What To Know About The ISFJ With ADHD


This article lets you in on how the ISFJ with ADHD navigates life and how they go about their daily activities.

I personally enjoy the conversations surrounding adhd especially with how it influences your personality type and Vice versa. With this article, I hope the ISFJ with adhd understands themselves better and how to navigate life with it.

This is because the ISFJ is known to be a very structured and organized personality type. Both in their workplace, relationships and communities. They are also known to be committed to their passions while still following rules and ideals of society. 

The ISFJ has so many amazing qualities. They are trustworthy people you can absolutely rely on. They hold their friends and family close and would be down to carry out a task if necessary. One thing about the ISFJ is that they would take good care of those they love.

One contagious thing about the ISFJ is their optimism. Something that can be attested to by everyone around then. They are fun and easy going. And although they conform to society and follow a rule book, they know to focus on what they want and don’t rest till it’s done. 

For ISFJs with ADHD, it can be a long and frustrating road. They crave being reliable and when they struggle with focusing on this, it can be a stressor. 

Let’s find out what the signs are for an ISFJ with ADHD.

Signs of An ISFJ With ADHD You Can’t Miss 

For ISFJs or those around them, it is not uncommon to notice these signs. 

  1. The ISFJs with ADHD would find focusing extremely hard. Focusing on small or big tasks can seem daunting and would take longer than it would the average person. 
  2. Completing their tasks can take longer than intended. This means they can be late to turning in their assignments. They can be known for almost never meeting deadlines.
  3. Thus this makes them overly critical of themselves and their work. Due to their need for structure, when they aren’t organized, it can be a major stressor.
  4. They do not just fail to meet deadlines but can forget an errand they should be on. They focus on things such as dates, birthdays etc.
  5. The ISFJ’s patient nature can be thrown out the window due to this stressor and can leave them struggling with anxiety and even depression as they can feel far behind and/or incompetent. 

How An ISFJ With ADHD Manage This

Coping with adhd isn’t easy for anyone but with the right changes and adjustments, it can be a lot easier. Here are five amazing ways you can manage this. 

1. Make A List 

My first advice to anyone trying to manage their ADHD/ADD is to get a to-do list. They keep you on track most times. The challenge mostly comes from remembering to go through it but practice makes perfect. 

Do not overthink what happens if you don’t complete your tasks. Just pick up wherever you left off. This can be a great way to curb anxiety. 

2. Find Your Own Controlled Distraction 

Everyone has a creative way to focus no matter how little. Finding what yours is can help a great deal. It could be journaling, singing, dancing etc. a great way to keep your mind from wandering off and having full control. 

Do not limit yourself. I always suggest having a controlled distraction instead of being too hard on yourself. 

3. Consider An Accountability Partner 

An accountability partner is one way to achieve your set goals. If you find it hard to focus, someone else can be there to remind you. This also reduces the pressure you get from underperforming or not meeting deadlines. 

Your accountability partner should be someone who cares about you or the situation enough to navigate you to the right direction. 

4. Let People In On It 

Sometimes people can find it hard to understand why you act “strange” and one way to help is to let them know. Especially those that are close to you and won’t just pity you without help. When people understand you, they can process the situation better.

5. Consider Seeing A Doctor 

In a severe situation where you feel the above method can’t help, seeking help from a healthcare practitioner should be your next best bet. They can guide you better after properly examining the situation.