A Guide to Understanding Your INFP Boyfriend Better


Everyone has their differences in personalities and even two people with the same personality will have mild but visible differences. The same can be said for the INFP personality type. While they all share some common traits, your INFP boyfriend will also have certain things that make him unique.

For the INFP boyfriend, you’ll soon discover a uniqueness that makes him both lovable and also hard to keep up with. If you are dating an INFP male, chances are you’ve come across a few of these things. You should know that they are a pretty rare personality type. This could be why you don’t quite understand them and how they function. The INFP boyfriend is a feeler so if you’re looking for a distant boyfriend, you won’t find one here.

They aren’t the emotionless, cold and mean boyfriends you beg to talk to you. Far from that! The INFP boyfriend is very comfortable with being affectionate and showing how much he cares about people he loves. He won’t show that side of himself initially because he wouldn’t want to seem too emotional. However, he just needs a partner who understands this and let’s him express himself as he pleases.

Having an INFP Boyfriend

The INFP male makes one of the best boyfriends you can find around and you probably have gotten an idea of that by now. Knowing more about your INFP boyfriend gives you an insight on what you’re dealing with. It helps you know if you’re willing to continue with it or not. This is why this guide will help you know your significant other better.

Here are some important things you need to know if you’re dating or thinking of dating an INFP male.

Your INFP Boyfriend Needs His Space

This shouldn’t be a surprise considering that they are introverted. They require their alone time when they feel drained. If they don’t get this, they can’t recharge and it slowly chips away a bit of their soul each time. Ok maybe I exaggerated on that a little bit. However, it’s not far from the truth.

Introverts come with a social battery and that requires charging and they do this by being alone. It helps them process their thoughts and emotions better. If they don’t, they can be left mentally and emotionally exhausted. This can eventually affect them physically. You have to understand that this isn’t just because they want to be alone, but because they need to be alone sometimes.

If you’re dating an INFP male or in the talking stages with one, you need to know that this is important. It is in no way personal and he isn’t doing it because he hates you. This doesn’t mean that he will disappear. When he is done recharging, you should be there to welcome him with open arms.

Understanding this and welcoming it is a way to strengthen your relationship. Because nothing is as powerful as an introvert when fully charged. Introverts don’t just stay idle. This isn’t so as they think about you and everyone else in their lives.

They Will Completely Support You

Now this doesn’t mean they will encourage you to do things that makes no sense. But your INFP boyfriend will support your dreams and help you achieve your goals. It is safe to say that he is your biggest fan especially when he loves you. Dating an INFP male is a guarantee that you have someone by your side, no matter what. Both your small and big wins mean a lot to him.

INFPs want you to get the very best of things and see your potential even when you can’t. This is one of the things that makes the INFP boyfriend completely irresistible. Nothing is sexier than a man who supports his significant other and wants them to achieve great things.

You might have noticed that your INFP boyfriend is a great listener. Now he isn’t just pretending to listen because he’s studying you to know what you have genuine passion for. This comes in handy when you need help figuring out an important part of your life. He’ll enjoy hearing you talk about what makes you happy and what makes you feel fulfilled. Unlike most people who just zone out when you talk about these things, he won’t. He’ll always want to be involved in your progress.

Having an INFP as a partner is a great confidence booster due to their loving and supportive nature. You shouldn’t question if they are genuine with their feelings or not. This can get to them because they take you seriously. It only makes sense they want you to do the same.

They will also appreciate if you take their advice seriously. This is because taking them for a joke is the quickest way to get them walking out of the door. If you’ve ever dated an INFP male, you should know this isn’t what you want.

They Are Quite Sensitive

The INFP male makes quite the sensitive boyfriend and it’s no surprise. He’ll want to have a deep connection with you. As mentioned earlier, he will be very comfortable with expressing his emotions. So, don’t look down on it. He will feel things deeply and does not want a shallow relationship.

Your INFP boyfriend is probably in the relationship because he loves you and not just because of your looks. He probably considers a future with you. INFPs seek long term companionship and the stress of going in and out of meaningless relationships aren’t for them. If this isn’t something you want, then you might want to reconsider dating them.

Just because they crave deep connections does not mean they would search for it where it doesn’t exist. And just because they are comfortable expressing their deep emotions does not mean that’s all there is to them. In fact, one article can’t cover everything you need to know about your INFP boyfriend.

They Aren’t Fans of Criticism

Now this is very complicated because it can be a challenge. INFP males are feelers and sometimes let their feelings get the best of them. They haven’t quite gotten the hang of taking criticism from people they love. It can mess with them. This is where you assure them that you’re doing it from a place of love and not otherwise.

This doesn’t mean that the INFP boyfriend won’t change when necessary. He is capable of adapting but then your delivery matters a lot to him. One wrong tone and he might get all emotional and let paranoia take over.

You should know that the INFP male welcomes change. He can’t handle stagnancy and wants to do everything with you. The only problem is sometimes, criticism isn’t his best friend. Should you avoid this? Not really. You can let him know how you feel just make sure it’s from a place of love and not malice. Eventually he’ll get used to it.

They Require Affirmation

If you want your INFP boyfriend to be happy, never hold back your affirmations. He wants you by his side every step of the way. This includes when he has his alone time. Sure, he needs the time to recharge but he’ll still want to feel your presence.

INFPs are very eager to show you how much they love and support you. But they also enjoy receiving it from people they love as well. It is safe to say words of affirmations is one of their most cherished love languages. Don’t hold back how you feel. If they do something you like, let them know. When they do things you appreciate, tell them how much. Be sure to verbalize how you feel and you won’t regret. Definitely not with them.

They want to know that you feel their presence in your life. They want to feel wanted and important and this means a lot to them. Making their significant other happy is their priority. This, it’s only logical for them to want to know if they’re appreciated. Considering they feel deeply, they want to be in something meaningful. They want you to know that you are an important part of their lives and they want to feel that way too.

Perfect Partners for The INFP Boyfriend

A perfect partner for the INFP boyfriend is one who is willing to grow with him. Someone who doesn’t judge him and accepts him for who he is. If you’re interested in dating an INFP male, you should be ready for a committed and long-term relationship. You should also know that he will be very expressive about how he feels about you.

INFPs require their alone time and you shouldn’t take this personally. Because they need this doesn’t mean they want to feel disconnected from you. They just want to find ways to make things in their lives better and that includes you. There is no perfect personality type so they come with their flaws as well. This is where growth and acceptance come in.