What To Know About The INTP A


Who is the INTP-A and what makes them different and what are their strengths and weaknesses? INTPs are very cool and amazing personality types that you can’t help but be drawn in. They navigate life through the use of logic and intuition. 

The INTP is further divided into two parts which is the INTP-A and the INTP-T. In our last article, we discussed more on the turbulent INTP and now let’s take a dive at the assertive INTP.

Who Is The INTP-A? 

The assertive INTP is technically the opposite of the turbulent INTP. They have a more direct and straightforward approach to things and tend to do things when they want and how they want. This personality type is mostly the enneagram 5 as they tend to share various similarities. 

The assertive INTP fears having to rely on others to survive. In the population, INTPs generally make about 3% and the turbulent and the assertive takes about half each. This means they can be pretty rare to find. But how do you identify one? Let’s take a look at their strengths and weaknesses.

Strengths of The INTP-A 

Here are some unquestionable strengths of the INTP A

1. They Are Confident 

This personality type exudes impeccable and admirable confidence whatever they find themselves. They are confident in who they are and aren’t easily swayed by the crowd.

However to some people they can come off as arrogant but their confidence is a great motivation to them. It helps them overcome a lot of challenges.

2. They Are Independent 

The INTPs are very independent in nature and this becomes a lot more pronounced in the assertive INTP. They crave their independence and want to make their decisions themselves. 

This is for various factors such as the fear of being in need or being a burden to those around them. They want self sufficiency as it lets them be who they are without catering to others. This makes them very frugal in their spending.

3. They Are More Decisive 

Compared to the turbulent INTP, the assertive is a lot more decisive and confident in their abilities. It provides them with a lot more opportunities. 

With the presence of Ti and Ne, they also have very strong opinions and aren’t afraid to voice it out. So when someone is on their mind, they will be sure to make it known.

4. They Are Less Emotional 

The INTP are a lot less emotional and approach situations from a logical point of view. They aren’t exactly known for their sensitivity and that works just fine for them because they know just how much to express themselves without letting emotions override their judgment. 

The assertive INTP handles situations a lot better than other INTPd and will be the voice of reason when required.

Weaknesses of The INTP-A

What are the weaknesses of the INTP A you should know? 

1. They Come Off As Insensitive

The thing about being less emotional is that it can overstep into insensitivity. This personality type knows how to handle emotions but they also struggle to understand (and sometimes respect) these emotions. 

This eventually makes them come off as insensitive and can be a problem in their relationships, no matter the nature. Learning how to understand emotions is very crucial even when you aren’t an emotionally driven person.

2. They Are More Spontaneous 

When it comes to making decisions, these personality types are a lot more spontaneous in nature and sometimes they can be reckless in their decision making. They make decisions rather quickly which isn’t always a good thing.

This can be a reason for mistakes they make and it might not always end well.

3. They Don’t Take Advices 

The good thing about not talking just any advice is simply the fact you don’t get confused when it comes to decision making. But when you don’t take any form of advice or consultation from anyone, they can see things one dimensionally. 

It can be a weakness when you think you know everything because in some cases, you simply don’t.

Work For The INTP-A

Understanding people’s emotions is crucial for both personal and professional reasons. It can take you really far and also help maintain your relationships. It is important to know how to express yours as well.

It is important to know that taking advice from people doesn’t make you any less smart nor Indebted to them. Sometimes it’s good to have fresh eyes on an idea as long as you trust them enough to want the best for you.

Making spontaneous decisions always leaves the gap for critical thinking empty. You need to go over your plans to attain your full potential.

The INTP-A in Love And Relationships 

If you’re looking to date an INTP A or already doing so, here are very important things to remember.

  1. They crave meaningful and smart conversations with their partner. They want to be able to learn something, no matter how little. It is important for them to have their logic challenged but they always want to win. When they like you, things might be better. 
  2. The INTP A are blunt in nature and very opinionated. That will be a trait you are sure to notice. They can end up making blunt statements and can affect a pretty sensitive partner. It’s best to talk to them about this if it hurts you.
  3. If you want to date an INTP A, you must understand that they take growth and development very seriously. They do not in any way want to be stuck in a position for a long time with no progress in sight. They welcome change with open arms. 
  4. Taking your self development seriously makes them a lot more interested in you and they take theirs seriously as well. 
  5. This personality type struggles with expressing their emotions and tends to rely on logic to solve problems. However this doesn’t always seem like the best option. When it comes to understanding you, you have to give them time as long as you see their efforts. 
  6. They are willing to learn a lot when they are interested in someone. They might not be very emotional but they will be more understanding of yours. It can be hard at first, especially if they are dating a feeler, but not impossible.

These are important things to note about the INTP A. What do you think I missed? 


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