What To Expect With The INTP 9w8


Who is the INTP 9w8? The INTP is usually a type 4 or a type 5. This doesn’t mean they don’t get to be other enneagram too, no matter how rare it is. This article will give an insight on who the INTP 9w8 is, what makes them different and what makes them special.

If you’d like to know more about the INTP 9w8, then this article is for you. Let’s begin.

Who is The INTP 9w8?

The INTP 9w8 are introverted thinkers who want peace around them. They are considered reserved by others and seek out harmony in a time of conflict. This personality type doesn’t just think about their wants but try to get it. 

They are also in tune with people’s emotions which is something not particularly common with the typical INTP. The INTP 9w8 will like to be liked by others around them.

What Is The Core Desire & Fear of The INTP 9w8?

The INTP 9w8 cares the most about peace and harmony. They also care about their goals and achieving them. But this comes after they find favor in the eyes of those around them in order to avoid conflict. Making their core desire living in harmony.

The core fear of the INTP 9w8 is the absence of this harmony. They do not like being in a conflict or fight with close friends and family. It can be a stressor due to their fear of abandonment.

Differences Between The INTP 9w8 and The Typical INTPs 

Here are 5 differences between the INTP 9w8 and the typical INTP. 

1. Less Intense 

Despite the introverted nature of the INTPs, they don’t mind voicing out their views and opinions. They don’t mind stepping on toes with their thoughts and words. This becomes different when the 9w8 is involved.

They become a lot less intense and although the INTP 9w8 has their opinions, they tend to keep it to themselves. They aren’t really assertive in nature but a lot more turbulent.

The INTP 9w8 won’t see a reason to voice their opinions especially if it would disrupt their harmony.

2. More of Risk-Takers 

The INTP 9w8 will be more of risk-takers than the typical INTP who are more compulsive but less inclined to take risks. This is because of their fear for the unknown. 

The 9w8 on the other hand will take risks necessary to achieve their goal. This makes them more likely to succeed. They are a lot more ambitious than the typical INTP. With a strong wing, they can overcome their weaknesses:  procrastination and complacency.

3. Difficulty Making Decisions 

The INTP 9a8 will find it hard to make decisions which also applies to the typical INTP. If just becomes a lot more heightened in this case. It can be a challenge. Doesn’t matter if it’s a big or small decision. 

Making up their minds can be difficult because they fear not making the right decisions and do not want to offend anyone. Again their vore desire is maintaining harmony.

4. They Are Mediators 

Due to their enneagram type 9, they become mediators and peacemakers. This makes them more inclined to settle issues when their friends have a problem and  in a very diplomatic approach.

It is better to fix a problem than letting it ruin a relationship.

5. Less Insensitive 

Unlike the typical INTP that can be insensitive and overly logical, the 9w8 makes this personality type a lot more considerate. They are more in tune with their emotions and this can be from their fear of abandonment.

Therefore they have a more developed extroverted feeling function. Therefore coming off more emotional.

The INTP 9w8 At The Workplace 

When it comes to the working environment, there are some things that are much better for this personality. These things help them do better and not feel confined. They include:

  • Wanting peace and harmony in their workplace and amongst their colleagues.
  • Not an overly competitive environment full of hate and envy.
  • Wanting their work to have meaning and not be just for pay. They work better if they feel it’s for a just cause. It keeps them motivated.
  • They don’t do well with mundane routines and would appreciate a more fun and exciting workplace. It keeps their motivation alive. Anything else can make them less productive. 
  • They appreciate using their creative side and work best with it. When they have a chance to do this, they become unstoppable.

Some of the best careers includes:

  1. Psychologist 
  2. Writer 
  3. Architect 
  4. Lawyer 
  5. Economist
  6. Professor 
  7. Therapist 
  8. Counselor 
  9. Engineer 
  10. Financial analyst 

Fictional Characters that are INTP 9w8

  1. Garfield the Cat (Garfield)
  2. Brian Griffin (Family Guy)
  3. Patrick Star (SpongeBob SquarePants)
  4. Pascal (Tangled)
  5. Robin Buckley (Stranger Things)
  6. Kisuke Urahara (Bleach)
  7. Dr. Manhattan (DC Comics)
  8. Shikamaru Nara (Naruto Shippūden)