A Guide To Understanding Your INTP Girlfriend Better


Having an INTP girlfriend requires a lot of patience if you’re used to romance. This is because she might not be as expressive as you would want her to be when it involves romance. This can also make her come off as selfish or emotionless to most people.

However, INTP aren’t as emotionless as others would make you believe. Dating them comes with it’s perks. INTP females aren’t the stereotypical girlfriend who does all the overly affectionate stuff. That’s not how they function.

They have their own way of showing love and support to whoever they are dating. It may not be a commonly televised way, but that doesn’t make it any less romantic.

You should know that your INTP girlfriend isn’t a cold and heartless robot as people might make it seem. She’s just selective with the people she allows into her heart.

If you’re dating an INTP girlfriend, you’ve seen her in ways no one else has. She has her unique way of showing love, and that’s what’s important. What’s also important is accepting and appreciating her efforts. It makes your relationship last longer and makes her feel loved as well.

There are certain things you need to know about your INTP girlfriend and they include:

Your INTP Girlfriend Needs Space

Alone time and space are a very vital part of an introvert’s life. Introverts require this space to function. Every introvert comes with a social battery which runs down and they technically need to recharge. You can expect the same with your INTP girlfriend.

Women are always thought to be the one reaching out for affection, but that’s not always the case. The INTP breaks these expectations and often seem distant because they need a lot of alone time. But understanding that this is crucial to their survival helps them and also your relationship.

This does not mean that they care less about their partners. This isn’t true as they would reach out as much as they can. Even when they don’t, chances are they are still thinking of you. The INTP female may not always need to be around you and other people in her life. However, you need to understand that she still loves you.

Giving them their alone time is a good way to bring out the best in them. The mind of the INTP girlfriend is a very selfless and imaginative one as she thinks not just about her future, but people around her.

A lot of people misunderstand the alone time of introverts by thinking that they are selfish. But out of sight isn’t always out of mind for them. They are usually unpretentious people and when they care about you, it goes deeper than they let out sometimes.

Without this alone time and space, they eventually become a shadow of themselves. You wouldn’t want that in a relationship or for someone you love and care about.

They Have Feelings Too

The INTP might be more of a Thinker and Logician but they also have feelings. That’s something a lot of people need to understand about them. When people get to know the INTP, they are usually amazed by how big their hearts are. Although they put logic first, they still feel and are capable of falling in love. However, it might take a lot to get to that part of them.

The INTP girlfriend may be logic over emotions a lot of times and find it difficult to express their emotions. The INTP girlfriend cares deeply about people close to her and this includes her partner. She might not be easy to get to know at first but eventually when you come close to her, you’ll see a different side of her.

INTPs don’t take people in their lives for granted and wouldn’t do anything to hurt them. The only challenge is that they are not the best at easily expressing it. Showing how they feel can be difficult for them. Sometimes they don’t understand these feelings either but this doesn’t mean it’s absent.

Your INTP girlfriend wants to connect with people around her and this includes you. She will always think of ways to be part of your life, in the most logical way possible.

They make good partners because of their ability to solve problems. Since they base their methods on logic and facts, then they aren’t easily swayed by emotions. This makes them the best at understanding people and fixing problems.

They Aren’t the Best Romantics

An INTP girlfriend doesn’t see relationships like it’s portrayed in the movies. She’ll find it to be a difficult concept since she isn’t good with expressing her emotions or inner feelings. Now you should note that it’s one thing to feel things, it’s another thing to express these feelings accurately. In the case of expressing these feelings, it doesn’t come naturally to INTPs.

Romance isn’t a terrible idea to them; they just don’t know how to express themselves. As mentioned earlier, they are very sincere and unpretentious with their feelings. They know a lot of romantics aren’t, so the idea isn’t so fascinating to them.

INTPs can’t stand fake people and would rather care for you in their own way. However, since they are logical, they understand some people love romance and are willing to compromise.

If you’re dating an INTP girlfriend and you are someone who loves expressing romance, telling them is the best way. Let them know your love language and help them understand why you love romance. It might take a while but they are also very smart and would catch on sooner or later.

The INTP girlfriend has her version of romance that isn’t the same with a lot of people. When her partner sees and understands this, it makes her more open to trying out more. A partner of the INTP girlfriend needs to understand why they are the way they are.

You need to understand this and be patient with her. The INTP female comes with various layers and if you’re patient enough, you’ll get to see all of them. They come with true and pure intentions.

They Can Be Brutally Honest

Their honesty can come off as harsh and this might be difficult for their partners. Sometimes they aren’t fully aware of the effects their words have on their partners. Talking to them about how they sound and how it affects you, will help them become more sensitive to your feelings.

Their factual nature makes them brutally honest people and this is more evident when they care and love you. They want people they love to be the best they can be and they don’t stand by and watch them throw away their lives.

Your INTP girlfriend can sometimes hurt your feelings even when her intentions are genuine. The good thing is that as she gets older, she’ll learn to filter some of the things she says.

The INTP female giving you advice or a review can seem like an attack sometimes. But you should know they wouldn’t be that way if they don’t truly care. And if it hurts your feelings, voicing it out is the next best step. They are logical people and although they don’t always understand Feelers, they can learn to be more sensitive.

Expressing themselves can be difficult sometimes. However, they are willing to learn. Communication is very important in every relationship and this is where it comes in. They are willing to compromise.

Talking to them about how their approach makes you feel can be of help to both of you. They are ever willing to learn and all you need is patience.

Who Makes The Best Partner For The INTP Girlfriend?

The best partner for the INTP girlfriend is one who understands that they aren’t the best at expressing their emotions. They need someone who is willing to be patient with them and see their various layers. A person who understands them will make an excellent partner.

The INTP girlfriend may not be as romantic as others, but she makes up for this with her problem solving skills. Her use of logic and facts makes her a wonderful companion. INTPs may come off as harsh sometimes but that’s due to their honesty. A lot of people aren’t used to this, and as such INTPs are misunderstood.

The INTP female is very logical and as such, understands the value of compromises in a relationship. This is where communication comes in and compromises take place. Anyone who understands this makes a good enough companion to the INTP girlfriend.