A Guide To The Enneagram Social Four


Who is the Enneagram social 4? Here are important things you do not want to miss on this subtype. What makes them so unique and how do you know this is your subtype? Keep reading for more. Let’s start with the most important question.

Read: A Guide To The Enneagram Social 3

Who Is The Enneagram Social 4?

The social four is known for their emotional sensitivity. They can come off as oversensitive especially to others. Their unconscious desire is for their suffering and pain to be known and sympathized with. With this being done, they think they can be more understood. When your shame is witnessed by others, it can make them more forgiving and possibly understanding. 

The Social Fours can come off as self sabotaging in order to show themselves as Martyrs. Also subconsciously attached to what causes their suffering in the first instance. This four is fueled by shame and envy amongst other vices. When they commit acts, they expect to feel shame as enneagram 4 is part of the shame triad. But it’s more than that. They feel they suffer in a more special and unique way than other people.

They can always be found in activities that show their suffering such as playing victims, palatine a lot and self sabotage in order to garner sympathy from others. Just like every other subtype, they come with their strengths and weaknesses which can be found in their characteristics. 

Here are characteristics of the enneagram social 4 and what makes them who they are.

They Are Passionate 

This subtype is extremely passionate about anything they put their minds and interest to. This sometimes can make them struggle to fit in sigh just about any group. They might be very introverted when uncomfortable but tend to socialize once they find a group of individuals with a similar passion and interest. 

This makes them very loyal to their feelings and their passions.

They Are Extremely Sensitive

The sensitivity of this enneagram subtype isn’t hard to miss. They are type 4s anyway and with the social 4s it becomes a lot more obvious. And unlike trying to run away from those negative feelings, it becomes the opposite as they glorify their suffering instead.

This can make them come off as weak to others if not properly controlled.

They Become Self-Centered 

This enneagram type can become so lost in their own world that they think mostly of themselves and no one else. This is also a side effect of being so self centered. Everything mostly has to do with their feelings and how they were affected. Easily neglecting the feelings of others.

This can be a weakness as if they spend so much time discussing their own problems, what time will they have for others. Being self obsessed is one of the many flaws of this enneagram type and subtype. 

They Struggle With Fitting In

It is common for the Social fours to struggle with fitting in with many groups. One they are very introverted and spend a lot of time on their own. Only ever crossing social lines when they feel comfortable with their groups. 

This is where their passion comes in as they are willing to socialize, no matter how much or little due to their passionate side.

They Constantly Compare Themselves With Others 

Comparison can easily be a thief of joy. This subtype spends so much time comparing themselves to others, they hardly find time to love themselves. This can have a negative impact on their self esteem and make them feel depressed and unloved. 

This can be a problem as they see themselves unworthy and constantly envy people they think are better off.

They Are Very Expressive 

ES4s are very expressive individuals even though they are introverted. They enjoy expressing themselves the best way they know how. Considering they are also very self-aware and constantly thinking, it comes as no surprise. 

They try sometimes to understand their feelings and make sense of it.

Work For The Enneagram Social Four

Here is important work for the enneagram Social four to attain greater heights and general growth. 

  1. Having a positive mindset can single handedly change the way you view the world and in turn yourself. Everyone has their shortcomings often but it doesn’t have to define you. Understand you do not need to compare yourself to others as it isn’t fair to do so.
  2. Socializing isn’t always easy for you even when you do it because of your passion but it can be rewarding when done right. Remember to take a break snc recharge. 
  3. Stop dwelling on your sufferings and hoping it makes you more appealing to others. It does the exact opposite. Focusing only on problems makes you see only problems and blind to other things.
  4. Trying new things and learning new hobbies can be a way not to dwell in constant angst. Exercising, meditating and deep breathing can never go wrong.