Who Is The Enneagram Social 6: A Guide


Who is the enneagram social 6 and what makes them so special? This enneagram subtype lives with the worry and fear of disapproval from figures of authority. Usually knowingly or unconsciously. Their primary concern is safety for all the world throws at them. They believe in having rules that tell them what to do and when to do it. Although they try to uphold rules and obey authority, it can be a problem since they might find it difficult to have a kind of their own.

The enneagram Social six is very worried about the future and how it affects them and those around them. So they think following the rules and people of authority can give them a clearer path on what to do.

This article lets you know more about the enneagram Social six and traits that are undeniable to them. Let’s take a look.

Who Exactly Is The Enneagram Social 6?

The enneagram Social six is a person who holds ideologies dear, making them very idealistic. They find comfort in following authorities and are more grounded than other sixes. Thus they tend to deal with fear and anxiety, making them gravitate towards rules and authority. They believe in being guided as making decisions on their own can be daunting, thereby lacking trust in themselves. 

The Enneagram Social six will view any rule by authority as the right thing to do and the best step to take. And when they get a disapproval from said authority, it can be a major stressor. This consciously or unconsciously affects how they think and act. They have very little trust for their own judgment and intuition. 

There are various traits that can help you identify if you have an enneagram social 6 or not. Here are a few you can’t miss.

Read: A Guide To The Enneagram Social Five

Traits of The Social Enneagram Six

They Are Good Team Players

It isn’t a surprise the enneagram social 6 will be a great team player as they follow the rules and wouldn’t disrupt a perfect flow. They enjoy working in teams too as it brings about security and curbs their fear of the unknown. Working in teams makes them explore more and become more confident in their abilities.

They Are Fiercely Loyal

The enneagram social 6 becomes fiercely loyal to their friends, family and figure heads they admire. They are one of the best people to have on your side if it is loyalty you seek amongst other things. They are loyal to norms, cultures and traditions and almost never deviate. Considering they are very devoted, it is no surprise they can also be very religious. 

They Are Warm & Approachable 

This subtype might go through their own fears and insecurities but this doesn’t change their welcoming nature. They tend to care deeply about those around them and this makes them easier to talk to. They can also be very kind and thoughtful while being protective and likable. In a room full of people, they can feel more like home.

They Are Good At Finances 

They are a type 6 which means they can harbor fear of losing their money and not knowing when next they’d have some more. This makes them more prudent in spending and managing their finances. They figure the best way to navigate this is by simply spending less and saving more. This makes them strategic and realistic.

They Struggle With Anxiety 

Considering they are a type 6, this enneagram subtype will struggle with anxiety and sometimes depression. Their fear of the unknown can do a number on them and lead to constant overthinking and worrying. They fear making mistakes and prefer being guided through processes. It is important to know they are quite intellectual and although they have their thinking patterns, they’d rather be put through it to avoid uncertainties. 

They Live A Scripted Life 

The ES6 lives a very scripted life and prefers routines to spontaneity. They spend so much time in their heads which keeps them out of touch with their own instincts and intuitions. Routines help keep them on track. They aren’t the best at socializing and are more reserved in social situations and other situations that require their input. 

They Can Be Very Self-Critical 

The ES6 can be overly critical of themselves and usually very aware of their flaws. However they tend to be impatient, controlling and even judgmental. They have more expectations from themselves compared to others around them. The ES6 can be very formal and cold to others and might be viewed as reserved and sometimes even unfriendly which they aren’t. 

They Struggle With Their Confidence 

Their struggle with their own confidence can be detrimental to their mental health and their constant fear can lead them to giving up or taking long breaks. They struggle continuously with doing their right thing and making the right decisions so much so that they lose themselves in it. In a bid to escape this, they have a telling defense mechanism which screams they have to always protect themselves from others.

Work For The Enneagram Social 6

Important work for the social 6 starts from overcoming their fear and finding a path to courage. Constantly thinking of what they must do can cloud their judgment but instead focusing on what they want to do can be a way to connect with their own instincts and intuition. Understanding that using the intellect you already possess can go a long way. 

It is important to note that always following the rules doesn’t make it the best thing to do but makes you less of yourself. It is okay to let your hair down and throw caution to the wind. And letting authorities think for you can stunt your own individuality. Sixes usually end up the way they are because of a parental figure that let them down and constantly tries to fill in that gap. You have to have the courage to understand that is not your job. 

Pursuing pleasure instead of duty can help you know more about yourself and eradicate so many weaknesses that plague you.