The Intimidating  ISFJ 9w8: What To Know


What makes the ISFJ 9w8 different from the typical ISFJ? What are their strengths and weaknesses, what makes them thrive and what are their shortcomings? This article gives a lot more insight about that.

Who is the ISFJ? The ISFJ is one of the 16 personality types of the MBTI and one of the 8 introverted ones. It stands for introvert, sensing, feeling and Judging. This personality type is known for their loving and caring nature. But does the 9w8 change them? Let’s find out how they differ. 

How Does The ISFJ 9w8 Differ From The Typical ISFJ?

They share a lot of similarities. Well they are ISFJs after all. The ISFJ 9w8 is just a blend of their mbti and their enneagram. This means although they might share many similarities, they also have their differences. 

They are known for their niceness and are loved by those around them. They love taking care of others and are nurturers. These are all good traits but this means they can also be people pleasers which is never a good thing. Why? Because boundaries are lost.

The ISFJ would put others before themselves and place themselves last. The ISFJ 9w8 also shares this similarity but the difference comes with their boundaries. Their enneagram type helps them set clear and precise boundaries and would not be pushed over. They are also more prone to anger due to the anger triad. 

This personality type will go all out for their loved ones and although they already seem scary, it is important to note their easy going nature. They just do not want to be taken advantage of or they will react.

The typical ISFJ follows the rules but this ISFJ doesn’t mind bending it a little bit. Especially when they are faced with the opportunity. They are less traditional and more likely to be resentful  towards people who do them wrong.

Let’s take a look at their strengths and weaknesses.

Incredible Strengths of The ISFJ 9w8

1. They Know How To Set Healthy Boundaries 

This is something the typical ISFJ lacks. Setting boundaries can be difficult for anyone but not this personality type. They know what to do and when to do it. This also applies to their work life balance and they try to maintain it. 

The ISFJ 9w8 is nice but not too nice. They don’t want to be pushed around so they avoid that. People might say they are intimidating. Also hard workers but know when to take a break.

2. They Are Territorial 

Yet another reason they can be intimidating is because of their protective and territorial nature. This is because of their wing is. The type 8 can be fiercely protective of what they consider theirs.

They do not want their loved ones hurt in any way or it can drive them crazy. 

3. They Are Friendly 

That’s right. They are very friendly and lovable. Only bringing out the other side of them if they sense they are going to be pushed over or hurt. They always want to maintain their inner peace and harmony and wouldn’t want anything disrupting that.

Their lovable nature is also what draws people to them. No matter how intimidating they can get. You just want to be on their good side.

4. They Hate Conflict 

How does a person who can be intimidating detest conflict? Simple. They don’t want anything disrupting their inner peace. And considering they are a type 9, they become good negotiators too.

Weaknesses of The ISFJ 9w8

1. They Run Away From Making Decisions

This is due to their type 9 which makes it difficult to make decisions. They are more spontaneous and when it comes to making up their mind, they can get a little scared. This is because they fear making the wrong one and so would ponder for a really long time or just run away from it.

2. They Hide Their Feelings 

When an ISFJ 9w8 is mad at you, there are very few telling signs. They keep it to themselves and this eventually builds into resentment. You could be the babe of their existence and you might not know until much later.

3. The Anger Triad 

They are a type 9 and a type 8 which are both in the anger triad. So as they suppress their emotions, it doesn’t mean they do not have it. The type 8’s go to would be confrontation but the type 9 would like avoid and so press it. But this just builds up into something worse. 

4. They Find It Difficult Expressing Themselves 

The ISFJ 9w8 from all indications are pretty intense with their emotions. Whether they are facing it or running away from it. But they struggle with expressing it and that’s why they try to detach from it. This can be frustrating to those around them as it makes it difficult to work on a relationship.

Work For The ISFJ 9w8

Here’s some important work for the ISFJ 9w8 to be better

  • Expressing your emotions may be difficult but how do you grow and learn if you don’t. It can also be frustrating for those who mean well.
  • Resentment can be a terrible feeling so facing your anger head on is one way to avoid getting there.
  • You can’t run away from decisions forever. Sooner or later you have no choice but to step up or you have more things to worry about. 
  • Express your emotions as you feel it. Especially anger. It helps you move on faster. You will be glad you did.