of this disorder include abnormal brain function. It can develop in a child whose mother smoked during pregnancy. People with ASPD have a difference in their frontal lobe. They also have a usual level of serotonin.

Serotonin is a chemical that regulates our moods. People with ASPD possess greater stimulation as this could leave to abnormal and harmful activities. Also, men are more likely than women to Posses Antisocial Personality Disorders

What Can Be Done to Curb Antisocial Traits?

Treatment for ASPD can range from medication to psychotherapy and coping skills. The first step however is accepting that something is wrong and seeking help. Acceptance gives an avenue to seek change and nothing beats that.

Also, introversion and antisocial traits are in no way alike. Although used loosely, understanding both gives you a better knowledge of what you are. And getting the appropriate help you need.

Again, it is important to know that there is absolutely nothing wrong with being an introvert.