A Guide To The  INFJ 2w1


Who is the INFJ 2w1 and what makes them so special? Generally, the INFJ are known to be a rare personality type with their uniqueness that lights up the place. In this article, we’ll highlight their strengths, weaknesses and what makes them different from the typical INFJ.

 Let’s begin from the latter.

What Makes The INFJ 2w1 Different From Other INFJs? 

The INFJ 2w1 will have noticeable differences from the typical INFJs for various reasons. There’s no denying how mysterious, introverted and intuitive the INFJ personality is which makes them super interesting. But things tend to change when the 2w1 is introduced. For one, they are a little more people oriented and not as introverted as the typical INFJ.

They love being of help to others and this is evident in their relationships with other people. They care about people succeeding and doing well around them. Financially, mentally and emotionally. So friends and family of the INFJ 2w1 are sure to have the right support. 

This happens because they also want to be liked and accepted by others. They have an extraverted feeling function (Fe) which helps them understand those around them better and how to lend a hand. This definitely has its pros and cons. 

Since they care so much about being good and making people happy, they fall more into the turbulent side of things instead of assertiveness. And it can be a slippery slope if engulfed by it.

Let’s take a look at their strengths and weaknesses.

Strengths of The INFJ 2w1

Here are some interesting strengths of the INFJ 2w1

1. Peak Generosity

As mentioned earlier, the INFJ 2w1 are interestingly generous in nature. They care about those around them and this can be attributed to their type 2 function. In summary, they care about people’s lives and happiness.

This means they will give what is required to achieve this. They are givers who do not hold back and you can’t help but love them for their gracious hearts. The best thing about it is how effortless it comes. 

2. They Are Great Listeners 

The INFJ 2w1 has a strong extraverted feeling function. This means they can read those around them and are more people oriented. It also means they are amazing listeners and a great shoulder to cry on.

They will stay perfectly tuned in to whatever someone has to say and make them feel seen and not alone. They know the right things to say, do and act. This is one reason they make good therapists and educators.

3. They Make Good Leaders 

The INFJ 2w1 is selfless and action oriented in nature which makes them good leaders. Their selflessness can be attributed to their type 1. With them, what you see is also what you get. 

They are also great listeners and possess all the necessary qualities that make them the great leader that they are or can be. So having them calling the shots is always a good thing.

4. They Are Loyal

If you care about loyalty in friendship and partnership, the INFJ 2w1 is a great bet. They are devoted to those they care about and will be protective of them too. They care even more deeply about their happiness and will be with and for them always.

This means they help those around them achieve their full potential and will avoid conflict that can escalate. This definitely has its pros and cons. But one thing for sure is that they value their relationships and wouldn’t do anything to jeopardize it. 

5. They Are Hard-Working 

As mentioned earlier, they care more for action than living in their thoughts which is quite different from the typical INFJ. They are amazingly action oriented and try to carry out tasks as much as possible. 

They plan their week, day and even months if need be. It is not uncommon for them to be very hardworking.

Weakness of The 2w1 

Here are some weaknesses of the INFJ 2w1 

1. People-Pleasing

This doesn’t necessarily come as a surprise since they care so deeply about what others feel and think about them. It can be one of their greatest weaknesses as it affects other parts of their lives too. When bad people notice how much they care, they can take advantage of them.

It is important to build healthy boundaries in order to avoid this from happening. As people-pleasing can end up affecting their mental health and eventually their self esteem and productivity. 

2. Tendency For Low Self-Esteem

The INFJ 2w1 has their self esteem tied to what others think about them and if it goes the wrong way, then they suffer internally. Although they do things for selfless reasons, they care so much to be appreciated as it brings them happiness.

When they do not receive this, it can affect their self esteem and their productivity.

3. Overly Self-Critical

Following their need for constant validation, they can be overly self critical and this is because of their wing. They hold themselves to an incredibly high standard and the stronger the wing, the more pronounced it will be. 

They are too hard on themselves when they make mistakes and this can leave them unhappy, anxious and depressed.

4. They Are Judgmental 

It is no surprise the INFJ 2w1 can be a little judgmental. They are INFJs after all. It can be a trait that is overlooked even by themselves but this doesn’t change the fact that it is present.

When they come across different views from theirs, it can be a lot more evident. They have a judging function anyway.

Work For The INFJ 2w1

Important work for the INFJ 2w1 includes having healthy boundaries and knowing when to say no for the sake of your mental health. Constant people pleasing can leave you worn out. Having more self confidence can prevent the case of seeking validation and being overly self critical. Everyone makes mistakes and no one is perfect. You’re bound to face different opinions in life and it doesn’t matter if you agree with it or not. Understanding this can help you