12 Simple Ways To Make An Introvert Happy


What are some simple ways to make an introvert happy? As an introvert, I can tell you for free that navigating life can be challenging sometimes because we can be easily misunderstood. Introverts find it a little more difficult to socialize and sometimes they just want to keep quiet. It could be either because they don’t feel like it or they are overstimulated.

This usually doesn’t come off pleasant to other people. So when people around us make an effort to be understanding, it means the world. Although a large percentage of the world population is introverted, they take the background more often than not. Or think they have to be extroverted or pretend to be, in order to thrive at school, work, church and so on.

One thing you should know, introverts hate noise. They also hate fast-paced environments but sadly, that’s what the world is and so we struggle to make it through the day till we get home to our own solitude. 

But we must also remember that being an introvert is intriguing In it’s own way. We find niche ways to make life interesting and worth living and the introverts in your life will be more than happy to know you make the effort to make them happier.

Here are 12 ways to make an introvert happy 

1. Give Them Their Space 

Introverts love their space. It’s an area where they feel they can be completely and 100% who they are. Without feeling they have to change or pretend to fit into a standard. They need their personal space to reflect on their lives, recharge, engage in their hobbies, etc. so if you’re wondering how to make an introvert happy, give them space.

2. Give Them Attention 

I know this can be contradictory. How do you give an introvert space while giving them attention? Introverts love their space no doubt but they appreciate attention from people they love. It doesn’t have to be overwhelming. Just enough for them to know you’re right there and they can count on you. 

3. Let Them Speak 

Although this doesn’t apply to all introverts, introverts do not always enjoy talking so when they do and they are shut down, they decide never to again. So please listen to your introvert friend, sibling or partner. Do not shut them down because this in turn shuts them out.

4. Let Them Listen 

Let me explain this to you in simple terms. The Introvert’s superpower is listening. So don’t tell them to talk when they obviously would rather listen to you talk and chip in when necessary. They believe in observing their surroundings and situations and this applies to conversations. Never ask them the dreaded question “why are you so quiet?” They hate that.

5. Invite Them To Things (they might not show up but still…) 

When you invite an introvert to an event, do not expect them to come but invite them anyway. The logic is simple. Introverts appreciate being invited but they may weigh the options of attending. If they don’t, it could be from fear of being overstimulated or just requiring time to recharge. Be more understanding.

6. But Make They Attend Often 

Again this might be confusing but helping your introverted friends experience new things is very important. Introverts can be stuck in their shell and might want to remain in their comfort zone. So trying to bring them out once in a while and helping them experience new things is very key.

7. Do Not Look Down On Their Hobbies 

Introverts hold their hobbies so dear to their hearts. When you look down on it, you make them feel defensive or sad. So try being interested in them once in a while. They also enjoy talking about it. You never know how happy it can make them. 

8. Respect Their Alone Time

Introverts NEED their alone time. No it doesn’t mean we hate you or we can’t stand you. We simply need to recharge and be at our best or we get irritable and angry. A well rested introvert with alone time can be an absolute Angel. Anything else might be the complete opposite.

9. Think Twice Before Calling 

As someone who doesn’t even know what my ringtone sounds like, I can tell you most introverts would prefer a text. Only call them in an absolute emergency or if they want you to. Introverts get overstimulated easily and calls trigger that. Asking before calling is also one of the best ways to make an introvert happy.

10. Enjoy Silence With Them 

You do not have to worry about awkward silence when an introvert is involved. They enjoy silence and it’ll be nice if you did too. You can engage in your activity and let them engage in theirs. And that way you can spend time with each other while being in your own worlds. You can also engage in shared activities like reading or watching a movie together.

11. Give Them Notice Before Anything

It’s one thing inviting an introvert and it’s another giving them notice in advance. When you do this, it shows you respect them and they may end up just showing up. You never know.

12. Do NOT Try To Change Them

You should never try to change your introverted friends and family. Learn to accept them for who they are. They don’t try to make you more introverted so please do not try to make them extroverted. Of course just like everyone else, they may drive you crazy occasionally but isn’t that fun? 

Thes are sure and simple ways to make an introvert happy.