Are INTJs Villains? 3 Most Popular Misconception


Are INTJs Villains? If you’ve come across movies where character MBTIs are mentioned, it is without doubt you notice the INTJs are usually portrayed as villains or with malicious intent at the very least. When you see a villain on screen, it is quite easy to associate them with being INTJs. How true is this?

The INTJ is one of the 16 personality types of the Myers-Briggs type indicators. This personality type stands for Introversion, Intuition, Thinking and Judging. The INTJ is known to be one of the most introverted personality types which comes off as cold and detached. Unlike any other type of personality type, they enjoy their company and could go a long time with social interaction. But are INTJs villains?

Because of these false narratives and other accompanying factors, various misconceptions about the INTJ have come to play. However, what is true and what isn’t? Movies depict certain exaggerated characteristics but it’s more than that.

This goes beyond movies and this could be due to the three most general misconceptions about the INTJ personality type. That we are emotionless, anti social and egocentric. How true are any of these? This article will help explain better.

1. They Are Emotionless

Being an INTJ, you can come across as emotionless when in reality, you’re just more logical. INTJs feel a vast number of emotions. We get sad too, we even cry but we also understand it’s normal and try not to let it come between us and achieving a goal.

Our Intuition and Thinking factors help us become more rational so we don’t make mistakes and it aids us with our long-term planning. We are overly analytical and that also applies to emotions. But unlike the cold-hearted portrayal we tend to get, we are anything but that.

Another thing you probably didn’t know about INTJs is that they feel emotions intensely. We understand that we are humans and we have feelings but instead of letting it take the driver’s seat, we leave that for our logic and take our emotions to the back. Movies tend to portray INTJs are cold hearted and not compassionate.

2. They Are Anti-Social

It’s quiet a common misconception that introverts are antisocial but this isn’t true. Growing up an introvert, chances are you’ve come across this at least once in your life. Our introversion is usually categorized as being rude and having complete hatred for other people.

It is important to know that introverts do not hate people and are not anti social. Many times, I see people use these terms interchangeably but that’s completely wrong. Introversion is a personality trait while antisocial personality disorder is a mental health problem.

INTJs are very much introverted and not the later. We get our energy from being alone. It helps us stay sane. Constantly communicating with people burns the INTJ out but it doesn’t mean we hate peoples. When antisocial characters in movies are labeled INTJs, it is completely inaccurate.

3. They Are Egocentric

The INTJ lives for accomplishing difficult challenges and tasks. We are natural problem solvers and don’t rest till we find a solution for something. Sometimes we believe if we don’t do it, it isn’t exactly done properly but this doesn’t mean we are egocentric.

Another thing you should know about the INTJ is their feeling of not being enough no matter what they do. This isn’t usually for the acceptance of people on the outside but satisfaction they can feel from the inside.

Are INTJs Villains? Most villains are portrayed as egocentric and narcissistic and usually labeled INTJs but in reality, we are just achievers and we are goal oriented. These popular misconceptions about the INTJ explains why we tend to fit into those roles.

What other misconception do you know of? Let me know below.