The Assertive Nature of  The ISTP 8w7


Who is the ISTP 8w7 and how are they different from the regular ISFPs? You would find this personality type very interesting. In this article, we discuss their strengths, weaknesses and work to be done. 

This personality type just wants one thing. To be in control and when they aren’t, it can be a stressor to them. They are very independent and want to have a large (or complete) control of their lives. This can leave them with good or bad decisions. What do they fear? Being controlled and depending on others. No matter what. 

But is this mbti and enneagram mix different? Let’s find out.

Read: The Top ISTP Traits You Should Know

What Makes The ISTP 8w7 Different From The Typical ISTP? 

ISTPs are introverted and calm in nature. This personality type doesn’t let their feelings control them but instead, logic. This also increases their efficiency and makes them committed to whatever they are working on. They also have a very independent way of life. Just like many introverts out there, they shy away from leading except it is absolutely necessary.

It is important to note that the ISTP is a sensor and that means they go by the rules instead of their own intuition. But does the 8w7 affect that? Yes. That’s one thing that distinguishes them. The 8w7 makes the ISTP more assertive than their counterparts. They don’t shy away from leading and do it really well. 

The ISTP 8w7 are obviously still introverts who value their environments but instead of shying away, they want complete control and their wing helps with that. They become more outgoing with goals they strive to attain. This also brings about a pragmatic side to them. The ISTP is a blend of both worlds. 

But just like every other personality type out there, they have their strengths and weaknesses they need to work on. Let’s have a look.

Strengths of The ISTP 8w7

They Are Assertive

This is what makes them the ISTP 8w7. Their assertiveness. They aren’t shy or timid but outspoken instead. Although they maintain their introversion, it doesn’t take anything to speak up when necessary. The typical ISTP is more reserved and would avoid having to be in the spotlight. The 8w7 changes that. 

They Are Pragmatic 

The ISFP 8w7 prefers dealing with things practically rather than theoretically. This makes them more realistic than their counterparts. They also have a creative side which isn’t always the case with a typical ISFP.  They eventually have different hobbies, goals and career paths.

They Are More Goal Oriented 

This comes as no surprise as they are extremely determined. They aren’t scared of obstacles because they know it’s bound to happen but instead prepare for it. When they set a goal, they  make sure they attain it. So if you ever doubt them, that could be a big mistake. 

They Are Incredibly Disciplined

Discipline takes you really far and they know this. With discipline, they know that they can do almost everything and anything they set their mind to do. This includes bringing their ideas to life and straining certain goals. If you ever need a reliable partner, an ISTP 8w7 is that person. 

Weaknesses of The ISTP 8w7

They End Up Being Controlling 

Sadly this is a weakness of the ISTP 8w7. Remember they desire being in control and sometimes don’t know when they slip into being controlling. Most people can overlook it because of how effective they are as leaders but ultimately it can lead to more problems.

The Anger Triad 

As mentioned in previous articles, the type 8 is part of the anger triad and their anger plays a role in most of their problems. They can choose to suppress this anger because of their introverted nature but most times it can be more explosive and confrontational. It can end up making people around them scared of them.

They Can Be Workaholics 

Their strengths involve discipline and their goal oriented approach to work. But this can eventually make them workaholics with terrible work life balance. This eventually begins to affect the relationship they have with their family. And sometimes they have nothing else to offer or talk about but work. That gets old fast

They Have An Impetuous Nature 

The ISTP 8w7 will be known for their spontaneity because of the type 7 present. If this ring is strong, it could be a lot worse. They make impulsive decisions sometimes without properly going through the details,l. And this usually comes back to haunt them later. It could be in either their finance, business or personal lives. Since they are also a type 8, they aren’t completely irredeemable.

Work For The ISTP 8w7

Here are important tips that can help the ISTP 8w7 overcome some negative traits.

  • Working on your anger is very important if you do not want to chase people away from you. What is the point leading people who don’t respect you but just fear you? You wouldn’t get the best out of the situation. 
  • Your family isn’t an afterthought, creating time for them is very crucial if you want it to blossom.
  • A work life balance is non negotiable. It gives you the opportunity to learn more things outside work so you aren’t considered  boring. 
  • Being in control and being controlling are different things. One speaks highly of you while the other makes people dislike you. Of course there’s more to life than people liking you too. Finding a balance is how to go about this.