A Guide to Understanding Your INTJ Boyfriend Better


The INTJs are one of the most misunderstood personality types due to their uniqueness. If you have an INTJ boyfriend or you’re considering dating one, then you’re probably aware of this. If you aren’t, buckle up! There’s a lot to learn about them.

When it comes to relationships as well as other aspects of life, many people don’t truly understand how INTJs function. Their words, thoughts and intentions can easily be misinterpreted. This could be for various reason. The most prominent reason being that they aren’t the best at expressing themselves.

INTJ’s feel emotions but usually have a hard time expressing them. They are very logical, and this gives the impression that they are emotionless. They like to understand their partners on a deeper level and aren’t one for shallow relationships. The INTJ looks for stability and will not go into a relationship he’s not fully interested in.

Being With an INTJ Boyfriend

When they care about someone, they want to get to know them better. If they can’t, it tends to frustrate them and push them away. The INTJ is a thinker and a judger. This personality type is very introverted so you might want to keep that in mind. They value having a strong connection with their partner.

If you’re dating an INTJ, they’ll constantly try to understand you better. So, understanding them as well is just the logical thing to do.

So if you have an INTJ boyfriend or considering the possibility of dating one, here are a few things you should know about him.

They Aren’t the Best Romantics

Unlike the other introverted personality types, the INTJ has a different view of romance. Your INTJ boyfriend may not be the best at spending money on lots of gifts for you. He also wouldn’t be able to show a lot of affection. This doesn’t mean he loves you less. He just has a unique way of showing it.

INTJ’s have an unconventional way of showing they care. And the best part is, it is equally as romantic. You can expect him to pay attention to the littlest of details. He will remember that statement you made in passing and that little thing you like to do with your nose. INTJS are very observant and nothing gets pass them.

The prominent love language of INTJs is quality time. They will also make out time for you and are great at supporting you. Your INTJ boyfriend is someone you meet for solutions, not someone you meet for sympathy.INTJ’s are quick problem solvers and give priority to a finding a solution to problems.

When an INTJ is in love with you, he goals all in. However, they are logical people. So, if their feelings are not being reciprocated, they won’t get all emotional. They will simply keep their distance.

They Need Their Space

If there’s one thing that’s constant with the INTJ male and other introverted personality types is their need for space. They need alone time in other to function. This shouldn’t be taken personal and you should know this about your INTJ boyfriend. The INTJ are thinkers so you bet they think a lot all the time. They can’t help it.

Alone time is like an elixir to them. Without it, they start to fall apart right in front of your eyes. Don’t deprive your INTJ boyfriend of his alone time because it’s always for the best. He needs his own space to think, relax, and recharge.

This doesn’t mean he loves you less or is upset with you. Far from that! He’ll appreciate you for reaching out as much as possible. You shouldn’t feel like you’re not needed just because he takes some time off. That’s the magical thing about INTJs. Their alone time is importan. However, you’re important to them too and they are willing to let you in on it.

When they don’t get their needed space, INTJs become stressed and exhausted. Eventually, they’ll become a shadow of themselves. It is very important for whoever they end up with to understand that this is a part of them. Taking it personally can leave them feeling guilty and that is the last thing you want.

What does the INTJ boyfriend want in a relationship? Loyalty, love and support. When these things aren’t there from their partner, the relationship is bound to fail. The INTJ is a very loyal type, so trusting them is a way to start. Just because he needs alone time doesn’t mean he is going behind your back.

They Are Very Loyal

The INTJ boyfriend is extremely loyal as long as he loves you and is committed to the relationship. He’ll find it easier to do this when you love him and show him through your actions. The funny thing about the INTJ male is that he finds it difficult to express how he feels, but want you to be able to do that.

INTJs take relationships very seriously and commitment means a lot to them. So, you might want to rethink if you’re just searching for a fling. Amongst all personality types, their loyalty is unmatched. However, everyone has a breaking point. So, if you’re taking them for granted, sooner or later, they’ll pack up and leave.  

The INTJ boyfriend is very protective of those he loves and wants to be there in any situation. He thinks of himelf as a guardian with the people he loves. He’ll go all out for you. You’ll have to also show that you’ve got his back always.

This personality type needs someone who they can rely on and isn’t playing them for a fool. Another thing you should know is that they take playing them personally. It’s like an insult to their intelligence and that’s the quickest way to piss them off. When an INFJ male wants you, he’s in it for the long run and would stand by his choice only if you choose him too.

INTJ’s are not the type to betray you and that’s why they take betrayal pretty personally. But then again, they are very logical in their thinking and this can affect the way they react to things. If you hurt them, they might voice it out and leave quietly.

They aren’t one for drama and would rather leave with the little dignity they have left. But they will ask a lot of questions because it helps in their thought process. This makes them very intense people.

When they love you, they stand with you till the very end. They’ll oppose any threats you face and want the very best for you. This is another reason why the INTJ makes one of the best boyfriends you can find.

They Are Very Protective

When dating the INTJ, you should know that your life is theirs as well. Not in an intrusive manner but in a very caring and romantic way. Sure, they aren’t the best with words but they can let you know how they feel in other ways.

You can trust that you boyfriend will be very supportive of your aspirations and goals. Anything that means a lot to you will also mean a lot to them. They want to see you achieve your goals and be the best version of yourself.

INTJs will help you map out better plans for your future and then again, they can’t help it. They are problem solvers and as such, are a great asset to have by your side. Unfortunately, a lot of people don’t see this side of the INTJ. To the rest of the world, they are cold and emotionless but not to people they care about.

They aren’t selfish in thinking only about their own goals. In fact, the INTJ is very selfless because they know everyone has the opportunity to win so why deprive them of that. They also know a win for their partner is a win for them especially if they helped. They have a sense of pride and belonging in that aspect.

When an INTJ enters into a relationship with you, its because he wants both of you to plan your future together. He wants to work with you to make your future a beautiful one. INTJs are very much aware of their problem-solving gifts and use it wisely. They want a partner who is willing to make this work as well.

Who Is The Best Partner For The INTJ Boyfriend?

Easily anyone who is ready to be with them every step of the way. Someone who lets them in and doesn’t shut them out. It doesn’t matter your personality typeIf you fall into this category then you will be a good partner for the INTJ boyfriend.