A Guide to Understanding 5 Symbols of Sadness


Symbols of sadness may sound new to a lot of us. In reality, they are everywhere we look. From the music we play, to nature and art. It’s undeniably in everything we see and do.

But the catch is: you might only notice these symbols better when you’re sad yourself. It’s always easy to see something when you’re looking forward to it.

These symbols of sadness are a great source of inspiration for artists, writers, musicians, poets etc. This is because of how well they help in conveying emotions. They use these symbols to keep readers interested and in touch with their own struggles and joy.

For thousands of years, humans as a species have evolved in finding ways to convey emotions with things around them. These things act as symbols and they vary from sound, numbers, words, images, to art. When they attach a certain emotion to a symbol, that’s what it conveys.

What Are Some of The Best Symbols of Sadness?

Symbols of sadness as mentioned earlier are all around us. Some are a lot more pronounced than the others. Some of the best symbols of sadness include:

1. Purple Hyacinths

Purple hyacinths are a symbol of sorrow and regret. For funerals, this is an appropriate go to.

2. Rain and Thunder

Rain and thunder triggers a sense of awareness, sadness and depression. This can be due to the atmospheric change and gloominess.

3. Black Color

People wear the color black to signify a loss of something dear to their life. It is moody and denotes grief.

4. Sad Music

Sad music reminds us of certain moments in our lives. It helps us feel certain emotions and is a company in sad and dark times.

5. Withered Flowers

Withered flowers signify loss, sadness, decay, and a time to start afresh in love and life.

6. Dark Forests and Wood

Often used in films to show a possibility that is yet to come but the presence of something unsure.

7. Music Progression

These are some of the most common symbols of sadness. Music progression can have sad undertones.

Here is a breakdown of some of these symbols.

Symbols of Sadness: Rain

Rain is the most potent and common symbol of sadness in the world. Used by both storytellers and the common man. Why so? Rain conjures the feeling of sadness and depression in people.

This could be because of the change in atmosphere. It reminds you of yourself more than anyone. When the weather gets dark, you hear the sound of the rain outside and you’re suddenly gloomy. It denotes sadness and loneliness.

Rain when used in movies symbolizes sadness, depression, and loneliness for a reason. Characters are indoors, watching the rain as it pours. Some may be outside, having a terrible day, and it’s raining. This weather pattern can also denote exhaustion.

Just as rain is associated with darkness, sadness, and depression, it can also express a form of rebirth and purification. A character in a film might have an epiphany and decides to change their whole life around.

They feel the first droplet of rain on their arm, look up, and they see it’s about to rain. They smile up at the clouds as it begins pouring down on them. This character is ready to take life by its horn. They look forward with a smile and forge ahead.

Symbols of Sadness: Music

Music is another common symbol of sadness. This is why people listen to sad music even when they aren’t sad. They connect to it. It triggers a part of their memory.

Either this or it just reminds them of a time they were completely in that stage of their lives. So why keep listening if it’s so bad? Music attracts humans generally, even when it connotes sadness.

Artists use their music to express their struggles with their mental health and events in their life. People who are perfectly okay can also feel connected to this song.

Let’s take a look at the Violin. A beautiful musical instrument that just knows how to project a sad melody into your heart every time you hear it.

Another reason why music is a very powerful symbol of sadness is because you listen to it. This is unlike the other symbols of sadness that are more visual. This form of storytelling demands your attention to the words, progression of chords, and instruments.

Sad music is attractive for a number of reasons. One is that it helps us feel certain emotions. It’s like that company you never knew you needed. You give it a chance and it was beautiful.

They need a companion to their sadness. Someone who feels the same pain and put it in words.

Symbols of Sadness: Flowers

Flowers are used for dates. However, they are also used at funerals. So, different types of flowers conjure up different emotions in us. Flowers that denote sobriety are used for funerals, artworks, and other visual mediums of expression.

It can represent the loss of someone, either by death or rejected love. Bouquets of withered flowers are sometimes used at funerals to signify affection for the deceased. It conveys the emotions a person can’t say with words.

Flowers are commonly used as symbols of sadness when it’s dying or withering. It usually signifies the beginning or an end to things. It isn’t only used for physical death but when a person is dead on the inside.

Funeral flowers are symbolic. Anyone who sees them understands their use. This is why they used in almost every part of the world for thousands of years.

There are a few flowers you can take along with you for a funeral. White roses, lilies, purple hyacinths, forget-me-nots, and gladiolus all symbolize sadness, forgiveness, remorse, and empathy.

Symbols of Sadness: Dreams

Sigmund Freud, who is also known as the father of psychology has always encouraged the use of dream journals. This dream journal helps people keep in touch with their subconscious. The dream journal is known as “The Interpretation of Dreams”.

In these dreams, symbols are used to express what a person is feeling by images that are seen in their dreams. Everyone who has had dreams can testify that it is a strange concept and not all dreams are concise. They can reflect what a person is thinking, how they are feeling, and in more.

Dreams could be a person standing naked in a public place, dying, or losing someone they love. These amongst others are very common dreams people have. Sigmund uses this method to show people things they are not in tune with. Considering it’s in their subconscious, they have little or no control over what happens.

His book has been used for years. His book explains properly, dreams as a symbol of sadness. Some of the highlights indicate that crying in your dream shows a sign of sadness. Losing a person you love might be a sense of fear of attachments.

It is important to note that dreams usually put to life the nagging thoughts and fears we have in our hearts. Many people do not remember their dreams when they wake up. This is a sign of not being with your subconscious.

Other things talked about include blurriness in dreams, darkness, and “weird” behaviors.

Symbols of Sadness: Visual Art

Visual arts are another medium used to symbolize sadness. It ranges from paintings to movies, plays, and music videos. There are a great number of symbols to delineate sadness.

Muted colors in paintings, for example, can denote sadness. Colder colors remind you of a gloomy, rainy day. Darker colors signify loss and grief.

If you’re a fan of Renaissance art, you’ll be familiar with paintings of people reaching out to something. This tends to stir up a feeling of longing and yearning. This is also common in sculptures.

This art usually shows the subject slightly looking down or up. Both depicts yearning and rejection. Paintings of people falling and reaching out to someone or something depict forsaking but with a sign of promise.

Music videos also show this. Sitting all by yourself on a train, looking out the window from a moving car, shutting the world out with the sound of your music playing from your headphones. Again, another rendition of sadness in music.

Other Symbols Of Sadness

It is without question that symbols of sadness are all around us. From flowers to nature, the rain, visual arts, etc. It is undeniable how these things express what we feel inside.

Let’s look at a single tree with a few leaves. This is a symbol of sadness in nature which depicts loneliness. A very common approach used by artists and in movies, is a lonely road leading to nowhere. It implores despair, loneliness, and depression.

Another example is the Jolly Roger flag which is shown in movies flying above pirate ships. There’s the skull, there’s the crossbones and together they signify fear and danger.

However, images of the bones crossed below a human skull are actually a symbol of death from the Middle Ages. Usually placed on tombstones. Visual storytellers master this in order to conjure required emotions in people.