What A Bubbly Personality Is Like For An Introvert


What’s does a Bubbly personality entail? Having a bubbly personality is like a light at the end of the tunnel for a lot of people. If you’re someone who enjoys having a good laugh, a good time, and generally talking to people, this could just be you.

People with bubbly personalities are usually upbeat and are also known to be quite the optimists. Most times a bubbly personality is usually attached to extroverted people. But did you know introverts have their own version of bubbly personalities?

It’s important to remember that introverts aren’t necessarily shy. Plus they aren’t antisocial. They are however, selectively social and could be just as animated and lively to their selected group.

Introverts too can be fun to be around and quite talkative when it’s something they are interested in. Different people, different personality types and certain differences. Putting everyone into one box is far from what I’m trying to do.

What Are Bubbly People Like?

People are who bubbly tend to be chirpy and involved in conversations with a lot of people. They are usually seen as immature and although this isn’t true, they come off as childlike. It is important to remember the difference between childish and childlike before proceeding further.

Bubbly people are usually categorized as extroverts but this is incorrect. A common misconception as people like this can be introverts, extroverts or Ambiverts. It doesn’t matter what personality type they fall under, rather it just depends on the person.

Introverts around the social circle they feel completely comfortable with can easily be mistaken for extroverts. That’s because they are at ease and have recharged from previous social activities. They do this by spending time alone, thinking, scheming or just doing their thing. They too can possess bubbly personalities.

Introverts know how to have fun, be creative and interesting just as much as extroverts. They are just very selective on people who get to see them like that. So, if you’re an introvert with a bubbly personality, this is for you.

Signs of a Bubbly Personality

Here are a few signs you have a bubbly personality.

You Get Really Excited About Things

You’ve heard from people around you that you can get pretty excited about things. Especially things that excite you and you aren’t afraid to express it. When you talk about these things you get a form of energy second to none. And most times these are things people tend to overlook.

As an introvert, people tend to wonder if you’re really the one due to common misconceptions. You can go on and on about things you like and even get people interested. Introverts are very knowledgeable about a number of things since they spend a lot of time alone.

As an introvert, when you start talking about things that excite you, you become the center of attraction. All eyes are on you, out of curiosity, interest, you name it. You couldn’t be happier to get people in on what goes on in your head. At that very moment, you run the show.

You Come Off As Optimistic

Optimism and pure happiness are used to describe you. People you barely know you would think you never have a sad moment. Sometimes people might think it’s all an act to cover up the sadness you’ve decided to lock in but that isn’t the case.

The thing is, you do have your sad moments but you just don’t let it get the best of you. You offer a smile when you meet someone and you’re not one to give a cold shoulder. First meetings with you are usually pleasant. When you tell people you’re introverted, they go “impossible”.

You have this flame of joy that doesn’t die out. It’s just how it is. It helps you out when you’re sad, alone, and with people. As you know introverts get their strength from being alone. No one really questions what goes on behind closed doors.  Your bubbly personality comes to life even when you’re alone.

You Come Off As Childlike

Children have this pure innocence to them and you remind them of that. Unfortunately children are thought to not being as smart as adults which is false. So people usually think you’re not as smart either. But boy are they wrong. And you completely hate that.

It’s completely okay to despise that classification as more people need to be educated from their ignorance and complete bias. You’re probably smarter than that think you are. There’s a lot more to you. And just because you have a bubbly personality does not make you dumb.

The good news is that you don’t let this get you. You’re back up with your bubbly personality because in the end that’s who you are.

You Are Criticized For Impersonating

The thing about people an introvert with a bubbly personality is that people think you’re impersonating. Maybe you’re not really an introvert and you just say that. Or maybe you’re not truly bubbly and you’re just pretending to be.

 But here’s the thing, introversion and extroversion are two ends of a spectrum. Anything can fall in between. There are differences even in the introvert kingdom. Some introverts can’t stand people with bubbly personalities as they seem like people pleasers.

However some introverts Posses as bubbly personality around their own circle. So there’s you being criticized by both worlds. It’s okay to own up to who you are. You can completely function better being alone, while having a bubbly personality when you’re around your people.

You Make People Laugh

People always know they are going to get a good laugh when you’re around. You’ve heard from people around you that you make them laugh. One reason they always want to get you to talk.

It could be from the things you’ve say or maybe your one liners. People are just drawn to you because at that very moment you make them forget how they truly feel. Who wouldn’t be attracted to a source of happiness?

Again they could be laughing at your clumsiness or something you blurted out unintentionally but who’s checking? People appreciate a good humor and if there’s one thing about you is that you do too.

You Might Be An Introvert But You’re Outgoing

Yes that’s absolutely right. Again introverts aren’t mean and grouchy. They don’t live in a dark castle, avoiding the sunlight (even if that’s cool). They can be outgoing when they want to. And people with bubbly personalities can attest to this.

You don’t mind striking meaningful conversations with people. You might not be the best at small talk but once you’re engaged in something you like, then you’re going to be on fire.

People find it incredibly easy to talk to you because you make them feel completely at ease. Another superpower of yours. There’s no greater person than someone others can comfortably lay their guard down to.

You Chase After Your Goals

Again there’s more to a person with a bubbly personality than meets the eye. People with this kind of personality have their goals and aspirations just like the rest of the world. And they aren’t afraid to go after it.

They have high aspirations and put in time and effort in them. They can also be risk takers and aspire to succeed as much as they can. This could lead to impulsive actions sometimes but not always. They just have the energy and drive to match their goals and aspirations.

People forget that part of bubbly people. They are more than the person who makes you laugh and is easy to talk to.

Bubbly Personality: Introvert Vs Extroverts

Bubbly people do not necessarily have to be introverts. They may display some common characteristics but it’s all a common misconception. So extroverted friend can have a bubbly personality and your introverted friend as well.

Having a bubbly personality for introverts can be difficult because they are usually private and quiet. So it comes off as completely awkward or surprising to people when they see this play out. But an introvert with their circle can be just about anything they want to be.

It can often be draining for them at the end of the day. If you’re an introvert with a bubbly personality, here are a few things to consider.

  • Take a break from people that bring out this side of you from time to time. It is important to recharge to prevent yourself from draining out.
  • Take a deep breath before you unleash the bubbly part of you. You can’t help who you are, but you can ensure it isn’t the end of you.
  • Take a break from being the person everyone comes to for a good laugh. Sometimes sit back and let someone else make you laugh.
  • Take your time to evaluate your words so you don’t have to regret saying things you did when analyzing. You know that time would definitely come.

So what do you think? Are you an introvert with a bubbly personality?