SX/SP Instinctual Enneagram Subtype- A Guide


What is the SX/SP instinctual subtype? What do you know about  subtypes? As mentioned in a previous article, there’s a lot more to the enneagram and this subtypes helps you understand them a lot better. 

Subtypes influence our priorities and reactions to certain events. Knowing your subtype is never a bad idea. If you are an SX/SP, then this article is for you. 

But before we get into that, what are the subtypes and their stacking s? 

What Are The 3 Subtypes? 

Instinctual enneagram  subtypes  helps to understand a person better. There are a total of 3 which are: 

  • Social (SO)
  • Sexual (SX) 
  • Self Preservation (SP) 

These subtypes are further divided into 6 categories which shows both the dominant and secondary type which leaves the third  as the blind spot. The blind spot isn’t a critical factor in their personality but it isn’t completely eradicated. There are a total of 6 stackings which are. 

For the sake of this article, we will be focused on the SX/SP. With this subtype, a person is more concerned about their relationships first and their essential needs second. They aren’t really the best at community development neither are they very social.

SX means a person is more concerned about their relationships (love, dating, marriage etc) and with this being the dominant, it would be what drives them the most. Their secondary subtype is Self Preservation (SP) which means they tend to put emphasis on their essential needs. 

Here are signs this is you.

Top Signs You Work With An SX/SP Instinctual Subtype 

1. You Don’t Like Being Stuck In A Place 

Being stuck in one place can be a stressor to people with the SX/SP subtype. Especially a place they do not like. This is more than just a situation. It could be a place, a relationship or even as ‘little’ as a party.

When you feel this way, it can be a lot harder to function except you absolutely have to. 

2. You Are Caught Between Two Extremes 

It is common to feel like you need absolute quiet and also feel the need to connect to people on a deeper level. The SX subtype enjoys connecting with people and although it’s not as pronounced as the SO, it is evident.

The SP subtype can be categorized as introverted. They enjoy their own company and only socialize when they need to.

3. You Go Through Frequent Burnouts 

Burnouts can be very draining for anyone. Physically, mentally and emotionally. This is especially for the SX/SP.  They try their best to navigate it as much as possible which they handle well because of their need for extremes.

The SP subtype plays a huge role helping by needing alone time to recharge.

4. You Are Intrigued By Philosophy 

The concept of life, death, love, hate and so many philosophies of the world truly intrigues you. You can be found trying to know more. Why things happen and feel the way they do. This is mostly from your SX subtype.

5. You Love Your Freedom 

The SX/SP absolutely enjoys their freedom and won’t have it any other way. This is one reason they do nights like being stuck in one place and enjoy the idea of philosophy.

Which do you relate to the most? Let me know.